BigSpoon wrote: Tue Sep 13, 2022 12:18 am
THEEE_GAME wrote: Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:42 pm
ovcmom3 wrote: Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:04 am
Wonder how they’d do at the school they are all originally from!?
I wonder if these other ovc teams could get a win if they spent less time whining about Ironton & more time working on getting better?
Facts! They love complaining! It goes from transfers to now where you were conceived i guess! All those kids have been at Ironton since Little League. Maybe these other schools should work on developing better athletes instead of running kids off. Ironton always separated the talent and made teams of 13-14 kids that could compete. Teams like RH and CG would rather have 32 kids on a team instead of splitting up the talent and getting all their kids playing time. Thats why when Ironton kids get to middle school they dominate these other ovc teams that beat them in LL. These other coaches would rather keep all their talent on one team and have better odds of winning. Then they wonder why 20 kids standing on a sideline go somewhere else to play in LL. Kids that dominate LL usually don’t dominate in High School. Some do but most don’t. Kids that have stood on the sideline at RH have came to Ironton and started in LL and even highschool level. So something doesn’t add up. Glad for the kids it has worked out for over the years though! Keep running off your talent!
I still think the "Pre K" and "Pre 1st" are big advantages for the schools doing it. Obviously transfers are what they are. Think of the teams Green would have if they hadn't lost players to Burg, Ironton and Rock Hill. But at he same time you have to have program to make them stay.
But your point on this 100% correct. I spoke to a Burg Guy one day and he was explaining to me how Burg does everything "In House" that they have Multiple Kids learning to go play QB, Learning to Play RBs, Wrs, OLine and so on.
Then when they get to Middle School The competition is there and when an injury happens there's another kid with experience ready to step right in. Maybe he's not the better athlete but he will have a working knowledge of how to play the position.
Unfortunately too many teams are more concerned with winning now and instead of getting them ALL ready for the next level.