LoyalOak wrote: Thu Sep 28, 2023 8:50 pm
Numbers and talent are low because there was no rec/youth sports in Oak Hill for a long time. Hard to be handed a ball years after your opponents and think you’ll be good enough to compete. Numbers are bigger in JR high because they had youth football and other sports to play in late elementary school (talent isn’t great with that group but the numbers are trending up). Anything else is bs. If someone claims to know about some last name stuff then they were either a parent of a kid who didn’t get what they think they deserved or the kid themselves. Yes names matter in all sports but only to a certain extent and definitely don’t matter when they just need kids to show up to begin with.
Something else to be very frank about is that from 2007-2019 was arguably the best stretch in athletic history at Oak Hill.
Football team went 91-48 with 8 SOC1 Championships and 6 playoff appearances.
Basketball won 5 district championships, 2 SOC2 Championships, 1 Regional Championship, and 1 State Championship.
Baseball also won at least 1 district championship in that stretch.
That’s a hard comparison to now. However, I don’t remember if I saw so few on a Oak Hill sideline for a football team. I don’t think that it’s coaching at all. Community? Maybe. I also think that 30 total kids for the start of the season and blaming politics is a bit of a stretch. Every small community has a small yet powerful influence but those individuals probably wouldn’t sacrifice wins for playing time and any coach who would do so has zero ethics. I don’t know exactly what the answer to the problem is but the current course needs to change. You can’t coach people who aren’t willing to show up.
The hardest part of all of this is that overall and unfortunately, I know how the community will handle this and it’s not in a good way. I really believe that if given time, their current head coach will start producing better results. Or, they can be the Oak Hill of old. Does anyone ever wonder, with the exception of one coach, maybe two, why coaches leave Oak Hill once they start having success?