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Post by noreply66 »

In 1790, the enumeration for the first United States census began;the final total was 3,929,214.

In 1873, inventor Andrew S. Hallidie successfully tested a cable car he had designed for the city of San Francisco.

In 1876, frontiersman "Wild Bill" Hickok was shot and killed while playing poker at a saloon in Deadwood,Dakota Territory.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1932,Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as the 30th president of the United States,following the death of Warren G. Harding.

In 1936,the U.S. State Department urged Americas in Spain to leave because of the civil war.

In 1943,Gen. George S. Patton slapped a private at an army hospital in Sicily,accusing him of cowardice.(Patton was later ordered by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to apologize for this and a second , similar episode.)

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on August 04:
1265 Simon de Montfort English baron, dies in battle
1526 Juan Sebasti…n Cano Spanish explorer, dies
1891 George Washington Williams dies at 41 in Blackpool England
1973 Eddie Condon jazz guitarist (Eddie Condon's Floor Show), dies at 68
1981 Melvyn Douglas actor, dies at 80
1984 Edmon Ryan actor, dies at 79 of a heart attack
1984 Mary Miles Minter silent screen star, dies at 82 of heart failure
1984 Walter Burke actor, dies at 75 of emphysema

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1735,a jury acquitted John Peter Zenger of the New York Weekly Journal of seditious libel.

In 1790, the Coast Guard had its beginnings as the Revenue Cutter Service.

In 1830,plans for the city of Chicago were laid out.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1874 Methodist clergyman John H. Vincent (1832-1920) and Ohio manufacturer Lewis Miller established the Chautauqua Assembly in northwest New York state a summer retreat center combining recreational activities with the training of Sunday School teachers and other church workers.
1879 Pope Leo XIII issued the encyclical "Aeterni patris," which urged the study of "true" philosophy, especially that of Thomas Aquinas. The injunction led to a great revival of both Thomist studies and scholastic philosophy.
1884 Birth of Sigmund O.P. Mowinckel, Norwegian Old Testament scholar. Associated from 1917-54 with Oslo University, his most influential work was done in the Psalms. In 1951 he published "The Psalms in Israel's Worship" (1963).
1892 English medical missionary Wilfred T. Grenfell, 26, first arrived in Labrador, Newfoundland. For 42 years he labored among the fisherfolk, helping build hospitals and orphanages as well as churches.
1959 Swedish Christian and U.N. Secretary General Dago Hammarskald observed in his journal (Markings): 'We encounter a world where each man is a cosmos, of whose riches we can only catch glimpses.'

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

Iran : Constitution Day
Upper Volta : Independence Day/Burkina Faso (1960)
World : Test Ban Day (Int'l Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War)
Arizona, Michigan : American Family Day - - - - - ( Sunday )
Italy : Joust of the Quintana (1st Sunday) - - - - - ( Sunday )
Bahamas, Barbados, Turks & Caicos Island : Emancipation Day (1838) - - - - - ( Monday )
British Commonwealth : Bank Holiday - - - - - ( Monday )
Canada : Civic Holiday (1st Monday) - - - - - ( Monday )
Colorado : Colorado Day (1876) - - - - - ( Monday )
Jamaica : Independence Day (1962) - - - - - ( Monday )
St Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla : August Monday - - - - - ( Monday )
US : National Smile Week begins - - - - - ( Monday )
Grasmere England : Rush-Bearing Day - - - - - ( Saturday )

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1890,convicted murderer William Kemmler became the first person to be executed in the electric chair as he was put to death at Auburn State prison in New York.

In 1890,Cy Young gained the first of his 511 major league victories as he pitchd the Cleveland Spiders to a win over the Chicago Colts. (However,the score is a matter of dispute,with some sources saying 6-1,and others saying 8-1).

In 1965,President Lyndon Johnson signed the voting Rights Act.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

On this day...
768 Stephen III begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1498 Columbus arrives in Caribbean
1620 Kepler's mother arrested for witchcraft
1782 George Washington creates Order of the Purple Heart
1789 US War Department established
1819 Battle of Boyac ; Bol¡var defeats Spanish in Colombia
1820 1st potatoes planted in Hawaii
1882 Hatfields of south WV & McCoys of east Ky feud, 100 wounded or die
1888 Theophilus Van Kannel of Phila patents revolving door
1893 53rd Congress (1893-95) convenes
1912 Progressive (Bull Moose) Party nominates Theodore Roosevelt for pres
1927 Peace Bridge between US & Canada dedicated
1929 Ruth ties record by hitting grand slams in consecutive games
1934 US Court of Appeals upheld lower court ruling striking down govt's attempt to ban controversial James Joyce novel "Ulysses"
1938 2 die in a NYC subway accident
1940 Largest amount paid for a stamp ($45,000 for 1 1856 British Guiana)
1941 551 Jews are shot in Kishnev ghetto in Romania
1942 1st American offensive in Pacific in WW2, Guadalcanal, Solomon Is
1946 1st coin bearing portrait of Negro authorized

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1957,50 years ago Oliver Hardy died in North Hollywood,California at age 65.

In 1959,the United States launched Explorer VI, which sent back a picture of the Earth.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1471 Death of Thomas Kempis, 91, Dutch mystic and devotional author. Though most of his years were outwardly uneventful, his book "The Imitation of Christ" remains in print today, a guide to cultivating the inner human spirit.
1518 German reformer Martin Luther wrote in a letter: 'The Lord will provide with the trial a way out.'
1845 Birth of Thomas Koschat, Austrian sacred composer. One of his scores became the hymn tune POLAND, to which is commonly sung "The King of Love My Shepherd Is."
1852 The roots of the Baptist General Conference were planted when Swedish immigrant pastor Gustaf Palmquist baptized his first three converts in the Mississippi River at Rock Island, Illinois. Today, the denomination numbers about 140,000.
1910 The Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments in the Vatican issued the decree "Quam singulari," which recommended that children be permitted to receive Holy Communion as soon as they reached the "age of discretion" (i.e., about age 7).

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1876,Thomas A Edison received a patent for his mimeograph.

In 1907,100 years ago,jazz musician,composer and bandleader Benny Carter was born in New York.

In 1942,six convicted Nazi saboteurs who had landed in the U.S. were executed in Washington;two others' lives were spared.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1848,the Free-Soil Party convened in Buffalo,N.Y. where it nominated Martin Van Buren for President.

In 1854,Henry David Thoreau's Walden," which described his experiences while living near Walden Pond in Massachusetts,was first published.

In 1930,a forerunner of the cartoon character Betty Boop made her debut in Max Fleischer's animated short "Dizzy Dishes."

In 1936,Jesse Owens won his fourth gold medal at the Berlin Olympics as the U.S. took first place in the 400-meter relay.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on August 10:
1867 Ira Frederick Aldridge US Negro tragedian, dies (birth date unkn)
1945 Robert Goddard father of American rocketry, dies
1962 Ted Husing sportscaster (Monday Night Fights), dies at 60
1963 Estes Kefauver (D-Sen-Tn), dies at 60
1974 Ilona Massey actress/singer (Ilona Massey Show), dies at 64
1974 Pedro Regas actor (Pat Paulsen's « Comedy Hour), dies at 92
1976 Ray "Crash" Corrigan cowboy (Crash Corrigan's Ranch), dies at 74
1977 Vince Barnett actor (Star is Born, Human Jungle), dies at 75
1979 Dick Foran actor (OK Crackerby), dies at 69
1985 Kenny Backer comedian, dies of a heart attack at 72
1987 Clara Peller actress (Where's the Beef), dies at 86
1988 Adela Rogers St John journalist (Free Soul, Honeycomb), dies at 94
1988 Arias Arnulfo 3 time president of Panama, dies at 86

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1742 English revivalist George Whitefield observed in a letter: 'It is a very uncommon thing to be rooted and grounded in the love of Jesus. I find persons may have the idea, but are far from having the real substance.'
1760 Philip Embury (1728-1773) arrived in New York the first Methodist clergyman to come over from America.
1841 Birth of Mary A. Lathbury, American Sunday School leader and poet. Daughter of a Methodist preacher, two of Lathbury's poems later became popular hymns: "Break Thou the Bread of Life" and "Day is Dying in the West."
1855 Birth of Frederick J. Foakes-Jackson, Anglican theologian. His numerous publications centered around church history. His best-remembered work is "The Beginnings of Christianity, Part I: The Acts of the Apostles" (5 volumes, 1919-33).
1948 English apologist C.S. Lewis wrote in a letter: 'We ought to give thanks for all fortune: if it is good, because it is good; if bad, because it works in us patience, humility, contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1821,Missouri became the 24th state.

In 1874,Herbert Clark Hoover,the 31st president of the United States, was born in West Branch,Iowa.

In 1921,Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken with polio at his summer home on the Canadian island of Campobello.

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Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Births on August 11th

1667 - Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici, last of the Medicis (d. 1743)
1673 - Richard Mead, English physician (d. 1754)
1718 - Sir Frederick Haldimand, Swiss-born British colonial governor (d. 1791)
1722 - Richard Brocklesby, English physician (d. 1797)
1794 - James Barton Longacre, American engraver (d. 1869)
1807 - David Rice Atchison, American politician (d. 1886)
1833 - Robert G. Ingersoll, American politician and soldier (d. 1899)
1833 - Kido Takayoshi, Japanese politician (d. 1877)
1836 - Warren Brown, American politician (d. 1919)
1837 - Marie François Sadi Carnot, French statesman (d. 1894)
1858 - Christiaan Eijkman, Dutch physician, Nobel Prize Laureate (d. 1930)
1863 - Gaston Doumergue, President of the French Third Republic (d. 1937)
1870 - Tom Richardson, English cricketer (d. 1912)
1870 - Walter Bowman, Canadian soccer player (d. ?)
1872 - Shidehara Kijuro, Prime Minister of Japan (d. 1951)
1892 - Eiji Yoshikawa, Japanese novelist (d. 1962)
1892 - Hugh MacDiarmid, Scottish poet (d. 1978)
1897 - Louise Bogan, American poet (d. 1970)
1897 - Enid Blyton, English author (d. 1968)
1900 - Philip Phillips, American archaeologist (d. 1994)
1902 - Alfredo Binda, Italian cyclist (d. 1986)
1902 - Lloyd Nolan, American actor (d. 1985)
1905 - Erwin Chargaff, Austrian biochemist (d. 2002)
1907 - Ted a'Beckett, Australian cricketer (d. 1989)
1912 - Eva Ahnert-Rohlfs, German astronomer (d. 1954)
1912 - Thanom Kittikachorn, Prime Minister of Thailand (d. 2004)
1913 - Angus Wilson, British novelist (d. 1991)
1913 - Paul Dupuis, French Canadian actor (d. 1976)
1914 - José Silva, American parapsychologist (d. 1999)
1916 - Johnny Claes, Belgian racing driver (d. 1956)
1919 - Ginette Neveu, French violinist (d. 1949)
1920 - Chuck Rayner, Canadian ice hockey player (d. 2002)
1921 - Alex Haley, American historian (d. 1992)
1925 - Mike Douglas, American entertainer (d. 2006)
1925 - Floyd Curry, National Hockey League player (d. 2006)
1926 - Aaron Klug, Lithuanian-born chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1928 - Arlene Dahl, American actress
1932 - Fernando Arrabal, Spanish writer
1932 - Israel Asper, Canadian tax lawyer (d. 2003)
1933 - Jerry Falwell, American preacher (d. 2007)
1936 - Andre Dubus, American short-story writer (d. 1999)
1938 - Branko Stanovnik, Slovenian chemist
1939 - Ronnie Dawson, American rockabilly performer (d. 2003)
1942 - Mike Hugg, British musician (Manfred Mann)
1943 - Abigail Folger, American coffee heiress and Manson murder victim (d. 1969)
1944 - Ian McDiarmid, Scottish actor
1944 - Fred Smith, American entrepreneur
1946 - Marilyn vos Savant, American newspaper columnist
1946 - John Conlee, American country music singer
1948 - Jan Palach, Czechoslovakian student protester
1949 - Eric Carmen, American musician
1950 - Gennidy Nikonov, Russian weapons inventor
1950 - Steve Wozniak, American computer pioneer
1951 - Vincent Bilodeau, Quebec actor and comedian
1953 - Hulk Hogan, American wrestler
1954 - Joe Jackson, English singer
1954 - Juan Maria Solare, Argentine composer
1955 - Sylvia Hermon, British politician
1955 - Marc Bureau, French canadian politician
1956 - Pierre-Louis Lions, French mathematician
1957 - Richie Ramone, American musician (The Ramones)
1957 - Ian Stuart Donaldson, British singer (Skrewdriver)
1959 - Gustavo Cerati, Argentinian musician (Soda Stereo)
1964 - Jim Lee, Korean-born comic book artist
1965 - Marc Bergevin, professional ice hockey player
1966 - Nigel Martyn, English footballer
1966 - Embeth Davidtz, American actress
1967 - Joe Rogan, American television host
1967 - Enrique Bunbury, Spanish singer
1968 - Lorenzo Bernardi, Italian volleyball player
1968 - Charlie Sexton, American musician
1968 - Alan Kelly, England-born Irish footballer
1968 - Veda Hille, Canadian singer
1968 - Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau
1969 - Jonah Matranga, American singer
1969 - Ashley Jensen, Scottish actress
1970 - Andy Bell, English musician (Oasis)
1971 - Tommy Mooney, English football player
1972 - Jonathon Prandi, American model
1973 - Nigel Harman, British actor
1974 - Audrey Mestre, French diver
1974 - Will Friedle, American actor
1974 - Hadiqa Kiyani, Pakistani pop star
1974 - Marie-France Dubreuil, French Canadian figure skater
1975 - Davey von Bohlen, American musician (The Promise Ring, Maritime)
1976 - Ben Gibbard, American musician (Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service)
1976 - Ľubomir Visnovsky, Slovak ice hockey player
1976 - Bubba Crosby, American baseball player
1976 - Erick Lindgren, American poker player
1978 - Jermain Taylor, American boxer
1978 - Amber Brkich, American reality television personality
1980 - Lee Suggs, American football player
1981 - Sandi Thom, Scottish born singer
1981 - Fiona Sit, Hong Kong singer and actress
1981 - Jacob Olds, American drummer and singer (Family Force 5)
1981 - Joshua Olds, American bassist and singer (Family Force 5)
1983 - Daniel Paul Huxley, Welsh Holy Man, teacher and youtube celebrity
1984 - Melky Cabrera, Dominican baseball player
1984 - Katie Rees, American Miss Nevada USA
1984 - Lucas di Grassi, Brazilian racing driver
1985 - Grace Adams-Short, UK Big Brother 2006 contestant
1993 - Alyson Stoner, American actress

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1934, the first federal prisoners arrived at the island prison Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay.

In 1956,abstract painter Jackson pollock, 44, died in an automoble accident on Long Island,in Springs,N.Y.

In 1992,the Mall of America,the biggest shopping mall in the U,S,,opened in Bloomington,Minn.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1838 Birth of Joseph Barnby, English organist and choirmaster. He composed nearly 250 hymn tunes during his life. Of these the most enduring include LAUDES DOMINI ("When Morning Gilds the Skies"), LONGWOOD ("Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart"), MERRIAL ("Now the Day is Over") and ST. ANDREW ("We Give Thee But Thine Own").
1859 Birth of Katherine Lee Bates, American English teacher. She published over 20 books, but is best remembered today for writing the patriotic hymn, "America, the Beautiful" (a.k.a. "O Beautiful for Spacious Skies").
1952 American missionary and martyr Jim Elliot wrote in his journal: 'I must come to be aware of Satan. He may never get me into hell, but he may cause God shame in defeating me. Preserve me from the lion, Lord. Let him not swallow me up.'
1978 In Rome, the first papal funeral ever held outdoors was conducted for Pope Paul VI in St. Peter's Square.
1988 In Hollywood, the controversial religious movie "The Last Temptation of Christ" was released, sparking protests from evangelical church groups across the nation.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1846,the American flag was raised for the first time in Los Angeles.

In 1934,the satirical comic strip "Li'l Abner," created by Al Capp, made its debut.

In 1960,the first two-way telephone conversation by satellite took place with the help of Echo One.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

On this day...
410 Alaric sacks Rome
1248 Construction of Cologne Cathedral begun
1385 Portuguese defeat Castilians at Aljubarrota, retain independence
1457 Oldest known exactly dated printed book (c 3 years after Gutenberg)
1756 French capture Fort Oswego, NY
1765 Mass colonists challenge British rule by an Elm (Liberty Tree)
1813 British warship Pelican attacks & captures US war brigantine Argus
1842 Seminole War ends; Indians removed from Florida to Oklahoma
1846 Henry David Thoreau jailed for tax resistance
1848 Oregon Territory created
1862 Lincoln receives 1st group of blacks to confer with US president
1873 "Forest & Stream" begins publishing
1876 Prairie View State University forms
1880 Construction of Cologne Cathedral completed
1893 France issues 1st driving licenses, included required test
1900 Intl forces including US Marines enter Beijing to put down Boxer Rebellion, which was aimed at ridding China of foreigners
1908 Race riot in Springfield Illinois
1910 6th International Congress of Esperantists held in Washington, DC
1912 2,500 US marines invade Nicaragua; US remains until 1925
1917 China declares war on Germany & Austria at start of WW I
1919 Yankee Muddy Ruel hits into a triple-play
1932 10th Olympic Games at Los Angeles closes
1935 Social Security Act became law
1936 1st Olympic basketball game (Berlin)
1937 Detroit Tigers score 36 runs in double header vs St Louis Browns
1939 1st night games at Comiskey Park (White Sox 5, Browns 2)
1941 Atlantic Charter signed by FDR & Churchill
1945 V-J Day; Japan surrenders unconditionally to end WW II
1947 India granted independence within British Commonwealth
1947 Mildred Babe Didrikson Zaharias gives up amateur status for $300,000
1947 Pakistan gains independence from Britain

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