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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

On this day...
432 -BC- Origin of Metonic Cycle
574 John III ends his reign as Catholic Pope
1568 Dean of St Paul's Cathedral perfects a way to bottle beer
1787 Congress establishes Northwest Territory (excludes slavery)
1787 Ord of 1787-a territory can become 3 to 5 states at 60,000 pop
1793 French rev writer Jean Paul Marat murdered by Charlotte Corday
1832 Source of Mississippi River discovered (Henry R Schoolcraft)
1836 US patent #1 (after 9,957 unnumbered patents), for locomotive wheels
1854 US forces shell & burn San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua
1863 Anti-draft mobs lynch blacks in NYC; about 1,000 die
1865 Horace Greeley advises his readers to "Go west young man"
1865 PT Barnum's museum burns down
1868 Oscar J Dunn, former slave, installed as lt governor of Louisiana
1878 Treaty of Berlin amended terms of Treaty of San Stefano
1882 200 die as train derails near Tcherny, Russia
1896 Ed Delahanty, becomes 2nd major leaguer to hit 4 HRs in a game
1898 Guglielmo Marconi patents the radio
1898 SF Ferry Building at foot of Market St opens
1900 Phillies beat Pittsburgh 23-8
1908 4th modern Olympic games opens in London
1917 Vision of Virgin Mary appeared to children of F tima, Portugal
1919 Race riots in Longview & Gregg counties Texas
1930 Sarnoff reports in NY Times "TV would be a theater in every home"
1934 Babe Ruth hits HR #700 against Detroit
1936 112ø F (44ø C), Mio, Michigan (state record)
1936 114ø F (46ø C), Wisconsin Dells, Wisc. (state record)
1943 1st All Star night game (AL beats NL 5-4 at Shribe Pk, Phila)
1948 AL beats NL 5-2 in 15th All Star Game (Sportsman Park, St Louis)
1953 J A Bruwer discovers asteroids #1658 Innes & #3284
1954 AL beats NL 11-9 in 21st All Star Game (Cleveland Stadium)

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In 1798,Congress passed the Sedition Act,making it a federal crime to publish false,scandalous or malicious writing about the United States Government.

In 1881,outlaw William H. Bonney Jr. alias "Billy the Kid" was shot and killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett in Fort Sumner, N.M.

In 1913,Gerald Rulolph Ford Jr.,the 38th president of the United Staes,was born Leslie Lynch King Jr. in Omaha,Neb.-----?

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In 1965,the American space probe Mariner 4 flew by Mars,sending back photographs of the Red Planet.

In 1966,eight student nurses were murdered by Richard Speck in a Chicago dormitory.

In 1976,Jimmy Carter won the Democratic presidential nomination at the part's convention in New York.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on July 15:
1869 A J Hayne black captain of Arkansas militia, assassinated
1881 William "Billy the Kid" Bonney killed by Pat Garrett
1940 Robert Wadlow world's tallest man (8'11.1"), dies at 32
1948 John J Persing US General (WW I), dies at 87
1957 George Cleveland actor (Grampa-Lassie), dies at 74
1958 Julia Lennon mother of Beatle John, dies in an auto accident
1980 Eddie Jackson comedian (Jimmy Durante Show), dies at 84
1982 Wendy Caulfield 1st Green River victim, found near Seattle
1983 Eddie Foy Jr actor (Eddie-Fair Exchange), dies of cancer at 78
1986 Benny Rubin actor/comedian (Benny Rubin Show), dies at 87
1986 Florence Halop actress (Florence-Night Court), dies at 63
1988 Eleanor Estes author (Ginger Pye, Moffats), dies at 82
1990 Troy Dixon rapper (Trouble T-Roy of Heavy D), dies at 22 from a fall
1991 Bert Convy actor (Snoop Sisters, Win Lose or Draw), dies at 57

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on July 16:
1704 John Kay England, machinist, invented flying shuttle
1723 Sir Joshua Reynolds England, portrait painter (Simplicity)
1746 Giuseppe Piazzi discovered 1st asteroid (Ceres)
1821 Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science (Science & Health)
1858 EugŠne Ysa˜e Belgium, violinist/conductor/composer (Pierill Hou‹ou)
1862 Ida B Wells famous African
1872 Roald Amundsen Norway, explorer, discovered South Pole
1887 "Shoeless" Joe Jackson black sox player (Say it aint so, Joe)
1888 Frits Zernike invented phase-contrast microscope (Nobel 1953)
1896 Trygve Lie 1st UN Secretary-General (1946-52)
19-- Concha Valdes Miranda Havana Cuba, singer
19-- Faye Grant Detroit Mich, actress (Dr Julie Parrish-V)
1904 Goffredo Petrassi Zagarolo Italy, composer (Beatitudines)
1907 Barbara Stanwyck Bkln, actress (Dynasty II, Big Valley, Thorn Birds)
1907 Orville Redenbacher popcorn king (Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet)
1911 Ginger Rogers [Virginia McMath], Independence Mo, dancer/actress
1912 Ray Barr NYC, pianist (Vincent Lopez Show)
1915 Barnard Hughes Bedford Hills NY, (Tron, Where's Poppa, Best Friends)
1915 Laverne Andrews Minneapolis, Andrew Sister (or 0706)
1917 William Bishop Oak Park Ill, actor (Steve-It's a Great Life)
1924 Bess Myerson NYC, 1st Jewish Miss America (1945)
1925 Phillip Pine Hartford Ct, actor (Set-Up, Under the Ground)
1928 Bella Davidovich Baku Russia, pianist (Chopin, Beethoven, Ravel)
1932 Milly Vitale actress (7 Little Foys, War & Peace, Juggler)
1932 Oleg Protopopov Russia, olympic pairs skater (Gold 1964, 68)
1932 Richard L Thornburgh Penn, US Attorney General (1988- )
1936 Buddy Merrill Torrey Utah, guitarist (Lawrence Welk Show)
1939 Corin Redgrave London, actor (Excalibur, Man For All Seasons
1942 Desmond Dekker reggae pioneer (The Aces-Israelites)
1942 Margaret Smith Court Australia, tennis pro (1970 Grand Slam)
1948 Pinchas Zukerman Tel Aviv Israel, violinist/violist (Leventritt 1967)
1948 Rub‚n Blades salsa singer/actor (Critical Condition, Last Fight)
1949 Cyndy Garvey Detroit, wife of Steve Garvey, talk show host (AM LA)
1952 Stewart Copeland drummer (The Police-Roxanne)
1953 Philece Sampler San Angelo, Tx, actress (Another World)
1960 Gisela Beyer German DR, discus thrower (Olympics-4th place-1980)
1963 Phoebe Cates Manhattan NY, actress (Fast Times at Ridgemount High)
1969 Rain Pryor actress (Head of the Class)
1971 Corey Feldman Encino Calif, actor (License to Drive, Stand by Me)
1972 Mindy Carson NYC, vocalist (Club Embassy, Ford Star Revue)

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In 1970,the District of Columbia was established as the seat of the U.S. government.

In 1862,David G. Farragut became the first rear admiral in the U.S. navy.

In 1907,100 years go actress Barbara Stanwyck was born in New York.

In 1907,"Popcorn King" Orville Redenbacher was born in Brazil,Ind.

In 1945,the United States exploded its first experimental atomic bomb,in the desert of Alamogordo,N.M.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on July 17:
1928 General Alvaro Obreg¢n pres of Mexico, assassinated
1946 Mikhailovich resistance leader, executed by Tito regime
1959 Billie Holiday blues singer, dies of liver failure at 44 in NYC
1961 Ty Cobb Detroit Tiger hall of fame baseball player, dies at 75
1971 Cliff Edwards "Ukulele Ike", singer (54th Street Revue), dies at 76
1975 Modoc the elephant, dies at age 78 (oldest known nonhuman mammal)
1980 Donald Barry actor (Mr Gallo-Mr Novak), dies at 68
1984 J Delos Jewkes singer/actor, dies of a heart attack at 89
1985 Margo actress, dies at 68 of a brain tumor

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In 1821,Spain ceded Florida to the United States.

In 1898,during the Spanish-American War,Spanish troops in Santiago,Cuba, surrendered to U.S. forces.

In 1944,322 people were killed when a pair of ammunition ships exploded in Port Chicago,California.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1504 Birth of Heinrich Bullinger, Swiss reformer. He continued Zwingli's work afterhis death at Kappel (1531), and composed the Second Helvetic Confession in 1566.
1753 Birth of Lemuel Haynes, colonial American Congregational clergyman. In 1785,Haynes, 32, was ordained to a church in Torrington, Connecticut, making him the firstAfrican-American to pastor a white church.
1870 The Vatican I Ecumenical Council issued the proclamation 'Pastor Aeternus,'declaring the pope's primacy and infallibility in deciding faith and moral matters. (FewProtestants agree with this doctrine.)
1876 American philosopher and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson noted: 'Great men are theywho see that spiritual is stronger than material, that thoughts rule the world.'
1944 German theologian and Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote from prison: 'Thereligious act is always something partial; "faith" is something whole, involving the wholeof one's life. Jesus calls us not to new religion but to life.'

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Deaths which occurred on July 19:
1940 Samuel H Chang American newspaper magnate murdered in Shanghai
1958 Robert Earl Hughes weighed 1,041 lbs (473 kg), dies at 32
1964 Carol Veazie actress (Maude-Norby), dies at 69
1969 Mary Jo Kopechne dies at 28, in Ted Kennedy's car
1970 Barry Wood singer (Your Hit Parade), dies at 61
1974 Joe Flynn actor (McHale's Navy), dies at 59
1984 Carol Eberts Veazie actor, dies at 89
1990 Herbert Nelson actor (Guilding Light), dies at 76 of a stroke
1990 Johnny Wayne comedian (Wayne & Shuster), dies at 72 of cancer

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1848,a pioneer woman's rights convention convened in Seneca Falls,N.Y.

In 1969,Apollo 11 and its astronauts,Neil Armstron,Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins,went into orbit around the moon.

In 1975,the Apollo and Soyuz space capsules that were linked in orbit for two days separated.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on July 20:

1304 Francesco Petrarch Italy, poet (Italia Mia)
1519 Innocent IX 230th Roman Catholic pope (1591)
1785 Mahmud II Ottoman sultan, Westernizer, reformer
1864 Erik Karlfeldt Sweden, poet (Nobel 1918-refused; 1931-posthumous)
1890 Theda Bara actress (Under Two Flags, Cleopatra) (or 0729)
1890 Verna Felton Salinas Calif, actress (Hilda-December Bride)
19-- Chris Cornell Wash, rock drummer (Soundgarden-Badmotorfinger)
19-- Elizabeth Bennett Yorkshire England, actress (Enid-You Again?)
19-- Rodney Eastman actor (Beverly Hills Bodysnatchers)
1919 Sir Edmund Hillary one of 1st 2 men to scale Mt Everest
1920 Elliot L Richardson Attorney General (1973)/Sec of Defense (1973)
1920 Lev Aronin USSR, International Chess Master (1950)
1924 Lola Albright Akron, Ohio, actress (Delta Country, Kid Galahad)
1924 Thomas Berger US, novelist (Vital Parts, Little Big Man)
1930 Sally Ann Howes London England, actress (Dead of Night)
1932 Nam June Paik Seoul Korea, video artist (The Medium is the Medium)
1933 Nelson Doubleday publisher (Doubleday)/owner (NY Mets)
1938 Diana Rigg Doncaster England, actress (Emma Peel-Avengers, Hospital)
1938 Jo Ann Campbell Jacksonville Fla, Lawrence Welk's champagne lady
1938 Natalie Wood [Natasha Gurdin], SF, (Gypsy, Rebel Without a Cause)
1939 Judy Chicago [Cohen], Chicago, artist (The Dinner Party)
1940 Tony Oliva ball player, batting champ (AL Rookie of Year 1964)
1941 Vladimir A Lyakhov cosmonaut (Soyuz 32, T-9)
1943 John Lodge bassist (Moody Blues)
1944 T.G. Sheppard country singer (Only 1 You, Without You)
1946 Kim Carnes singer (Bette Davis Eyes)
1947 Carlos Santana Mexico, musician (Santana-Black Magic Woman)
1947 Gerd Binnig Frankfurt, physicist (tunneling microscope-Nobel 1986)
1947 James Harris Monroe La, NFL quarterback (Buffalo, LA, San Diego)
1954 Jay Jay French NYC, guitarist (Twisted Sister-Not Gonna Take It)
1955 Michael Anthony bassist (Van Halen)
1956 Mima Jausovec Yugoslavia, tennis player (French Open-1977)
1956 Paul Cook drummer (Sex Pistols)
1957 Donna Dixon Va, actress, Mrs Dan Ackwoyd (Couch Trip, Bossom Buddies)
1958 Michael McNeill rocker (Simple Minds-Don't You Forget About Me)
1968 Chris Kennedy actor (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)
1978 Charlie Korsmo actor (Dick Tracy, What About Bob)

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In 1861,the Congress of the Confederate States began holding sessions in Richmond,Va,

In 1917,the draft lottery in World War I went into operations.

In 1944,President Franklin Roosevelt was nominated for an unprecedented fourth term of office at the Democratic convention in Chicago.

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In 1861,the first Battle of Bull Run was fought at Manassas,Va, resulting in a Confederate victory.

In 1899,author Ernest hemingway was born in Oak Park,Ill.

In 1899 poet Hart Crane was born in Garrettsville,Ohio.

In 1930,President Herbert Hoover signed an executive order establishing the Veterans Administration.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

On this day...
260 St Dionysius begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1298 English defeat Scots at Battle of Falkirk
1587 2nd English colony established on Roanoke Island off NC
1686 City of Albany, NY chartered
1775 George Washington takes command of the troops
1796 Cleveland, Ohio, founded by Gen Moses Cleaveland
1812 Duke of Wellington defeats French at Battle of Salamanca, Spain
1854 J R Hind discovers asteroid #30 Urania
1864 Battle of Atlanta-Hood attacks Sherman & suffers terrible losses
1898 Belgica crew see 1st sunrise in 1600 hrs-1st to endure Antarct winter
1905 Phila Athletic's Weldon Henley no-hits St Louis Browns, 6-0
1908 W Lorenz discovers asteroid #665 Sabine
1912 5th Olympic games in Stockholm closes
1916 A bomb went off during a Preparedness Day parade in SF killing 10
1917 Alexander Kerensky becomes Russian PM
1917 M Wolf discovers asteroids #879 Ricarda, #880 Herba & #881 Athene
1918 Lightning kills 504 sheep in Utah's Wasatch National Park
1923 Walter Johnson becomes the 1st to strikeout 3,000
1925 Yankees purchase infielder Leo Durocher
1926 105ø F (41ø C), Waterbury, Connecticut (state record)
1926 108ø F (42ø C), Troy, New York (state record)
1926 Cin Red Curt Walker ties record of 2 triples in an inning
1930 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1306 Scythia
1930 H Van Gent discovers asteroids #1666 van Gent, #1752 van Herk &
#1945 Wesselink
1933 Caterina Jarboro sings "Aida," NYC-1st negro prima donna in US
1933 Wiley Post completes 1st round-the-world solo flight
1935 C Jackson discovers asteroids #1359 Prieska & #1360 Tarka
1935 Lester Walton appointed minister to Liberia
1936 Phillies John Moore hits 3 consecutive HRs
1937 Senate rejects FDR proposal to enlarge Supreme Court
1939 1st black woman judge (Jane Matilda Bolin-NYC)
1942 Gasoline rationing begins in US during WW II
1943 Allied forces captured Palermo, Sicily
1944 Soviets set up Polish Committee of National Liberation
1946 Estelle Bennett, rocker (The Ronettes)
1947 -8ø F (-13ø C), Charlotte Pass, NSW (Australian record)
1950 King Leopold, after 6 years in exile, returns to Belgium
1952 Polish constitution adopted (National Day)
1955 1st VP to preside over cabinet meeting-R Nixon
1955 Phillies longest win streak since 1892 hits 11
1962 1st US Venus probe, Mariner 1, fails at lift-off
1962 Chic White Sox Floyd Robinson goes 6 for 6 (all singles)
1963 Sonny Liston KOs Floyd Patterson to retain heavywieght championship
1963 The Beatles release "Introducing the Beatles"
1964 Steve Ballesteros wins the Britsh Golf Open
1967 Atlanta Braves use a record 5 pitchers in the 9th inning
1967 Jimi Hendrix quits as openoing act of the Monkees' tour
1969 Aretha Franklin arrested for disturbing the peace in Detroit
1969 USSR launches Sputnik 50 & Molniya 1-12 communications satellite
1972 27.53 cm (10.84") of rainfall, Fort Ripley, Mn (state 24-hr record)
1972 Venera 8 makes soft landing on Venus
1973 Sue Berning wins her 3rd US Golf Open championship
1975 House of Reps votes to restore citizenship to Gen Robert E Lee
1981 Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca sentenced in a Rome to life
1982 Academic Text Processing Service established in Seattle
1983 -128ø F (-89ø C) recorded, Vostok, Antarctica (world record)
1983 Dick Smith makes 1st solo helicopter flight around the world
1983 Poland's PM Januzelski lifts martial law
1984 Kathy Whitworth wins a record 85th pro golf tournament
1986 House of Reps impeaches Judge Harry E Claiborne on tax evasion
1987 Said Aouita of Morroco sets the 5k record (12:58.39) in Rome
1987 Soyuz TM-3 launched with 3 cosmonauts (1 Syrian)
1987 US began escorting re-flagged Kuwaiti tankers in Persian Gulf
1988 500 US scientists pledge to boycott Pentagon germ-warfare research
1990 Greg Lemond of US wins bicycling's 3rd tour de France
1990 Nick Faldo of England wins the British Open Golf championship
1991 Jeffrey Dahmer confesses to killing 17 males in 1978

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In 1847,morman leader Brigham Young and his followers arrived in the Great Salt Lake Valley in present-day-Utah.

In 1862,the eighth president of the United States,Martin Van Buren,died in Kinderhook,N.Y.

In 1866,Tennessee became the first state to be readmitted to the Union after the Civil War.

In 1929,President Hoover proclaimed the Kellogg-Briand Pact,which renounced war as an instrument of foreign policy.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

On this day...
1360 Jews are expelled from Breslau Silesia
1593 France's Protestant King Henri IV converts to Roman Catholic
1670 Jews are expelled from Vienna Austria
1729 North Carolina becomes royal colony
1759 British capture Fort Niagara from French (7 Years' War)
1775 Maryland issues currency depicting George III trampling Magna Carta
1799 French-Egyptian forces under Napolean I beat Turks at Battle of Abukir
1814 Battle of Niagara Falls (Lundy's Lane); Americans defeat British
1822 Gen Agust¡n de Iturbide crowned Agust¡n I, 1st emperor of M‚xico
1832 1st railroad accident in US, Granite Railway, Quincy, Mass-1 dies
1860 1st US intercollegiate billard match (Harvard vs Yales)
1866 US Grant named 1st general of Army
1868 Territory of Wyoming created
1871 Carrousel patented by Wilhelm Schneider, Davenport, Iowa
1898 1st US troops land & occupy Puerto Rice, at Guanica Bay
1903 Castle on top of Telegraph Hill closes
1909 France's Louis Bl‚riot, makes 1st airplane flight across Engl Channel
1912 Comoros proclaimed a French colonies
1913 Carl Weilman strikes out 6 times in a 15 inning game
1913 Pirates Max Carey goes hitless, but scores 5 runs against Phillies
1916 Explosion at Lake Erie & Cleveland Waterworks
1918 Annette Adams sworn in as 1st woman district attorney of US, Calif
1918 Race riot in Chester Pennsylvania (3 blacks & 2 whites killed)
1920 Red Sox turn triple-play, but Ruth's 35th HR leads Yanks to 8-2 win
1930 Phila Athletics triple steal in the 1st & 4th innings vs Cleveland
1935 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1641 Tana
1936 115 acre Orchard Beach opens in the Bronx
1936 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #3761
1939 NY Yankee Atley Donald sets AL rookie record with 12 consecutive win
1940 John Sigmund begins swimming for 89 hrs 46 mins in the Mississippi R
1941 Red Sox Lefty Grove becomes 12th to win 300 games (his last victory)
1943 Benito Mussolini dismissed as premier of Italy during WW II
1944 1st jet fighter used in combat (Messerschmitt 262)
1946 1st bikini is shown at a Paris fashion show

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1866,Ulysses S. Grant was named General of the Army of the United States,the first officer to hold the rank.

In 1868,Congress passed an act creating the Wyoming Territory.

In 1946,the United States detonated an atomic bomb near Bikini Atoll in the Pacific in the first underwater test of the device.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1775,Benjamin Franklin became Postmaster-General.

In 1788,New York became the eleventh state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

In 1947,President Truman signed the National Security Act, creating the Department of Defense,the National Security Council,the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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In 1619,the first representative assembly in America convened in Jamestown,Va.

In 1729,the city of Baltimore was founded

In 1844,the New York Yacht Club was founded.

In 1932,the Summer Olympic Games opened in Los Angeles.

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