XandOs wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:14 pm
mustard wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:42 pm
[quote=RiverRatRay post_id=2101775 time=<a href="tel:1708645095">1708645095</a> user_id=4653]
[quote=gobucs20 post_id=2101756 time=<a href="tel:1708629521">1708629521</a> user_id=17314]
With Ironton as it always has been during the pendleton area will be turnovers and dumb penalties.
There are not many Southetn Ohio teams who don't make turnovers and penalties and still have the same record as Coach Pendleton. How many active coaches can say they are 67 and 13 with 5 of those losses in the first year. 3 State runnerups in the last 4 years.

… how many active coaches have had em ova 20 transfers in the last 4 yrs…with none in that 1st year…..

Cabell Midland had like 20 new kids last year. Ashland and Raceland have more kids move in than Ironton ever dreamed of. The only reason you see a problem with it is your from SEO where your behind in the times compared to everywhere else and sports isn’t that important. Kids in SEO don’t move around like the rest of the state or other tri state does. True Story!
Reading seops is like a 1980s psy op.

These old gray sour angry birds can't adapt to change which is a big reason why seo is a dump per demographics. Because.progress and change are sins in the land that time forgot. There's a funny old saying that originated on social media for this. > OK, BOOMER. As in: "papaw is just yapping but none of what he is saying amounts to anything cause "papaw" is out of touch, equally, in practice and perspective. Matter fact seops could use more younger perspectives and could stand to lose a lot of the old outdated nonsense. Lol