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In 1893,the world's Columbian Exposition was officially opened in Chicago by President Cleveland.

In 1931,New York's 102-story Empire State Building was dedicated.

In 1945, a day after Adolf Hitler committed suicide,it was announced that Admiral Karl Doenitz had succeeded Hitler as leader of the Third Reich.

In 1984,the People's Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea) was proclaimed.

In 1960,the Soviet Union shot down an American U-2 reconnaissance plane near Sverdovsk and captured its pilot,Francis Gary Powers.

In 1967,Elvis Presley married Priscilla Beaulieu in Las Vegas.(They divorced in 1973)

In 1971,Amtrak-which combined and streamlined the operations of 18 intercity passenger railroeds-went into service.

In 1978,Ernest Morial was inaugurated as the first black mayor of New Orleans.

In 1981,Sen.Harrison A. Williams Jr.,D-N.J. was convicted in New York of charges related to the FBI's ABSCAM probe.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 2

In 1519,artist Leonardo da Vinci died at Cloux,France.

In 1670, the Hudson Bay Company was chartered by Englands King Charles II

In 1863,Confederate Gen.Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was accidentally wounded by his own men at Chancellorsville,Va.,he died eight days later.

In 1890,the Oklahoma Territory was organized.

In 1957,Sen.Joseph R. McCarthy,the controversial Republican senator from Wisconsin,died at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.

In 1960,convicted sex offender and bestselling author Caryl Chessman was executed at San Quentin Presion in California.

In 1965,the Early Bird satellite was used to transmit television pictures across the Atlantic.

In 1972,after serving 48 years as head of the FBI,J Edgar Hoover died in Washington at age 77.

In 1994,Nelson Mandela claimed victory in the wake of South Africa's first democratic election;President F.W.Klerk acknowledged defeat.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 3

In 1802,Wadhington,D.C. was incorporated as a city.

In 1916,Irish nationalist Padraic Pearse and two others were executed by the British for their roles in the Easter Rising.

In 1921,West Virginia imposed the first states sales tax.

In 1933,Nellie T. Ross became the first female diector of the U.S. Mint.

In 1944,U.S. wartime rationing of most grades of meat ended.

In 1945,Indian forces captured Rangoon, Burma,from the Jpanese.

In 1948,the Supreme Court ruled that covenants prohibiting the sale of real eatste to blacks or members of other racial groups were legally unenforceble.

In 1971, anti-war protesters began four days of demonstrations in Washington aimed at shutting down the nation's capital.

In 1979,Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher was chosen to become Britain's first female prime minister as the Tories ousted the incumbent Labor government in parliamentary elections.

In 1986,in NASA's first post-challenger launch,an unmaned Delta rocket lost power in its main engine shortly after liftoff,forcing safety officers to destroy it by remote control.

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May 4

In 1886,at Haymarket Square in Chicago,a labor demonstration for an eight-hour work day turned into a riot when a bomb exploded.

In 1904, the United States began building the Panama Canal.

In 1916,responding to a demand from President Wilson,Germany agreed to limit its submarine warfare,thereby averting a diplomatic break with Washington.

In 1932,mobster Al Capone,convicted of income-tax evasion entered the federal penitentiary in Atlanta.

In 1946,a two-day riot at Alcatraz prison in San Francisco Bay ended,the violence having claimed five lives.

In 1961,a group of "freedom Riders" left Washington for New Orleans to challege racial segregation in interstate buses and bus terminals.

In 1970,Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on anti-war protesters at Kent State University,killing four students and wounding nine others.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 5

In 1821,Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile on the island of St. Helena.

In 1925,John T. Scopes was arrested in Tenn. for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution.

In 1942,during World War II,japanese forces landed on the Philippine island of Corregidor.

In 1955,West Germany became a sovereign state.

In 1955,the baseball musical "darn Yankees" opened on Broadway.

In 1981,Irish Republican Army hunger-striker Bobby Sands died at the Maze prison in Northern Ireland in his 66th day without food.

In 1985,President Reagan kept a promise to West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl by leading a wreath-laying ceremony at the military cemetery in Bitburg.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 6

In 1856,150years ago,Sigmund Freud,the father of psychoanalysis,was born in Freiberg,Moravia,in present-day Czech Republic.

In 1856,explorer Robert Edwin Peary was born in Cresson,Pa.

In 1861,Arkansas seceded from the Union,

In 1889,the Paris Exposition formally opened,featuring the just-completed Eiffel Tower.

In 1910,Britain's King Edward VII died.

In 1935,the Works Progress Administration began operating.

In 1942,during World War II,some 15,000 Americans and Filipinos on Corregidor surrendered to the Japanese.

In 1954,medical student Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile during a track meet in Oxford,England,in 3 minutes,59.4 seconds.

In 1981,Yale architecture student Maya Ying Lin was named winner of a competition to design the Vietam Veterans Memorial.

In 1987,CIA Director William J. Casey died at age 74.

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May 8----In 1794,Antonine Lavoisier,the father of modern chemistry,was executed on the guillotine during France's Reign of Terror.

In 1846,the first major battle of the Mexican War was fought at Palo Alto,Texas,resulting in victory for Gen.Zachary Taylor's forces.

In 1884,the 33rd president of the United States,Harry S,Truman,was born near Lamar,Mo.

In 1886,Atlanta pharmacist Juhn Styth Pemberton invented the flavor syrup for Coca-Cola.

In 1958,Vice President Nixon was shoved,stoned,booed and spat upon by anti-American protesters in Lima,Peru.

In 1962,the musical comedy "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" opened on Broadway.

In 1970,construction workers broke up an anti-war protest on New York's Wall Street.

In 1973,miliant American Indians who'd held the South Dakota hamlet of Wounded Knee for 10 weeks surrendered.

In 1978,David R. Berkowitz pleaded guilty in a Brooklyn courtroom to the "Son of Sam" killings that had terrified New Yorks.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 9

In 1502,Christopher Columbus left Cadiz,Spain,on his fourth and final trip to the Western Hemisphere.

In 1754,a cartoon in Benjamin Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette showed a snake cut into sections,each part representing an American colony;the caption read,"join or die."

In 1913,the 17th amendment to the Constution,providing for the election of U.S. sentors by popular vote,was ratified.

In 1926,American Richard Byrd and Floyd Bennett became the first men to fly over the North Pole.

In 1945,U.S. officials announced that a midnight entertainment curfew was being lifted immediaely.

In 1960,the Food and Drug Administration approved the pill Enovid as safe for birth control use.

In 1974,the House Judiciary Committee opened hearing on wheather to recommend the impeachment of President Nixon.

In 1978,the bullet-riddled body of former Italian prime minister Aldo Moro,who'd been abducted by the Red Brigades,was found in an automoble in the center of Rome.

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May 10

In 1774,Louis XVI ascended the throne of France

In 1775,Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys captured the British-held fortress at Ticonderoga,N.Y.

In 1865,Union forces captured Confederate President Jefferson Davis in Irwinville,Georgia.

In 1924,Edgar Hoover was given the job of FBI director.

In 1933,the Nazis staged massive public book burnings in Germany.

In 1968,preliminary Vietnam peace talks began in Paris.

In 1978,British Princess Margaret and the Earl of Snowden annonced they were divorcing after 18 years of marrage.

In 1994,the state of Illinois executed serial killer John Wayne Gacy for the murder of 33 young men and boys.

In 1994,Nelson Mandela took the oath of office to become South Africa's first black president.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 11

In 1647,Peter Stuyvesant arrived in New Amsterdam to become governor.

In 1858,Minnesota became the 32nd state of the union.

In 1904,surrealist artist Salvador Dali was born in Figueras,Spain

In 1910,Glacier National Park in Montana was established.

In 1943,during World War II,U.S.forces landed on the Aleutian island of Attu,which was held by the Japanese;the Americans took the island 19 days later.

In 1944,Allied forcecs launched a major offensive against German lines in Italy.

In 1946,the first CARE packages arrived in Rurope,at Le Havre,France.

In 1949,Israel was admitted to the United Nations as the world body's 59th member.

In 1973,charges against Daniel Ellsberg for his role in the "pentagon Papers" case were dismissed by Judge William M. Byrne,who cited government misconduct.

In 1985,55 people died when a flash fire swept a jam-packed soccer stadium in Bradford,England

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Post by noreply66 »

May 12

In 1933,the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the Agricultural Ajustment Administration were established to provide help for the needy and farmers.

In 1949,the Soviet Union announced an end to the Berlin Blockade.

In 1975,the White House announced the new Cambodian government had seized an American merchant ship,the Mayaquez,in international waters.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 15

In 1856,Lyman Frank Baum,the author of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,"was born in Chittenango,N.Y.

In 1918,U.S. airmail began service between Washington,Philadelphia and New York.

In 1940,nylon stocking went on general sale for the first time in the United States.

In 1972,George C. Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer and left paralyzed while campaigning in Laurel,Md.,for the Democratic presidential nomination.

In 1986,searchers on Oregon's Mount Hood found two teenage survivors of a hiking expedition that became trapped in a whiteout blizzard,Nine other climbers died.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 16

In 1770,Marie Antoinett,age 14 married the future King Louis XVI of France,who was 15.

In 1946,the Irving Berlin musical "Annie Get Your Gun,"starring Ethel Merman as Annie Oakley,opened on Broadway.

In 1975,Japanese climber Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 18

In 1804,the French Senate proclaimed Napoleon Bonaparte emperor

In 1920,Pope John Paul II was born karol Wojtyla in Wadowice,Poland

In 1933,the Tennessee Valley Authority was created

In 1944,during World War II,Allied forces finally occupied Monte Cassino in Italy after a four-mont struggle that claimed some 20,000 lives.

In 1953,Jacqueline Cochran became the first woman to break the sound barrier as she piloted a North American F-86 Canadair over Roger Dry Lake,California.

In 1980,the mount St.Helens volcano in Washington State exploded,leaving 57 people dead or missing.

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MAY 19

In 1935,T.E.Lawrence,also known as "Lawrence of Arabia," died in Dorset,England,from injuries sustained in a motorcycle crash.

In 1943,in an address to the U.S.Congress,British prime Minister Winston Churchill pledged his counrty's full support in the war against Japan.

In 1958,the United States and Cananda established the North America Air Defense Command.

In 1964,the State Department disclosed that 40 hidden microphones had been found in the U.S. enbassy in Moscow.

In 1967,the Soviet Union ratified a treaty with the United States and Britain baning nuclear weapons from outer space.

In 1992,the 27th Amendment to the Constitution,which prohibits Congress from giving itself midterm pay raises,went into effect.

In 1994,former first Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis died in New York at age 64.

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I like Dolly Parton.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 22

In 1819,the first steam-propelled vessel to attempt a trans-Atlantic crossing,the Savannah,departed from Savnanna,Ga.(It arrived in Liverpool,England,on June 20.)

In 1939, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini signed a "pact of Steel"committing Germany and Italy to a military alliance.

In 1947,the "Truman Doctrine" was enacted as Congress appropriated military and economic aid for Greece and Turkey.

In 1969,the lunar module of Apollo 10 flew to within nine miles of the moon's surface in a dress rehearsal for the first lunar landing.

In 1972,President Nixon began a visit to the Soviet Union during which he and Kremlin leaders signed the Salt I arms limitation treaty.

In 1979, Canadians voted in parliamentary elections that put the Progressive Conservatives in power,ending the 11-year tenure of Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

In 1992, after a reign lasting nearly 30 years ,Johnny Carson hosted NBC's "Tonight Show" for the last time.

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MAY 23

In 1944,during World War II,Allied forces bogged down in Anzio began a major breakout offensive.

In 1960,Israel announced it had captured former Nazi official Adolf Eichmann in Argentina.(Eichmann was tried in Israel, found guilty of crimes against humanity,and hanged in 1962.)

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Post by noreply66 »

MAY 24

In 1881,some 200 people died when the Canadian ferry Princess Victoria sank near London,Ontario.

In 1941, the German battleship Bismark sank the British dreadnought Hood in the North Atlantic.

In 1958,United Press International was formed through a merge of the United Press and the International News Service.

In 1962,astronaut Scott Carenter became thw second American to orbit the Earth as he flew aboard Aurora 7.

In 1976,Britain and France opened trans-Atlantic Concorde service to Washington.

In 1977,in a surprise move the Kremlin ousted Soviet President Niolai Podgorny from the Communist Party's ruling Politburo.

In 1980,Iran rejected a call by the World Court in The Hague to release the America hostages.

In 1986,the Union Jack was flown in Israel for the first time in 38 years as Margaret Thatcher became the first British prime minister to visit the Jewish state.

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Post by noreply66 »

MAY 25

In 1895,playwrite Oscar Wilde was convicted of a morals charge in London;he was sentenced to prison.

In 1935, Babe Ruth hit the 714th and final home run of his career,for the Boston Braves,in a game against the Pittsburgh Pirates.

In 1946,Transjordan(now Jordan)became a kingdom as it proclaimed its new monarch,King Abdullah Ibn uI-Hussein.

In 1961,President Kennedy asked the nation to work toward putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

In 1968,the Gateway Arch,part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis was dedicated.

In 1979,275 people died when an American Airlines DC10 crashed on takeoff from Chicago's O'Hare airport.

In 1986,an estimated 7 million Americans participated in "Hands Across America,"forming a line across the country to raise money for the nation's hungry and homeless.

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