PTrojan59 wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:04 pm Congrats to Burg for the dominating win. They are a great team, and Portsmouth didn’t help themselves with the silly penalties and bad play calling. I know it’s a rivalry or was at one time. But you gotta keep your emotions in check. Burg has been there, they knew how to act, Portsmouth did not. Beating a dead horse but like I’ve said all year play calling was once again bad. Would like to shout out the Burg kicker, very impressed with him and his leg. Good news for the Trojans is a young team that wasn’t expected to be very good was solid. Lots to work with for next season, need to find some sort of passing game, and work on the secondary. Hoping for another Burg-Ironton game in a few weeks. Wonder if that game would possibly be at Portsmouth again? Go Trojans!
I wonder how many of those personal foul penalties involved Devon Lattimore!!! Not sure why and I don't know all that went on with him at Portsmouth but what was told is that the Portsmouth players voted to not let him back on the team last year. He came to Burg and has been a great addition to the Burg offense and defense. He is a playmaker, that's for sure.