Me: Welcome Coach Koondogger and thank you for doing this interview.
Coach K: Thank you for having me. I have been looking forward to sharing more about myself.
Me: Tell us about yourself. Do you have any hobbies outside of coaching?
Coach K; Well I am a longtime resident of the Glouster area. I have a long and storied career in coaching which we can dive into more deeply in a bit. Right now I am heavily involved in consulting with local coaching staffs. I feel that I have a whole lot of wisdom and knowledge compiled over along time of being a proven winner. In my spare time, I raise these hunting dogs. They are special because they will eat their own poop. This eliminates cleanup time for the new owner. No one likes stepping on a fresh dog bomb but my dogs take care of their own cleanup.
Me: Thats very intriguing. Have you developed championship dogs in the same way you have singlehandedly built local athletics?
Coach K: No. Honestly these dogs suck. They are very clean but they cant smell a coon to save their arse.
Me: I am very sorry to hear that. Tell us about your coaching career.
Coach K: The bulk of my time has revolved around coaching at the local junior high and high school. I did spend some time at another local school but that was a mistake. Looking back on it I should have known it wouldn't work since they looked pretty slow on film. Late in my career we won a state title with one of my junior high teams in Track. Plus I was the brainchild behind a couple runs to the state finals in football. I dont mean to brag but I am a bit of a guru when it comes to athletic performance and it has shown in my time. We had one guy here who was simultaneously the offensive and defensive coordinator. Good coach. I taught him everything he knows.
Me: Thats very impressive. What do you find yourself doing these days and would you ever consider getting back in coaching?
Coach K: Not likely. It would be pretty unfair to the other teams in the area. I am working on writing a book right now. Its gonna be titled "Coach K: He cant hunt coons but he can always track down a trophy" . Probably be on Amazon next year. In addition I am still consulting local teams.
Me: Consulting? That is fascinating. Tell us more.
Coach K: I help my local buddies at a couple schools. Basically I look at personnel and watch practice film and scout film. When they listen to my advice they have 97% win record. But they don't always listen and then thats when things go bad.
Me: Well we are about out of time. Thank you so much and I wish you well in the future.
Coach K: Thanks for having me. As always.....These are JUST MY THOUGHTS GUYS!