Stomp and stare +

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Stomp and stare +

Post by eagle25 »

Have the stomp, stare, scowl and glare lost their effectiveness and luster in intimidating and scaring the refs? How about the scream and spit and other tactics used? It seems that some of the coaches that used these tactics have retired or moved on but there are still some around. The most prominent ones aren’t having the success they once had. Do the refs these days have more courage? Are they not treating coaches differently based on if they see them as “legends” or not anymore? What’s going on? I’d be interested in hearing what others think.

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Almost Champions
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Re: Stomp and stare +

Post by Almost Champions »

eagle25 wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:58 am Have the stomp, stare, scowl and glare lost their effectiveness and luster in intimidating and scaring the refs? How about the scream and spit and other tactics used? It seems that some of the coaches that used these tactics have retired or moved on but there are still some around. The most prominent ones aren’t having the success they once had. Do the refs these days have more courage? Are they not treating coaches differently based on if they see them as “legends” or not anymore? What’s going on? I’d be interested in hearing what others think.
From what I have seen the torch has been passed. In last weeks game it appeared that Howie had lost some of the wizardry in his stomp and stare. However, it appeared that his son had advanced the technique to pull out the win in glouster. Did anyone else notice?

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Re: Stomp and stare +

Post by Farmer Yoder »

I wasn’t at that game but I am somewhat of an expert in what you are discussing. I always have had the Nads to not be skeert of the stomp and stare. When it came to games where I worked for certain coaches we had an understanding. The Benjamin’s talk and the bull$hit walks. Stare all you want. Stomp all you want. But if the envelope isn’t full enough, you get no calls.

Pittstop Billy
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Re: Stomp and stare +

Post by Pittstop Billy »

Farmer Yoder wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:51 am I wasn’t at that game but I am somewhat of an expert in what you are discussing. I always have had the Nads to not be skeert of the stomp and stare. When it came to games where I worked for certain coaches we had an understanding. The Benjamin’s talk and the bull$hit walks. Stare all you want. Stomp all you want. But if the envelope isn’t full enough, you get no calls.
Yeah but I bet the old scream and spit got you in lock step. Our coach used the stench. That joker could gag a maggot and clear a room when he’d let one go. He was usually hung over so it made it even worse. Some times we’d see the brown stains in the seat of his drawers when he’d fire off a few wet ones. If he didn’t like a call he’d call the ref over to talk and then rip one off. He could take their breath away and they’d change the call just to get away from him. But you didn’t want to be on the bench when he did it. Many a player lost their lunch when they breathed that in. Some of us mastered the breath hold but the odor would attach itself to our unis if he used it several times. If you think he was bad the wrestling coach was even worse if you can believe that. 😂

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Re: Stomp and stare +

Post by Calvin »

I realize some people will laugh or scoff at this topic but there is a lot of validity to it, it’s just most people are afraid to say it. The problem for these “legendary” coaches that have depended on refs being intimidated by them or liking them or having a man crush on them and giving them calls is the assigners. It used to be only in the later tournament games that they couldn’t “work,” code word for scaring or intimidating, the officials. But now the coach can’t hire the guys he knows he can control. So they get refs, sometimes, that aren’t affected by anything mentioned above and just try to call a fair game. That’s how it should be.

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Farmer Yoder
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Re: Stomp and stare +

Post by Farmer Yoder »

You say all that Calvin and I see your point. But the economic side is an important consideration. That money pays for a vet to artificially fertilize my cows. Without that income I have to fertilize them myself.


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