Streaming Killing Attendance?

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Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by I-TownFanatic »

With Ironton being off I'm watching some great streaming feeds but notice the attendance is nothing. Schools getting a big cut for letting these guys come in and stream? I notice a lot of corporates sponsors so someone's making bank. Not the schools with the empty stands.

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by SiderBlood »

They are absolutely killing attendance. I hate it for the kids because they are missing out what part of the game day experience was. Big crowds radiate an unmistakable feeling. And I’ve noticed a huge drop off in the last 3 years from teams and matchups that I never thought would see dwindling crowds.

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by Raider6309 »

No schools really travel well anymore. Been on the decline way before streaming

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by REDMAN »

Why pay 50 bucks a family plus high concessions when you can watch for free. Thank you streaming

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by RollCoal »

I think in some cases it has. I’m glad it’s available though. I’m able to at least listen to the games while I’m at work. I also think that due to the craziness of three years ago, some folks got used to watching games from home instead of going in person.

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by Mr Shifty »

Many schools lost crowds long before streaming came about. i’m sure there’s some that stay at home and watch. For shut-in’s and such? What a thrill it is for them to be able to follow their teams Who would want to take that away from them?

Now Ironton doesn’t have this problem. As long as it’s a game, the fans pack the stadium. The OVC sure drags down Ironton’s attendance however. The Tigers handle most of them like a car playing with a injured mouse. It’s really not a pretty sight

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by Izladoom »

I have noticed it has really hurt at the valley games like last night at waverly in the past they would completely fill the visitor section but last night it was only about half full valley always traveled well even while having bad teams even home game’s attendance is way down

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by muskiefan11 »

Streaming is a much cheaper option to watch games, especially those that have the likelihood of being a blowout on the road. Why spend $50+ to travel to a game that I can watch from my couch for free or even pay $5-10?

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by Super trooper »

I paid 6 bucks a piece for 3 kids to go to the game the other day. That’s what kills attendance

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by FIDO »

Super trooper wrote: Sun Sep 10, 2023 9:01 pm I paid 6 bucks a piece for 3 kids to go to the game the other day. That’s what kills attendance
I dont get it. Kids should be allowed in free.

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by Jonjon »

Mr Shifty wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 3:17 am Many schools lost crowds long before streaming came about. i’m sure there’s some that stay at home and watch. For shut-in’s and such? What a thrill it is for them to be able to follow their teams Who would want to take that away from them?

Now Ironton doesn’t have this problem. As long as it’s a game, the fans pack the stadium. The OVC sure drags down Ironton’s attendance however. The Tigers handle most of them like a car playing with a injured mouse. It’s really not a pretty sight

Ironton must’ve been injured last year when they almost lost to Gallia and lost the OVC. Maybe the big crowds ironton will get from teams in cincy or Columbus would travel better than the ones from south point or coal grove 😂 if ironton fans come to the games no matter what as you say then ironton would have bigger crowds against OVC schools than playing teams from 2-3 hours away that bring no fans .

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?


High ticket prices, charging for parking, along with higher concession prices are keeping people at home.

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by eagle one »

some of us cant travel so streaming is a blessing. and Ironton Wheelersburg had 8000 on hand

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by eagle one »

I-TownFanatic wrote: Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:18 pm With Ironton being off I'm watching some great streaming feeds but notice the attendance is nothing. Schools getting a big cut for letting these guys come in and stream? I notice a lot of corporates sponsors so someone's making bank. Not the schools with the empty stands.
if your team sucks no one is in the stands anyway

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by formerfcfan »

I-TownFanatic wrote: Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:18 pm With Ironton being off I'm watching some great streaming feeds but notice the attendance is nothing. Schools getting a big cut for letting these guys come in and stream? I notice a lot of corporates sponsors so someone's making bank. Not the schools with the empty stands.
The moment that schools charge outlets to cover their kids is the moment those schools don’t get covered.

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by jose »

Leagues raising ticket prices make it tough on some folks. Lower price-more fans

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by CoachC »

Thanks to some incredibly wonderful people, West students are admitted free. I personally pay a little extra for season tickets at home, but I don't travel as well as I used to. $6 a ticket is right at the limit for many families in our area.

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Re: Streaming Killing Attendance?

Post by bobcats94 »

For most of these games the video is blurry, you have no feel for the game, and depending where you live you may not even be able to get the games to come through. I only stream if it's teams I don't really care about or the weather sucks because of those reasons. Streaming hasn't killed attendance, what has killed attendance is the lack of school pride in 90% of schools. In years past there are always those fans who never missed a game, unfortunately there are less people who want to take the time out of their evenings and attend games for a variety of reasons nowadays. If you look at fans regularly attending games the majority of the school staff doesn't even attend other than the HS principal. Work has a lot to do on whether I attend games maybe that is one reason. The world is definitely a busier place than it was years ago. Socially America is way different then when I was in high school, games are no longer the meeting place for everyone to get to see each other and then hangout at your local pizza shop after the game. I remember as a kid if your hometown team made a tournament run, the town would be empty. Everyone would follow each other to the games. Interest is down across the board on kids wanting to play sports, and fans wanting to attend games. College football is the only sport I really think has grown over the last 10 years. It's sad to see.

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