I can only speak directly for myself & 6-7 others around the usa who are IronTon Alum, ALL WATCHING, & ALL PRO GRID IRON CLASSIC.THEEE_GAME wrote: Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:27 pm I noticed leading up to this event, many Ironton fans almost acting angry that other schools were part of this event saying things like "i refuse to go to anything but our game" and seemingly begrudging the bigger picture of what the event is and what an incredible opportunity it represents for the community as well as for the school. I seen some also angry that some of the other programs are private/catholic and it reminded me of the days as a child, hearing adults from Ironton repeat catholic slurs about St Joe. At any rate, I'm gonna avoid going on any further of a rant about that, but I just find it so incredibly unfortunate when a small town and region with such limited opportunity works hard to create such huge opportunity, only for that growth to be begrudged by their own community members in some cases for seemingly no or very weird reasons. And then in many instances, it is the exact same people who will say "we have nothing here" in the same breath. I just find it so unfortunate and very dissapointing. That said, I know the large majority of the community supports the event and any closed minded negativity is not coming from the youth. Great event. Also very happy to hear there are plans for this to be an annual event.
One of the most rewarding aspects of time is, it helps to gradually diminish any old negative ideas to make way for new, fresh ideas and opportunity for this region and this community.
Great event.
Way to go Buckeyes on todays W. Handled business, and let's go Tigers tonight. Also good luck to all atheletes involved today.
We are in FL, CA(2), IN, AZ, & MO. KY & want nothing but success for the classic & although we do not reside in Ironton, would not condone any small minded talk like that.
We want the best for the community & area & are excited to support it in anyway we can!!!
WE support the growth and positive future this classic can bring to the area!