RL Davisson Invite @ Southeastern

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RL Davisson Invite @ Southeastern

Post by noreply66 »

Girl teams taking part-Adena, Chillicothe, Huntington, McClain, New Lex, Paint Valley, Piketon, Southeastern, Vinton County, Washington, Whiteoak and Zane Trace

McClain jumps out to a fourteen-point lead over Washington after four events followed by Huntington, Vinton Cty and Zane Trace with fifteen then came Peebles, Adena, Chillicothe, New Lex, Piketon, Southeastern, Paint Valley and Whiteoak. Winning events went to Huntington 4x800 McClain took the 100 hurdles and the 4x200 and the 100 meters went to Peebles. McClain extend it lead to 33 over Zane Trace, Huntington and Adena are in the third spot. McClain won the 4x100 and the 400, Zane Trace won the discus and the 1600 went to Peebles. With five events to go it is McClain with 118-points Washington with 51 and Zane Trace 46. McClain won the 300 hurdles and the high jump; long jump was won by Washington while Whiteoak took the 800. The last five event showed McClain scoring in only three events but still able to score 163.5 points to win the meet. Adena scored in four of those events and winning the 3200 meters to finish in second with 76-points. Vinton Cty came in third with 68 points and winning the pole vault. Washington took forth at 64-points and winning the 200 meters. With 59-points was Zane Trace and they won the shot put, Chillicothe 49 Huntington 41.5-points, Southeastern 32-points, Peebles with 26, Whiteoak had 21.5, Piketon 14 Paint Valley 12 and New Lex with 10

Teams taking part for the boys-Adena, Chillicothe, Huntington, McClain, New Lex, Paint Valley, Peebles, Piketon, Southeastern, Vinton Cty, Washington, Whiteoak and Zane Trace

After the first four events it was Chillicothe by eight-points over Vinton Cty and Zane Trace was twelve back. Over the next four events Zane Trace scored thirty-eight-point to take a fourteen-point lead over Chillicothe and eighteen over Vinton Cty. Winning event so far was Vinton Cty in the 4x800 and the 400 meters, Chillicothe has won the 110 hurdles and the 4x200, Washington won the 100 meters, Zane Trace took the shot put and the 4x100 and Whiteoak won the 1600. With twelve events in the books, it is eighty-six for Zane Trace, sixty-three for Chillicothe and fifty for Adana and Vinton Cty. Winning events in the last for events saw Huntington take the high jump, Zane Trace took the 300 hurdles, the 800 went to Whiteoak and the long jump was won by Adena. Zane Trace came up with twenty-points in the last four events to win with 116-points, Whiteoak score twenty-three points to take second with 67, Vinton cty scored sixteen to past Chillicothe for third with 66, Chillicothe 65, Adena finished with 64, Washington 55, Southeastern 52, McClain 46, Huntington 26, Paint Valley 25, Peebles 19, Piketon 14 and New Lex 3. Winning event were Washington with the 200 meters, Zane Trace won the discus, 3200 went to Whiteoak along with the 4x400. There was no pole vault for the boys. Zane Trace scored in eleven events, Whiteoak ten, Vinton Cty eleven, Chillicothe ten, Adena eight, 10 for Washington, 10 for Southeastern, McClain thirteen, Huntington five, Paint Valley six, five for Peebles, five for Piketon and one for New Lex.

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