I guess I don’t understand how they are an administrator without a license. They can not evaluate anyone in the education system without their license. The board and superintendent does all the hiring and firing with the exception of the game officials. AD can’t issue any discipline for students unless they have their admin license and hold the position of assistant principal or principal. Sounds like they are one step up from the secretary in the office since they can help answer the phones. I honestly think 10-12k is a bit high on the supplemental scale unless the teacher base salary is higher since the supplementals are a percentage of the teacher base salary that are negotiated with the unions. It sounds like most schools use their resources well with dual roles for the best financial decisions for their district.
I am going to be honest and just say you need to do more research, because your opinion is not based in reality.
There is NO requirement to have an Admin license to be an AD. Most AD's are highly trained and have masters degrees in athletic administration. In fact, the top Athletic Admin program in the country is Ohio Universities Athletic Admin program, that produces high school AD's, college AD's, professional league administrators, etc.
Here's the thing, from reading your posts I can tell you're not an educator. I would highly encourage you to stop making statements that you have no real insight into. Most of what you're saying shows your fundamental lack of understanding of how school districts, Ohio Department of Education, OHSAA, OIAAA actually require or don't.
The BOE of does not hire any coaches in my district. In fact, they're a rubber stamp for who the AD and building principals hire. In your tiny town it may work that way, but most BOE DO NOT hire anyone outside of the Super. They approve hires, but they don't hire ANYONE who is not a Sup. It's in their handbooks and I would encourage you to read them. I have never once seen my Sup or BOE hire or fire any coach. That's simply not true.
The claim that AD's can't discipline a student is complete garbage. That's the reason you have athletic code of conduct. They 100% can discipline students, and it happens literally every day at my school. This admin license requirement you keep talking about is not a requirement to discipline. Suspend from school activities? Sure, that does go through the AP's. However, say a kid is caught with alcohol or drugs, that will first go through the AD and their going to lose 20% of their season for a 1st offense, and then they will get a school punishment through the AP. 100% how it works.
My district has two Assistant Sup's who oversee our facilities and finance who have never worked a day of their life in education. One worked for GM and the other worked for Deloitte. They are considered Administrators, not only in title, but by pay scale.
You're honestly embarrassing yourself with your responses and showing your lack of knowledge, especially given you live in a tiny part of the state that operates very differently than most districts, if indeed what you're saying is true. You comparing them to secretaries is hilarious. You have no real idea what they actually do and the time and effort that goes into being an AD. Again, they hire, fire, evaluate, discipline, develop budgets, schedule games, officials, transportation, sign game contracts, collect game receipts, run events, fundraise, etc.
Most AD's around the state, and I know this from actual experience, work on Admin pay scales, not teacher scales, so the connection that you're trying to make isn't again accurate. 10-12k is a joke for what they're asked to do.
Please, if you're going to keep posting, listen and research, and stop acting like you know what you're talking about. It is CLEAR you have no idea.
Kuddos to Ironton for attempting to pay a professional their real worth. Pendleton could easily go somewhere bigger, be a full-time AD and coach, and make double what he's making at Ironton. The fact he hasn't left is a credit to his dedication to the district, his student-athletes, and the community.
I respect your OPINION as well and putting in your 2 cents when you are in Cincinnati. I am sure that everyone is paid more in a larger city with a large operating budget. I am not getting into exactly what I know or educational background that I have. I completely understand that AD's don't have to possess an admin license. It has been said several times and I agree that it isn't a requirement. I think it would be great if the AD had a Master's Degree in Athletic Administration. It seems that degree work would be very beneficial to the job duties of that position. It is very clear on ODE and OHSAA of all the requirements, rules, and regulations that everyone has to go by. In many districts that I know direct knowledge of, they do hire by committee. I am not saying that happens in Cincy, but it is common in SE region of Ohio. There are principals, teachers, community members, and maybe a board member on these hiring committees. They report back to the superintendent who in turns recommends to the board for hiring purposes. There is a process but not everyone wants other people's opinions on the right person to hire. My question to you is are you an AD since you say your district or do you have family connection to someone who is an AD? I find it intriguing that you pipe in on a conversation about SEO and not in the region. I think it is wonderful that you have 2 assistant superintendents. You must have a connection to a larger school district than most in SEO. The superintendents you are referring to had to apply for a superintendent's license in the state of Ohio for those positions even though they have other backgrounds at GM. Your superintendents get paid for their credentials and licenses. The scheduling of games, officials, game contracts, count money, run events, and everything else sports related is definitely within the scope of the job. You are probably right that they do recommend who to hire or fire under the direction of the superintendent. They are not at the top of the food chain. Just like any federal or state job, you should be paid for your educational background and licenses. That is how you move up on those pay scales. Anyway, good luck in Cincinnati and I'm glad to hear your 2 cents.