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Post by noreply66 »

In 1877,the second president of The Church of Jesus of Latter-Day Saints, Brigham Young,died in Salt Lake City at age 76.

In 1944,15,000 American troops marched down the Champs Elysees in Paris as the French capital continued to celebrate its liberation from the Nazis.

In 1965,Gemini 5, carring astronauts Gordon Cooper and Charles (Pete) Conrad,splashed down in the Atlantic after eight days in space.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on August 30:
30 -BC- Cleopatra 7th & most famous queen of Egypt, commits suicide
1483 Louis XI king of France (1461-83), dies at 60
1879 John B Hood confederate general (lost Atlanta), dies at 48
1930 William H Taft 27th US President, dies
1952 Arky Vaughn infielder (Pirates & Dodgers), drowns
1961 Charles Coburn Acad award winning actor, dies at 84
1963 Axel Stordahl orch leader (Frank Sinatra Show), dies at 50
1964 Wesley Lau actor (Lt Anderson-Perry Mason), dies at 43
1968 William Talman actor (Hamilton-Perry Mason), dies at 53
1970 Del Moore actor/announcer (Cal-Bachelor Father), dies at 53
1981 Mohammad Ali Rajai president of Iran, assassinated by a bomb

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In 1862,Union forces were defeated by the Confederates at the Second Battle of Bull Run in Manassas,Va.

In 1905,Ty Cobb made his major-league debut as a player for the Detroit Tigers,hitting a double in his first at bat in a game against the New York Highlanders, (The Tigers won 5 - 3.)

In 1963,the "Hot Line" communications link between Washington and Moscow went into operation.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on August 31:
1057 Leofric husband of Lady Godiva, dies
1688 John Bunyan preacher/novelist/author of "Pilgrim's Progress,", dies
1879 William Barber 6th US chief engraver (1844-79), dies
1888 Mary Ann Nicholls a 42-year-old prostitute, was found stabbed to
death in London, 1st of at least five murders by Jack the Ripper
1963 George F Broque cubist painter, dies at 81 in Paris
1964 Carole Coleman singer (Face the Music), dies at 42
1964 Rocky Marciano former heavyweight champ, dies in a plane crash
1968 Dennis O'Keefe actor (Suspicion), dies at 60
1990 Nat (Sweetwater) Clifton NY Knick, dies at 65 of a heart attack

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In 1881,the first U.S. tennis championships.(for men) were played,in Newport.R.I.

In 1886,an earthquake rocked Chareston,S.C. killing 60 people,according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

In 1935,President Franklin Roosevelt signed an act prohibiting the export of U.S. arms to belligerents.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on September 01:
1159 Adrian IV only English pope (1154-59), dies (birth date unknown)
1557 Jacques Cartier French explorer, dies (birth date unknown)
1648 Marin Mersenne French mathematician, dies at 59
1715 Louis XIV the great, king of France (1643-1715), dies at 76
1838 William Clark 2nd lt of Lewis & Clark Expedition, dies at 68
1862 Oliver Tilden of the Bronx, killed in the Civil War in Virginia
1914 Martha last known passenger pigeon, dies at Cincinnati Zoo
1955 Philip Loeb actor (Jake-The Goldbergs), dies at 61
1967 James Dunn actor (Uncle Earl-It's a Great Life), dies at 65
1969 Drew Pearson newscaster (Drew Pearson), dies at 71
1977 Ethel Waters actress (Beulah)/singer (Stormy Weather), dies at 76
1983 Henry "Scoop" Jackson (Sen-D-Wash), dies at 71
1984 Howland Chamberlain actor, dies at 73
1986 Murray Hamilton actor (Rich Man Poor Man), dies at 63
1988 Leonor Sullivan (Rep-D-Missouri, 1955-77), dies at 86
1989 A Bartlett Giamatti baseball commissioner, dies of heart attack at 51

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1758 The first Anglican service of worship to be held on Canadian soil was led by Rev. Robert Wolfall at Frobisher Bay, on Baffin Island.
1784 English clergyman Thomas Coke, 37, was consecrated, the first "bishop" of the Methodist Episcopal Church, by founder John Wesley. Coke afterward journeyed to America, where he and Francis Asbury oversaw Methodism in the Colonies.
1930 While a missionary in the Philippines, American linguistic pioneer Frank Laubach wrote in a letter: 'God is always awaiting the chance to give us high days. We so seldom are in deep earnest about giving him his chance.'
1949 English apologist C.S. Lewis wrote in a letter: 'God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain.'
1973 Death of J.R.R. Tolkien, 81, English Christian language scholar and novelist. His 1954-55 "Lord of the Rings" trilogy describes a war between good and evil in which evil is routed through courage and sacrifice.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on September 03:
1189 Rabbi Jacob of Orleans killed in anti Jewish riot in London England
1658 James I king of England (1603-25), dies at 92
1658 Oliver Cromwell the Lord Protector of England, dies at 59
1962 e. e. cummings poet, dies at 67
1969 Ho Chi Minh North Vietnamese president, dies
1970 Vince Lombardi football coach, dies in Washington DC at 57
1982 Michael Thoma actor (8 is Enough, Fame), dies at 55
1984 Arthur Schwartz actor, dies after a stroke at 83
1984 Duncan Renaldo actor (Cisco Kid), dies at 80
1990 David Acer Florida dentist, dies of AIDs after infecting 5 patients
1991 Frank Capra director (It's a Wonderful Life), dies at 94

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In 1967,the original version of the TV game show "What's My Line?" broadcast its final episode after more than 17 years on CBS.

In 1976,the unmanned U.S. spacecraft Viking II landed on Mars to take the first close-up,color photographs of the plant's surface.

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Deaths which occurred on September 04:
1553 Cornelia da Nomatalcino monk converted to Judaism, burned at stake
1965 Albert Schweitzer dies
1975 Walter Tetley voice (Sherman-Bullwinkle Show), dies at 60
1981 Verne Rowe actor (Verne-Fernwood 2 Night), dies at 59
1985 George O'Brien actor, dies of a stroke at 85
1985 Isabel Jeans actress, dies at 93
1990 Irene Dunne actress (5 oscars), dies of heart failure at 91
1991 Charlie Barnet saxophonist, dies of pneumonia at 77
1991 Dottie West country singer, dies at 58 in a car crash
1991 Thomas Tryon actor (Cardinal)/writer (Other), dies at 65

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In 1781,Los Angeles was founded by Spanish settlers.

In 1888,George Eastman received a patent for his roll-film box camera,and registered his trademark "Kodak"

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Deaths which occurred on September 05:
1969 Mitchell Ayres orch leader (Hollywood Palace), dies at 58
1980 Barbara Loden actress (Ernie Kovacs Show), dies at 48
1981 Ayatollah Ali Qoddusi prosecutor-general of Iran, assassinated

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In 1774, the First Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia

In 1836,Sam Houston was elected president of the Republic of Texas.

In 1939,the United States proclaimed its neutrality in Worls War II.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1812 Colonial American missionary Adoniram Judson, 24, en route to the mission field, converted from Congregationalism to become a Baptist. He later translated the Bible into Burmese and authored a Burmese dictionary (1849).
1907 Pius X issued the encyclical "Pascendi dominici gregis," in which he condemned the "modernist" movement within the various branches of Christendom. The document also established councils to combat these "modern errors."
1938 The movie "Boys Town" was first released by MGM studios. Starring Spencer Tracy, the award-winning film depicted the founding of the famous vocational institution in Nebraska in 1917 by parish priest Father Edward J. Flanagan, 31.
1940 The National Christian Council of Japan organized its churches into a single body, with complete autonomy from Western church control. The single Protestant structure thus formed was named the United Church of Christ in Japan.
1974 American Presbyterian missionary Francis Schaeffer wrote in a letter: 'Only the one who has been hurt can bring healing. The other person cannot. It is the one who has been hurt who has to be willing to be hurt again to show love, if there is to be hope that healing will come.'

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In 1837, the Oberlin Collegiate Institute of Ohio went co-educational.

In 1909,American explorer Robert Peary sent word that he had reached the North pole five months earlier.

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In 1825, the Marquis de Lafayette,the French hero of the American revolution,bade farewell to President John Quincy Adams at the White House.

In 1927,American television pioneer Philo T. Farnsworth,21, suceeded in transmitting the image of a line through purley electronic means with a device called an "image dissector."

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on September 08:
1100 Clement III 1st antipope (1084-1100), dies (birth date unknown)
1935 Huey P Long (Sen-La) assassinated at Baton Rouge Capitol building
1965 Dorothy Danridge actress, dies at 41 in Hollywood
1969 Bud Collyer TV emcee (Beat the Clock, To Tell the Truth), dies at 61
1979 Jean Seberg actress, dies at 40
1981 Roy Wilkins longtime executive director of NAACP, dies at 80
1991 Alex North music composer (Spartacus), dies at 80 of cancer

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1561 The Colloquy of Poissy convened near Paris. Comprised of both French Catholic prelates and reformed Protestant theologians led by Theodore Beza, the council led to a 1562 edict offering a greater measure of freedom to French Protestants.
1598 A celebration was held for the newly completed Catholic church at San Juan de los Caballeros -- the first church erected in (what is today the state of) New Mexico. The town, founded this year by Juan de Onate, was a former Indian pueblo in the Chama River Valley.
1833 The first tracts of the Oxford Movement (which sought to purify the English Church) were released. The series was forced to close in 1841, however, when Tract 90 was published, because it interpreted Anglicanism's "Thirty-Nine Articles" in too strong of a Roman Catholic direction.
1863 Dwight Moody's future song evangelist, Ira D. Sankey, 23, married Fanny Edwards, daughter of a Pennsylvania State Senator. Their marriage of 45 years bore two sons, one of whom -- Ira H. Sankey -- became a songwriter like his father.
1952 The religious program 'This is the Life' premiered on Dumont (later ABC) television. This long-running series was produced under the auspices of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on September 10:
1419 John the Fearless Burgundy France, warrior, murdered at 48
1842 Letitia Tyler Pres Tyler's wife, dies at 51
1961 Leo Carrillo actor who portrayed Pancho on Cisco Kid, dies at 81
1976 Mordecai Johnson 1st black president of Howard U, dies at 86
1977 Hamida Djandoubi convicted murderer last to, die in the guillotine
1985 Alexa Kenin actress (Mousie-Coed Fever), dies at 23
1990 Samuel Kanyon Doe president of Liberia, assassinated
1991 Yves Montand actor (Lets Make Love, Z), dies at 70

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1608,John Smith was elected president of the Jamestown colony council in Virginia.

In 1846,Elias Howe received a patent for his sewing machine.

In 1907,100 years ago,the first Neiman Marcus department stores opened in Dallas.

In 1935 Sen.Huey P. Long, "The Kingfish" of Louisiana politics,died in Baton Rouge two days after being shot.

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