TigersGameDayFan wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 2:22 pm
RBH23 wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 2:19 pm
TigersGameDayFan wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 12:57 pm
I never get on here and post. I do not even live remotely in the area. With the accusations of recruitment going on at Ironton could you provide proof? Or do you just talk to talk? Kids transfer because they see other kids getting college offers that they would never get in their own schools program. It is pretty obvious Ironton has had multiple kids transfer in. Duh. State the obvious.
With that being said, making accusations of recruitment is a big time statement on your part. I would like for you to provide proof of these statements. Otherwise please just shut up.
I am honestly surprised from the lack of effort from the admins of this website for allowing the accusations on this thread, and many others, continue. With all the other post and comments that get deleted, these should as well. As this person continues to make extremely dumb statements without backing up his information with any sort of proof....wonderful stuff..
First off, this topic is not about whether Ironton’s recruiting efforts are legal or not. We are debating if what Ironton does is equivalent to what Burg does.
Second, I have actually applauded Pendleton for his efforts. What he’s doing is very smart because he has no chance of ever winning a state title without these transfers/recruits.
Third, there have been many specific examples of him recruiting kids from other schools. These have been shared multiple times from others on this site: phone calls made to kids at other schools, contact with kids at other schools during other sporting events, etc. One excited mother even posted on Facebook about Pendleton contacting her son about coming to play for Ironton. Believe it or not, parents talk!!
So the proof is there but is always ignored by Ironton fans. They are the only ones pretending this is not happening.
This topic is called Ironton Football 2023. It has nothing to do with Burg. Numb Skull.
If the proof is there, where is the screen shots of the text, messages, call? Come on now.
I can make stuff up easily, let me hop on facebook real quick. Burgs coach called my son last week and wanted him to move there. Easy as that. Until you can provide adequate information that is true. With proof to validate it, then just shut up.
You’re late to the party. Go back and read the threads from the past on this topic. Many examples were given. If you don’t want to believe them, that’s your choice.
Specifics (of one example) were shared with me that I won’t share out of respect for privacy. My friend has a relationship with the family and is well know in the community. So not mine to share unfortunately.
My friend won’t go to OHSAA for one simple reason: any punishment only hurts the Ironton kids. Not worth hurting them over a game.
But again, my only complaint about the matter is that Ironton fans keep accusing Burg of doing this. That’s the reason I chime in because that is completely false.
As for Ironton and their transfers/recruiting, Pendleton needs to do what makes his team a winner. Hasn’t been able to get over the top yet with all the outside help, but maybe one day. Regardless, stopping the recruiting would be a death nail since Ironton is irrelevant without the outside help.