Minford v Ironton JV Friday?

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Minford v Ironton JV Friday?

Post by REDMAN »

Ironton needs games, why not let the JV team play some varsity games. Just count it as a JV

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Re: Minford v Ironton JV Friday?

Post by greygoose »

REDMAN wrote: Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:17 pm Ironton needs games, why not let the JV team play some varsity games. Just count it as a JV
It sounds like you're proposing Ironton's JV plays Minfords varsity team am I understanding this correctly?? Because if that's the case that could be one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. Just ask yourself this and really think about it, what benefit would this be to Minford?? None whatsoever they're playing a meaningless game and taking a chance of varsity players getting injured so what, Ironton JV team can play?? Ironton JV player gets injured it's not hurting the varsity team at all, Minford would be taking ALL the risk and getting nothing out of it. Now if that's not what you meant I apologize but that is what it's sounding like you're proposing.

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Re: Minford v Ironton JV Friday?

Post by artisgilmore »

If Ironton’s JV played the varsity’s OVC schedule,probably go 5-2.

Mr Shifty
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Re: Minford v Ironton JV Friday?

Post by Mr Shifty »

The coaching staff at Ironton don't just play 12 or 14 boys. They give a lot of the boys playing time in various rolls. Its a win-win. A lot of the boys play, a lot get rest time which is vital in tough games

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