Sad isn't Bro?! I use to think the superintendent was ok. But now I know all he cares about it finishing his PhD and passing a levy so he can get a job at the Ohio Department of Education (heard this from MANY people).
I believe the levy will go down even worse this time, for these reasons:
*Cut teaching jobs then created 3-4 administrative positions.
*Football coach (enough said)
*No basketball coach yet, although very qualified people applied. Th'ey've had almost two months to hire!
*High School principal-has been suspended twice (you look up why) and was just given another contract.
*Lack of transparency- Post board agenda months after meetings. When asked the super why, he said "we are not required to post the agendas, we do it as a courtesy...and and the BOE miuntes from prei vious month aren't approved." How about a "tentative agenda without the mintues?"
*Treasurer goes around town bragging that he is "basically assistant superintendent" (the state code separate these two positions for a reason.
*Hired an Assistant Principal/AD that had NO experience over candidates with years experience in both areas.
*Nepotism-Husband and wife team are coordinators/directors in central office. An assistant principal was hired (who wasn't certified when hired) that is related to Big M. Did he vote or abstain...hmmmm
Because of all this, I recently sold my home of 30+ years and moved out of Belpre