Soccer Officiating Class

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alabama mike
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Soccer Officiating Class

Post by alabama mike »

There will be a class starting June 5th for anyone interested in being a soccer official. Cost is $70 and you can register via the OHSAA web site. If you have questions, you can contact 740-935-5050.Registration closes for the class on Friday, June 2, 2023.

* High school players and former players, this is a great way to earn extra money. High school players can ref as many pee wee and junior high games as you can book. Former players can ref from pee wee through high school. There is a huge shortage of officials so if you want to earn some extra cash, take the class.

Freshman Team
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Re: Soccer Officiating Class

Post by SoccerDad »

I recommend taking the USSF Grassroots (international and youth soccer) training too. It saves time with OHSAA's bridge course that can be taken virtually, if you already have a USSF certification. It's also a good idea to keep a USSF badge anyway so you can work games in the Spring. Youth tournaments in Charleston, Dayton and Columbus all pay out really well if you don't mind giving up a weekend here-and-there

Mr. Official
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Re: Soccer Officiating Class

Post by Mr. Official »

Agreed. There are several opportunities to make decent money and get experience. In the southern Ohio area though, the tournaments can get old driving different places every weekend if that's what you want to do but getting comped a hotel room and making $600 over the weekend is pretty good too. THere are even smaller opportunities in HUntington and Charleston on the WV side.
AS for the OHSAA side, these schools starting junior high teams are struggling to find people to get games in. This is a great opportunity for high school kids to learn the other side of the ball, learn how to "beat or get an advantage from an official" and give back to their program. Besides, good luck getting $60/ hr at MCDonald's.

All State
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Re: Soccer Officiating Class

Post by rxburgfan »

Heck yea. Chance to be outside and support a great game. Find a partner and make it fun.

Mr. Official
Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:53 am

Re: Soccer Officiating Class

Post by Mr. Official »

I spoke to Tim Armstrong yesterday and he is offering another class starting the first of July. HE said that would be his last until the season is over. Everything is online but there are other courses out. Take his for someone local or take a different one if you want to get started sooner/later.

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