New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Point blank
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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Point blank »

Wasn't our boys it was a 3 kids that played against us Saturday and we didn't find out until this morning. Trust me when I say coach Cox doesn't wanna be down right now.

Point blank
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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Point blank »

Each district has their own policies ours unfortunately shut us down

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Ironman92 »

Point blank wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:19 pm Wasn't our boys it was a 3 kids that played against us Saturday and we didn't find out until this morning. Trust me when I say coach Cox doesn't wanna be down right now.
Why would it go back to Saturday? How could they test before Tues evening and not know until Wednesday….and if tested positive on Tuesday it wouldn’t go back to Saturday? If they tested on Monday and it went back to Saturday, why didn’t that school let you guys know before Tuesday’s game?

Not blaming you guys, timing sounds off.

Point blank
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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Point blank »

We wondered the same thing and trust me when I say it's wasn't done by our team, coach or boys.

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by BillyBob21 »

Point blank wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:55 pm Take it up with our school board at the next meeting. They shut us down not anyone else
Why did the girls play and why isn’t the school shut down if you all have a “Covid Outbreak”

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Ironman92 »

Point blank wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:32 pm We wondered the same thing and trust me when I say it's wasn't done by our team, coach or boys.
So the board got nervous or Peebles was very delayed in relaying the info.

Point blank
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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Point blank »

Are you just not reading it or just not understanding it's not us it's a team we played Saturday and they just informed us today, has nothing to do with anyone from NB or is there an outbreak. We didn't just make it up or say hey let's all show up to school today with 0 kids absent and have practice at 230pm to find out at 2pm that the kids were being sent home and that practice for all boys basketball was called off. Not anything we did as our hands were tied. We wanted to carry our momentum into Friday.

Point blank
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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Point blank »

Yes I would say delayed is the answer with our board having these policies in place for a year or more now

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Hoopie74 »

Ironman92 wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:42 pm
Point blank wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:32 pm We wondered the same thing and trust me when I say it's wasn't done by our team, coach or boys.
So the board got nervous or Peebles was very delayed in relaying the info.
Peebles had no games this week till Friday. They probably just tested cause they weren't playing till Friday. They just had to tell the schools that they played in the last week. That was Fayetteville and New Boston at New Boston. All were masked as per rules. I'm sure Josh was planning on carrying on carrying momentum into Friday as well.

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Ironman92 »

Could’ve also been they tested on Monday and results were delayed at hospital and they didn’t know before Tuesday’s game (NB’s game)

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Leviticus »

So if nobody from New Boston has Covid why is the game cancelled? The game should go on, if a player from NB shows symptoms or test positive keep him home let everyone else play. This shutting down because someone has covid or was exposed has to stop, life must go on. Back in the old days (2years ago) when a kid got sick he/she stayed home and everyone else still went to school and played, nothing got cancelled.

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by baseball16 »

Leviticus wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:15 am So if nobody from New Boston has Covid why is the game cancelled? The game should go on, if a player from NB shows symptoms or test positive keep him home let everyone else play. This shutting down because someone has covid or was exposed has to stop, life must go on. Back in the old days (2years ago) when a kid got sick he/she stayed home and everyone else still went to school and played, nothing got cancelled.

Exactly. Covid itself is a Virus that has done major damage to the Elderly and those with underlying conditions such as obesity and diabetes! However it has not affected the younger generation. Yes, they get it, but usually asymptomatic and a sore throat. Quarantining, which has let up some, has the most profound affect on this virus. Agree, if you are not feeling well sit out and allow everyone else to live their life! Cancelling of games because of exposure from another group 5 days ago needs to stop!

Point blank
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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Point blank »

How would you feel if your a NB kid who has midterms today and tomorrow and just came off your biggest win all year and find out because of 3 kids we played against your shut down?!?

Riding the Bench
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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Leviticus »

Point blank wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am How would you feel if your a NB kid who has midterms today and tomorrow and just came off your biggest win all year and find out because of 3 kids we played against your shut down?!?
If they can go to school today & tomorrow and take midterms why can’t they play basketball?🤔

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Hiddengem »

The boys basketball players are not allowed on school grounds per email from the school.

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by a_c_m »

The Tigers basketball team did not ask to be put in this situation. I am sure they wanted to play the game with Notre Dame coming off of a high with the win over Western.

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by Ironman92 »

Point blank wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am How would you feel if your a NB kid who has midterms today and tomorrow and just came off your biggest win all year and find out because of 3 kids we played against your shut down?!?
Last year vs Chillicothe my son played in the final 2 min of the varsity game. At the 1 min mark Chilly subbed in their bottom 5. During that last minute the Chilly kid with the ball drove towards the basket and his forearm grazed my son's jersey around abdomen height….another Jackson player touched his arm. My son and the other player were quarantined from everything from that…..the other kids who handled the same ball he did were not. No one loves school more than my kid. He was quarantined 4x last year and he wore his mask more than anyone.

Agree to stop taking away from the healthy. Hopefully none of the NB kids have it and those that do don’t have bad symptoms.

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by baseball16 »

Covid 2020 to Covid 2021 should be treated separately. We now have Vaccines, Immunity, and Therapeutics to help with this Virus. Quarantining people for possibly being exposed is not the answer. Protect the Vulnerable and Move on! Allow the others to live their lives!! Scared then stay home. Wear masks and keep living!

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by a_c_m »

a_c_m wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 7:02 am
a_c_m wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 9:34 pm New Boston Glenwood 47
Western 42
The Western Indians came into the Den undefeated at 8-0 with a 3-0 mark in the SOC1. The Indians led after one at 13-7, at the half 25-19, and after three it was 36-28. The Tigers, down by 8, rallied and outscored the Indians 19-6 to pull out the important SOC1 victory.

The JV Tigers also won last evening 36-30. The game was close the whole way with the Tigers up 7-4 after one, tied at 13 at the half, Tigers 28-24 after three and the final 36-30.

New Boston is now in a four way tie for first place in league play with Western, Notre Dame and Symmes Valley with 3-1 marks.

The Tigers host the Notre Dame Titans 3-3, 3-1 on Friday 12/17. Western goes to Symmes Valley 4-1, 3-1 to play the Vikings 12/17. Notre Dame won over East 75-45. Symmes Valley defeated Green 66-60.
Scoring for the Tigers: Grady Jackson 21, Beaslely 11, Rivers 8, Voiers 3, Allard and Dalton Jackson 2 each.

Scoring for the Indians: Whitt 18, Miller 8, Carter 7, Haggy 5, Janes and Myers 2 each.

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Re: New Boston Glenwood Tigers 2021-2022

Post by biggdowgg »

Doesn't matter if they are sick or not have to follow school policies when anyone comes in contact.

I look for schools to maybe start changing some policies maybe not?

Its pretty much out of the coaches hands

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