OHSAA You Tube Video Discussing OHSAA Expanded Tournament

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OHSAA You Tube Video Discussing OHSAA Expanded Tournament

Post by radiodavel »

OHSAA You Tube Video Discussing OHSAA Expanded Tournament https://statelinesportsnetwork.net/2024 ... tournament

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Re: OHSAA You Tube Video Discussing OHSAA Expanded Tournament

Post by GoBucks1047 »

So I was gonna watch the whole video until I seen it was over an hour long so skipped through it for now.

OHSAA considered 9 options:
1. 4 Divisions
2. 5 Divisions
3. 6 Divisions
4. 6 Divisions (Small D1)
5. 6 Divisions (Small D1 & D2)
6. 6 Divisions (Small D1 & D6)
7. 7 Divisions
8. 7 Divisions (Small D1)
9. 7 Divisions (Small D1 & D2)

Obviously OHSAA went with Option 9 (which when you think about it is just 6 Divisions with the top division split in half) as their new proposal for Baseball, Basketball, Softball, and Volleyball. Soccer would use this format as well, but with soccer. I'm assuming the other sports remain the same. This has not been approved yet.

Here is what the 7 division breakdown would look like:
D1: 638+ (64)
D2: 457-637 (64)
D3: 281-456 (134)
D4: 193-280 (134)
D5: 143-192 (132)
D6: 99-142 (135)
D7: 98 or less (136)

They also broke it down by each region. Here is Southeast:
D1/D2: None
D3: 5 (could pair with 4 East teams for 1 District)
D4: 17
D5: 18
D6: 16
D7: 15

Ed Ott
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Re: OHSAA You Tube Video Discussing OHSAA Expanded Tournament

Post by Ed Ott »

I say 40 divisions and everyone take stock in the local banner making company.

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