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MAY 26

In 1521,Martin Luther was banned by the Edict of Worms because og his religious beliefs and writings.

In 1865,arrangements were made in New Orleans for the surrender of Confederate forces west of the MissIssIppi.

In 1913,Actor'Equity Association was organized.

In 1969,the Apollo 10 astronauts returned to Earth after sucessful eight-day dress rehearsal for the first manned moon landing.

In 1978,the first legal casino in the eastern U.S. opened in Atlantic City,New Jersey.

In 1981, 14 people were killed when a Marine jet crashed onto the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Nimitz off Florida.

In 1991,a Lauda Air Boeing 767 crashed in Thailand,killing all 223 people aboard.

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MAY 27

In 1896,255 people were killed when a tornado struck St. Louis and East St. Louis,III.

In 1933,Walt Disney's Academy Award-winning animated short "The Three Little Pigs" was first released.

In 1935,the Supreme Court struck down the National Industrial Recovery Act.

In 1936,the Cunard liner Queen Mary left England on its maiden voyage.

In 1941,amid rid=sing world tensions President Roosevelt proclaimed an "unlimited national emergency."

In 1941,the British navy sank the German battleship Bismark off France,with a loss of 2,300 lives.

In 1964,independent India's first prime minister,Jawaharlal Nehru,died.

In 1985,in Beijijg,repersentatives of Britain and China exchanged instruments of ratification on the pact returning Hong Kong to the Chinese in 1997.

In 1995,actor Christopher Reeves was left paralyzed when he was thrown from his horse during a jumping event in Charlottesville,Va.

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MAY 30

In 1883,12 people were trampled to death when a rumor that the recently opened Brooklyn Bridge was in imminent danger of collapsing triggered a stampede.

in 1911,Indianapolis saw its first long-distance auto race;Ray Harroun was the winner. In 1943,American forces secured the Aleutian island of Attu from the Japanese during World War II.

in 1958,unidentifieg soldiers killed in World War II and the Korean conflict were buried at Arlinton National Cemetery.

In 1971,the American space probe Mariner 9 blasted off from Cape Kennedy,Florida,on a journey to Mars.

In 1986,21 elderly passengers were killed when a tour bus went out of control on a mountain road and plunged into the Walker River near the California-nevada border.

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Post by noreply66 »

May 31

In 1819,poet Walt Whitman was born in West Hill,N.Y.

In 1910,the Union of South Africa was founded.

In 1961,South Africa became an independent republic.

In 1962,World War II Gestapo official Adolf Eicnman was hanged in Israel for his role in the Nazi holocaust.

In 1970,tens of thousands of people died in an earthquake in Peru.

In 1976, Martha Mitchell,the estranged wife of former Attorney General John N. Mitchell,died in New York.

In 1977, the trans-Alaska oil pipeline,three years in the making,was completed.

In 1994,the United States announced it was no longer aiming long-range nulcear missiles at targets in the former Soviet Union.

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In 1792,Kentucky became the 15th state of the union.

in 1796,Tennessee became the 16th state

In 1801,Mormon leader Brigham Young was born in Whitingham Vt.

In 1868,James Buchanan,the 15th president of the United States,died near Lancaster ,Pa.

In 1926,actress Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles.

In 1943,a civilian flight from Lisbon to London was shot down by the Germans during World War II,killing all aboard,including actor Leslie Howard.

In 1944,the British Broadcasting Corp. aired a coded messages intended to warn the French resistance that the D-Day invasion was imminet.

In 1958, Charles de Gaulle became premier of France.

In 1977, the Soviet Union formally charged Jewish human rights activist Anatoly Shcharansky with treason.(Shcharansky was imprisoned,then released in 1986.)

In 1980,Cable News Network made its debut.
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In 1897,Mark Twain,61 was quoted by the New York Journal as saying from London that "the report of my death was an exaggeration."

In 1924,Congress granted U.S. citizenship to all American Indians.

In 1941,baseball's "Iron Horse," Lou Grhrig, died in New York of a degenerative disease, amyotophic lateral sclerosis.

In 1966,the U.S. space probe Surveyor 1 landed on the moon and began transmitting detailed hotograhps of the lunar surface.

In 1995,a U.S. Air Force F-16-c was shot down by a Bosnian Serb surface-to-air missile while on a NATO air patrol in northern Bosnia;the pilot,Capt.Scott F.O' Grady,was rescued six days later.

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In 1884,Civil War hero Gen. William T. Sherman refused the Republican presidential nomination,saying,"I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected."

In 1917,about 10 million American men began registering for the draft in World War I.

In 1933,the United States went off the gold standard.

In 1940,the Battle of France began during World War II.

In 1976,11 people were killed when the Teton Dam in Idaho burst.

In 1981, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that five homosexuals in Los Angeles had come down with the first recognized cases of what later became known as Aids.

In 1986, a federal jury in Baltimore convicted Ronald W. Pelton of selling secrets to the Soviet Union.(Pelton was sentenced to three life prison terms plus 10 years.)

In 2004,Ronald Wilson Reagan,the 40th president of the United Staes died in Los Angeles at age 93 after a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease.

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In 1918,the World War I battle of Belleau Wood,wnich resulted in a U.S. victory over the Germans,began in France.

In 1925,Walter Percy Chrysler founded the Chrysler Corp.

In 1934,the Securities and Exchange Commissions was established.

In 1942,Japanese retreated in the World War II Battle of Midway.

In 1966, black activist James Meredith was shot and wounded as he walked along a Mississippi highway to encourage black voter registration.

In 1968,Sen.Robert F. Kennedy died at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles,a day after he was shot by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan.

In 1978,California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 13,a primary ballot initiative calling for major cuts in property taxes.

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In 1769,frontiersman Daniel Boone first gegan to explore the present-day Blurgrass State.

In 1864,Abraham Lincoln was nominated for another term as president at his party's convention in Baltimore

In 1929,the sovereighn state of Vatican City came into existence as copies of the lateran Treaty were exchanged in Rome.

In 1948,the Communists completed their takeover of Czechoslovakia with the resignature of President Eduard Benes.

In 1967,authoe-critic Dorothy Parker,famed for her caustic wit,died in New York.

In 1981,Israeli military planes destroyrd a nuclear power plant in Irag,a facility the Israelis charged could have been used to make nuclear weapons.

In 1998,in a crime that shocked the nation,James Byrd Jr. a 49-year-old black man,was dragged to his death behind a pickup truck in Jasper,Texas.(Two white men were later sentenced to death for the crime;a third received life in prison.)

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In 1845,Andrew Jackson seventh president of the United States,died in Nashville,Tenn.

In 1861, Tennessee seceded from the Union.

In 1953,the Supreme Court ruled that restaurants in the District of Columbia could not refuse to serve blacks.

In 1967,34 U.S. serviceman were killed when Israeli forces raided the Liberty,A Navy ship stationed in the Mediterranean.(Israel called the attack a tragic mistake)

In 1968,authorities anounced the capture in London of James Earl Ray the suspected assassin of civil rights leader the Rev. Martin Luther king Jr.

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In 1940,Norway surrendered to the Nazis during World War II.

In 1953, about 100 people died when a tornado struck Worcester,Mass.

In 1954,during the Senate-Army Hearing, Army special councel Joseph N. Welch asked Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy: "Have you no sense of decency,sir?"

In 1978,leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints struck down a 148-year-old policy of excluding black men from the Mormon priesthood.

In 1980,commedian Richard Pryor suffered almost fatal burns at his San Fernando Valley,California,home when a mixture of "free-base" cocaine exploded.

In 1985,American educator Thomas Sutherland was kidnapped in Lebanon;he was released in November 1991 along with fellow hostage Terry Waite.

In 1986,the Rogers Commission released its report on the Challenger disaster,criticizing NSA and rocket-builder Morton Thiokol for management problems leading to the explosion that claimed the lives of seven astronauta.

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In 1801,the north African state of Tripoli declared war on the United States in a dispute over safe passage of merchant vessels through the Mediterranean.

In 1865,the Richard Wagner opera "Tristan und Isolde" premiered in Munich,Germany.

In 1940,Italy declared war on France and Britain;Canada declared war on Italy.

In 1942,the Gestapo massacred 173 male residents of Lidice,Czechoslovakia,in retaliation for the killing od a Nazi official.

In 1946,Italy replaced its abolished monarchy with a republic.

In 1964,the Senate voted to limit further debate on a proposed civil rights bill,shutting off a filibuster by Southern states.

In 1967,the Middle East 3/4 War ended as Israel and Syria agreed to observe a United Nations-mediated cease-fire.

In 1978,Affirmed won the Belmont Stakes and with it ,Horse racing's Triple Crown.

In 1981,in Frascati,Italy,6-year-old Alfredo Rampi fell down an artesian well;the story ended tragically as efforts to rescue him proved futile.

In 1985,socialite Claus von Bulow was acquitted by a jury in Providence,R.I.,at his retrial on charges he'd tried to murder his heiress wife,Martha "Sunny" von Bulow.

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In 1776,Virginia's colonial legislation became the first to adopt a Bill of Rights.

In 1938,the Iowa Territory was organized.

In 1963,civil rights leader Medgar Evers was fatally shot in front of his home in Jackson Miss.;he was 37.(In 1994,Byron De La Beckwith was convicted of murdering Evers and sentenced to life in prison;he died in 2001.)

In 1967,the Supreme Court struck down state laws prohibiting interracial marriages.

In 1971,Tricia Nixon and Edward F. Cox were married in the White House rose Garden.

In 1978,David Berkowitz was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for each of the ix "Son of Sam" .44-caliber killings that had terrified New Yorkers.

In 1987,President Reagan,during a visit to the divided German city of Berlin,publicly challenged Soviet leader Milhail S. Gorbachev to "tear down this wall."

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In 1886. King Ludwig II of Bavria drowned in Lake Starberg.

In 1888,Congress created the Department of Labor.

In 1900,China's Boxer Rebellion targeting foreighners,as well as Chinese Christians, erupted into full-scale violense.

In 1927,aviation hero Charles Lindbergh was honored with a ticker-tape parade in New York City.

In 1935,James Braddock claimed the title of World Heavyweight boxing champion from Max Baer in a 15-round fight in Long Island City,N.Y.

In 1944,Germany began launching fkyingbomb attacks against Britian during World War II.

In 1967,President Johnson nominated Solicitor General Thurgood Marshall to become the first black justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 1971,The New York Times began publishing the Pentagon Papers,a secret study of American's involvement in Vietam.

In 1981,a scare occurred during a parade in London when a teenager fired six blank shots at Queen Elizabeth II

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In 1841,the first Canadian parliment opened in Kingston.

In 1846,a group of U.S. settlers in Sonoma proclaimed the Republic of California.

In 1928,the Republican National Convention nominated Hoover for president on the first ballot.

In 1940,in German-occupied Poland,the Nazis opened their concentration camp at Auschwitz;the same day,German troops entered Paris.

In 1943,the Supreme Court ruled school-children could not be cpmpelled to salute the flag of the United States if doing so conflicted with their religious beliefs.

In 1954,President Eisenhower signed an order adding the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.

In 1985,the 17-day hijack ordeal of TWA Flight 847 began as a pair of Lebanese Shiite Muslim extremists seized the jetliner shortly after takeoff from Athens,Greece.

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In 1520,Pope Leo X threatened to excommunicate Martin Luther if he did not recant his religious beliefs.

In 1775,the Second Continental Congress voted unanimously to appoint George Washington head of the Continental Army.

In 1836,Arkansas became the 25th state.

In 1844,Charles Goodyear received a patent for his process to strengthen rubber.

In 1849,James polk,the 11th president of the United States,died in Nashville Tenn.

In 1904,more than a thousand people died when fire erupted aboard the steamboat General Slocum in New York's East River.

In 1944,American forces began their sucessful invasion of Saipan during World War II.Meanwhile,B-29 Superfortresses made their first raids on Japan.

In 1978, King Hussein of Jordan married 26-year-old American Lisa Halaby,who became Queen Noor.

In 1994,Israel and the Vactican established full diplomatic relations

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In 1897,the government sighed a treaty of annexation with Hawaii.

In 1933,the National Industrial Recovery Act became law.(It was later struck down by the Supreme Court.

In 1943,comedian Charlie Chaplin married his fourth wife,18-year-old Oona O' Neill,daughter of playwrite Eugene O'Neill,in Carpenteria,California

In 1963,the world's first female slace traveler,Valentine Tereshkova,was launched into orbit by the Soviet union aboard Vostok 6.

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In 1885,the Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.

In 1928,Amelia Earhart enbarked on a trans-Atlantic flight from Newfoundland to Wales--the first by a woman.

In 1944,the republic of Iceland was established.

In 1948,a United Air Lines DC5 crashed near Mount Carmel Pa. killing all 43 people on board.

In 1963,the Supreme Court struck down rules requiring the reciation of the Lord's Prayer reading of Biblical verses in public schools.

In 1972,President Nixon's eventual downfall began with the arrest of five burglars inside Democratic national headquarters in Washington's Watergate complex.

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In 1586,English colonists sailed from Roanoke Island,N.C. after failing to establish England's first permanent settlement in America

In 1910,Fathers day was celebrated for the first time,in Spokane,Washington.

In 1917,during World War I, King George V ordered the British royal family to dispense with German tirles and surnames.The family took the name "Windsor".

In 1934,the Federal Communications Commissions was created; it replaced the Federal Radio Commission.

In 1964,the civil Rights Act of 1964 was approved by the Senate,73-27,after surving a lengthy filibuster.

In 1986,University of Maryland basketball star Len Bias,the first draft pick of the Boston Celtics,suffered a fatal Bocaine-induced seizure.

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