ohbuckeye2 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 1:20 pm
RBH23 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 12:17 pm
LockHerUp wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 11:12 am
Ironton CB number is 20...burg is 19. Twist it all you want. That's not much of a difference.
“Twist it all you want”, I’m simply explaining how the CB is calculated. How is that twisting it?
Or you just want to point at the number with disregard on what that number actually means? Don’t like me pointing out that a number of Ironton’s top transfers don’t even show up in the CB number?
Do you actually know Irontons CB breakdown on which players lives in or out of District? Which players on the team count toward their CB number and who doesn’t, or, are you just guessing? Just curious.
I can name the transfers from last year’s team that moved into the district and did not count against the CB: Felder, Keyes, and Perkins are the big three. All counted as zero against this year’s CB.
That said, my point of this is that the CB number doesn’t really tell you who is “a home grown kid” and who is not. I’ll use Burg as an a example so as not to offend any Ironton folk:
- Kid #1: goes to Burg (and plays football) for his senior year. Prior years were spent at another local school.
- Kid #2: went to Burg from k-12. Father went to Burg k-12. Uncles and aunts went to Burg. Grandfather and great uncles went to Burg. Football stadium named after said grandfather.
So let’s consider the CB impact of these two. Kid 1 had a zero impact because his mom moved into Burg district for his senior year. Kid 2 had a one impact to CB despite having a Wheelersburg address due to his house being in a neighboring school district.
Now the logic of many on this site is that kid 1 is a true Burg kid while kid 2 is not. That’s obviously silly, but that is the claim being made by many.
So to my point about CB, context matters. The number itself can be deceiving. Sure, OHSAA just looks at the raw number, but that number doesn’t necessarily tell you if a school recruits, benefits from significant transfers, etc. And we definitely cannot distinguish home grown or transfers simply by looking at this number.