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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

On this day...
707 John VII ends his reign as Catholic Pope
1016 Danes defeat Saxons at Battle of Assandun (Ashingdon)
1648 1st US labor organization forms (Boston Shoemakers)
1685 Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes, outlaws Protestantism
1748 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ends War of Austrian Succession
1767 Boundary between Md & Pa, the Mason Dixon line, agreed upon
1776 Col John Glover & Marblehead regiment meet British Forces in Bronx
1776 In a NY bar decorated with bird tail, customer orders "cock tail"
1862 Morgan's raiders capture the federal garrison at Lexington, KY
1867 US takes formal possession of Alaska from Russia ($7.2 million)
1873 Columbia Princeton Rutgers & Yale set rules for collegiate football
1887 Start of the Sherlock Holmes adventure "A Case of Identity" (BG)
1889 1st all NYC world series NY Giants (NL) play Brooklyn (AA) (World Series #86)
1890 John Owen is 1st man to run 100 yd dash in under 10 seconds
1891 1st international 6-day bicycle race in US (MSG, NYC) begins
1892 1st commercial long-distance phone line opens (Chicago-NY)
1898 American flag raised in Puerto Rico
1908 Belgium annexes Congo Free State
1909 Comte de Lambert of France sets airplane altitude record of 300 m
1912 Beginning of the 1st Balkan War
1912 Italo-Turkish war ends
1918 NHL's Qu‚bec Bulldogs sold to a Toronto businessman P J Quinn
1922 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) established
1924 Harold "Red" Grange, finest collegiate football game (4 long TD runs)
1924 Notre Dame beats Army 13-7, NY Herald Tribune dubs them (4 Horsemen)

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In 1765, the Stamp Act Congress, meeting in New York,drew up a declaration of rights and liberties.

In 1864, Confederate Gen. Judal A. Early attacked Union forces at Cedar Creek,Va.; the Union troops were able to rally and defeat the Confederates.

In 1936,H.R. Ekins of the New York World Telrgram beat out Dorothy Kilgallen of the New York Journal and Leo Kieran of The New York Times in a round-the-world race on commercial flights that lasted 18.5 days.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on October 21:
1772 Samuel Taylor Coleridge England, poet (Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
1790 Alphonse-Marie Louis de Lamartine Macon France, writer (Ren‚)
1833 Alfred Bernhard Nobel Stockholm, created dynamite & Peace Prizes
19-- Julie Parrish Middlesboro Ky, actress (Good Morning World, Capitol)
19-- Steve Malone rock bassist (Every Mother's Nightmare-Hard to Hold)
19-- William Bell Sullivan Balt Md, actor (Gary Swanson-Guiding Light)
1908 Alexander Schneider Vilna (Lithuania) Russia, violinist (Budapest String Quartet)
1912 Sir Georg Solti Budapest Hungary, conductor (Fidelio)
1914 Martin Gardner Scientific American math & puzzles columnist
1917 Dizzy Gillespie trumpeter, a creator of modern jazz
1921 Malcolm Arnold Northampton Engld, composer (Bridge over River Kwai)
1925 Joyce Randolph Detroit Mich, actress (Trixie-Honeymooners)
1926 Leonard Rossiter Liverpool England, actor (Britannia Hospital)
1928 Edward "Whitey" Ford hall of fame pitcher (NY Yankees)
1929 Ursula LeGuin American writer (Lathe of Heaven)
1933 Georgia Brown actress (Study in Terror, The Fixer)
1940 Frances FitzGerald NYC, journalist/author (Fire in the Lake)
1940 Manfred Mann rocker (The Mighty Quinn)
1940 Osamu Watanabe Japan, featherweight (Olympic-gold-1964)
1942 Elvin Bishop Okla, rocker (Fooled Around & Fell in Love)
1943 Paula Kelly Jacksonville Fla, dancer/actress (Liz-Night Court)
1945 Kathy Young rocker (Thousand Stars in the Sky)
1950 Ronald E McNair Lake City SC, astr (STS 41B, 51L-Challenger disaster)
1953 Charlotte Caffey singer (GoGos-Our Lips are Sealed)
1956 Carrie Fisher Beverly Hills, actress (Star Wars-Princess Lelia)
1957 Julian Cope rocker (My Nation Underground)
1959 George Bell Dom Rep, outfielder (Blue Jays, 1987 AL MVP)
1971 Jade Jagger daughter of Mick Jagger
1976 Jeremy Miller West Covina Calif, actor (Ben-Growing Pains)

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Deaths which occurred on October 22:
1565 Jean Grolier de Servi‚res French bibliophile, dies
1932 Anna Dickinson dies just a week shy of her 90th birthday
1934 Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd shot dead by FBI in Ohio
1979 Jesse Bishop murderer, dies in Nevada gas chamber
1984 Napoleon Whiting actor (Silas-Big Valley), dies at 75
1986 Ivor Francis actor (Dusty's Trail), dies at 68
1986 Jane Dornnacker WNBC-AM NYC helicopter traffic reporter dies doing
a live traffic report as her copter crashes

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In 1746, Princeton University was first chartered as the College of New Jersey.

In 1836, Sam Houston was inaugurated as the first constitutionally elected president of the Republic of Texas.

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Birthdates which occurred on October 23:
1752 Nicolas Appert inventor (food canning, bouillon tablet)
1844 Louis Riel Manitoba, leader of insurrection of M‚tis
1844 Robert Bridges poet laureate of England (The Testament of Beauty)
1868 Rama V [Chulalongkorn], leader of Thailand (-1910)
19-- Albert Stratton Hubbard Ohio, actor (Paul-Perry Mason, Martin-Sara)
19-- Augusta Dabney Beverly Calif, actress (Robert Montgomery Presents)
19-- Warren Burton actor (Guiding Light)
19-- Wolf Muser actor (Capitol)
1905 Felix Bloch US physicist (Nobel 1952)
1906 Gertrude Ederle US, swimmer (Olympic-gold-1924)
1910 Hayden Rorke Brooklyn NY, actor (Dr Bellows-I Dream of Jeannie)
1912 Ilse D”rffeldt Germany, sprint relay (Olympic-1936)
1914 Frank (Bruiser) Kinard NFL, AAFC tackle (Brooklyn, NY Yankees)
1917 Robert Bray Kalispell Mont, actor (Corey-Lassie, Stagecoach West)
1918 James Daly Wisc, actor (Medical Center)
1922 Coleen Gray Staplehurst Nebraska, actress (Apache Drums)
1923 Frank Sutton Clarksville Tenn, actor (Sgt Carter-Gomer Pyle USMC)
1923 Ned Rorem Richmond Indiana, composer/author (Sky Music)
1925 Johnny Carson Corning Iowa, comedian (Tonight Show, Who Do You Trust)
1927 Dezs” Gyarmati Hungary, water polo player (Olympic-gold-1956, 60, 64)
1931 Diana Dors England, actress (Berserk!, Steaming)
1931 Jim Bunning Phillies pitcher (perfect Game against Mets 1965)
1932 Dimitra Arliss actress (Rich Man Poor Man II)
1935 Chi Chi Rodriguez golfer (PGA Seniors-1987)
1938 John Heinz (Sen-R-Pa)
1938 Jordan Christopher Youngstown Ohio, actor (Secrets of Midland Heights)
1940 Edison Pel‚ Brazil, soccer player extraordinaire (NY Cosmos)
1940 Jordan Christopher Youngston Oh, actor (Return of the 7)
1941 Greg Ridley bassist (Spooky Tooth-It's All About)
1942 Michael Crichton US novelist (Andromeda Strain, Congo, Looker)
1946 Miklos Nemeth Hungary, javelin thrower (Olympic-gold-1976)
1951 Michael Rupert Denver Colo, actor (Pasadena Playhouse)
1956 Darrell Place US, archer (Olympic-gold-1976)
1956 Dwight Yoakum country singer (If There Was a Way)
1959 "Weird Al" Yankovic parody singer (Eat It, UHF, Naked Gun)
1962 Doug Flute WFL/NFL QB (Generals, Bears, Patriots)
1963 Katherine Hushaw Anaheim Ca, playmate (Oct, 1986)
1969 Brooke Theiss Calif, actress (Wendy-Just the 10 of Us, Good & Evil)

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In 1861, the first transcontinental telegrapn message was sent as Chief Justice Stephen J. Field of California transmitted a telegram to President Abraham Lincoln.

In 1901,widow Anna Edson Taylor became the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on October 25:
1400 Geofrey Chaucer author, dies in London
1892 Caroline Harrison Pres Benjamin Harrison's wife, dies at 60
1959 Bob Murphy TV host (RFD America), dies at 42
1961 Peter Jensen co-inventer (loud speaker), dies at 75
1964 Belle Montrose actress (Mrs Harrison-The Hathaways), dies at 78
1973 Abebe Bikila Ethiopian marathoner (Oly-gold 1960, 64), dies at 46
1985 Morton Downey singer (Star of the Family), dies at 83
1986 Forrest Tucker actor (O'Rourke-F Troop, Dusty Trail), dies at 67
1987 Cecil Brown news correspondant (CBS), dies at 80
1989 Mary McCarthy author (The Group), dies, at 77
1991 Bill Graham rock concert promoter (Filmore), dies at 60

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Birthdates which occurred on October 26:
1466 Desiderius Erasmus Holland, scholar/author (In Praise of Folly)
1685 Domenico Scarlatti Naples Italy, composer/harpsichordist
1759 Georges Danton France, revolutionary leader
1791 Charles Sprague Boston, banker/poet (Curiosity)
1855 Charles Post who had a way with breakfast cereals
1861 Richard D Sears Boston, 1st to win US amateur national tennis match
1873 Thorvald Stauning Denmark, PM (1924-26, 1929-42)
1879 Leon Trotsky Russian revolutionary (pres of 1st Soviet)

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on October 28:
900 Alfred the Great English monarch, dies
1957 Anthony J Morabito co-owner of SF '49ers, dies while watching a game
1980 Leon Janney actor (Hawk), dies at 63
1987 Andr‚ Masson France, surrealist artist (Labyrinth), dies at 91
1991 John Korbal film historian (Marlene Dietrich), dies at 51

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1901, President McKindley's assassin, Leon Czolgosz, was electrocuted.

In 1940,Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson drew the first number---158---in America's first peacetime draft.

In 1947, former first lady Frances Cleveland Preston died in Baltimore at age 83.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on October 30:
1626 Willebord van Roijen dutch mathematician, dies at 35
1893 Sir John Abbott PM of Canada (C) (1891-92), dies at 72
1968 Pert Kelton actress (Cavalcade of Stars), dies at 61
1972 Alan Roth orch leader (Milton Berle Show), dies at 68
1984 June Duprez actress, dies at 66
1984 Mario Gallo actor (Delvecchio), dies at 61
1985 Kirby Grant Hoon Jr., Butte Mont, actor (Sky King), dies in an auto accident at 74
1991 William Shea (Shea Stadium namesake), dies at 84

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1735, the second president of the United States, John Adams, was born in Braintree, Mass.

In 1885, poet Ezra Pound was born in Hailey, Idaho.

In 1945, the U.S. government announced the end of shoe rationing, effective at midnight.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

On this day...
701 John VI begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1270 8th & last crusade is launched
1864 Helena, Montana's capital, founded
1871 Phila Athletics beat Chicago for 1st Natl Assn baseball pennant
1888 1st ballpoint pen patented
1905 "October Manifesto" Russian Tsar Nicholas II grants civil liberties
1918 Slovakia asks for creation of Czechoslovakian state
1919 Baseball league presidents call for abolishment of the spitball
1922 Mussolini forms cabinet in Italy
1925 KUT-AM in Austin TX begins radio transmissions
1930 Turkey & Greece sign a treaty of friendship
1938 Orson Welles panics a nation with broadcast of "War of the Worlds"
1939 USSR & Germany agree on partitioning Poland
1941 USS Reuben James torpedoed by Germans, even though US is not in war
1944 Anne Frank (of Diary fame) is deported from Auschwitz to Belsen
1945 US government announces end of shoe rationing
1948 20 die & 6,000 made ill by smog in Donora Pennsylvania
1953 Dr Albert Schweitzer & Gen George C Marshall win Nobel Peace Prize
1954 Defense Department announces elimination of all segregated regiments

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on October 31:
1865 William Parson 3rd Earl of Rosse & maker of large telescopes, dies
1918 Count Stephen Tisza Hungarian PM assassinated by soldiers
1926 Erich Weiss better known as magician Harry Houdini, dies in Detroit
1963 Henry Daniell actor (Camille, Body Snatchers), dies at 69
1964 Theodore C Freeman astronaut, dies at 34 in a T-38 jet air crash
1965 Rita Johnson actress (All Mine to Give), dies at 53
1975 Joseph Calleia actor (Jungle Book, Gilda), dies at 78
1983 George Halas NFLer, dies at 88
1984 Indira Gandhi PM of India assassinated by 2 of her Sikh bodyguards
1987 Joseph Campbell mythologist (Mythic Image), dies at 83
1988 John Houseman actor, dies of spinal cancer at 86
1991 Joseph Papp Broadway producer (Chorus Line), dies of cancer at 70

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1864,Nevada became the 36th state.

In 1926,magician Harry Houdini died in Detroit of gangrene and peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix.

In 1956, Navy Rear Admiral George J. Dufek became the first air traveler to set foot at the South Pole.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on November 01:
1500 Benvenuto Cellini sculptor/goldsmith/writer (Perseus)
1607 Georg Philipp Harsdorfer Nurenberg Germany, poet (Poetischer Trichter)
1762 Spencer Perceval (Tory), British PM (1809-12)
1782 Viscount Goderich (Tory), British PM (1827-28)
1798 Sir Benjamin Lee Baronet Guinness, Irish brewer/Dublin mayor
1815 Crawford Williamson Long surgeon/pioneer (use of ether)
1853 Jose Santos Zelaya (L), ruler of Nicaragua (1893-1910)
1859 Charles Brantley Aycock (Gov-NC)
1871 Stephen Crane US, novelist/poet (Red Badge of Courage)
1878 Carlos Saavedra Lamas Argentina, jurist (Nobel Peace Prize 1936)
1880 Grantland Rice sportswriter (NY Herald Tribune 1914-30, Colliers 1925-37)
1880 Sholem Asch Poland, Yiddish novelist/playwright (Three Cities)
1886 Hermann Broch Austria, novelist (Sleepwalkers, Bewitchment)
1889 Philip John Noel-Baker statesman, disarmament advocate (Nobel '59)
1890 James Barton NJ, Broadway actor (Tobacco Road, Iceman Cometh)
1892 Alexander Alekhine Russia, world chess champion (1927-46)
1896 Edmund Blunden English poet/critic (Undertones of War)
19-- Anna Stuart actress (Dana-Another World)
19-- Belita Moreno actress (Lydia Markham-Perfect Strangers)
19-- Helene Udy actress (As the World Turns)
19-- Lauren-Marie Taylor actress (Stacey-Loving)
19-- Mary Linda Rapeleye actress (As the World Turns)
1902 Eugen Jochum Babenhausen Bavaria, German conductor (Hamburg Orchestra)
1902 Nordahl Grieg Norwegian poet, dramatist, novelist (The Defeat)
1915 Michael Denison York England, actor (Importance of Being Earnest)
1919 John Secondari Rome Italy, newscaster (Open Hearing)
1920 James J Kilpatrick Oklahoma City OK, columnist (60 Minutes)
1922 Jeff Richards Portland Oregon, actor (Don't Go Near the Water)
1922 George S Irving Springfield MA, singer/actor (Dumplings)

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1861, Gen. George B. McClellan was made General-in-Chief of the Union armies, succeeding Winfield Scott.

In 1870, the U.S. Weather Bureau made its first meteorologial observation.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

On this day...
676 Donus begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1648 12,000 Jews massacred by Chmielnicki hordes in Narol, Podlia
1783 Gen Washington bids farewell to his army
1824 Popular presidential vote 1st recorded; Jackson beats J.Q. Adams
1835 2nd Seminole War begins in Osceola
1841 Akbar Khan successfully revolts against Shah Shuja in Afghanistan
1854 lestone paving of Washington St between Dupont & Kearny starts
1879 In a 6-day footrace a Mr Weston loses to a horse, 900 to 885 km
1880 James A Garfield (R) elected President
1889 North Dakota becomes 39th & South Dakota becomes the 40th state
1898 Theodor Herzl arrives in Jerusalem
1904 British newspaper, "The Daily Mirror," begins publishing
1915 1st US election by proportional representation, Ashtabula, Ohio
1917 1st US soldiers killed in combat in WW I
1917 Balfour Declaration proclaims support for a Jewish state in Palestine
1917 Lansing-Ishii Agreement; US recognizes Japan's privileges in China
1920 KDKA (Pittsburgh) goes on the air as 1st commercial radio station
1920 Warren G Harding elected President
1930 Ras Tafari crowned Haile Selassie I, 225th emperor of Solmonic Dynasty

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on November 03:
39 Lucan Cordova Spain, Latin poet (Bellum Civile)
1718 John Montague 4th Earl of Sandwich, inventor (sandwich)
1793 Stephen Fuller Austin colonized Texas
1794 William Cullen Bryant poet (Thanatopsis)
1801 Karl Baedeker Germany, published travel books
1879 Vilhjalmur Stefansson Canada, Arctic explorer/ethnologist
1880 Edmond Barrett heavyweight wrestler (Olympic-bronze-1908)
19-- Leonard Stone Salem Oregon, actor (Doc-Camp Runamuck)
19-- Peggy McCay actress (Days of our Life)
19-- Philip J Amelio II Sharon CT, actor (Kevin-Life With Lucy)
1901 Andre‚ Malraux France, novelist/art historian (L'Espoir)
1903 Walker Evans US, photographer (Fortune Magazine)
1908 Bronko Nagurski NFL fullback (Chicago Bears)
1909 James Reston columnist (NY Times)
1911 Vladimir Ussachevsky Hailar Manchuria, composer (Creation)
1918 Bob Feller pitcher (Cleveland Indian, 3 no-hitters)
1918 Russell B Long (D-Sen-La)
1919 Bert Freed NYC, actor (Rufe-Shane)
1922 Charles Bronson Pennsylvania, actor (Death Wish, Dirty Dozen)
1930 Ken Berry Moline IL, actor (F Troop, Mayberry RFD, Mama's Family)
1930 Lois Smith Topeka KS, actress (Reckless, Reuben Reuben)
1930 William H Dana pilot (X-15)
1931 Monica Vitti Rome Italy, actress (Tigers in Lipstick)
1933 Aneta Corsaut Jutchinson KS, actress (Helen Crump-Andy Griffith
1933 Ken Berry actor/dancer/TV personality (F Troop, Mayberry RFD)
1933 Louis W Sullivan US Secretary of Health & Human Services (1989- )
1933 Michael S Dukakis (D-Gov-MA) (1988 Presidentidential Candidate)
1935 Jeremy Brett actor (Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)
1936 Roy Emerson Australia, tennis player (Wimbledon '64, '65)
1937 Paula Wayne Hobart OK, actress
1939 Terrence McNally St Petersburg FL, playwright (Bad Habits)
1943 Ken Holtzman Cub/Oriole/Yankee pitcher (2 no-hitters)
1948 Lulu Glasgow Scotland, singer/actress (To Sir With Love)
1948 Tom Shales TV Critic (Washington Post)
1949 Larry Holmes heavyweight boxing champ (1978)
1949 Michael Evans Salisbury NC, actor (Lionel-All in the Family)
1949 Roswitha Krause USSR, 4 X 100m swimmer (Olympic-silver-1968)
1952 Roseanne Barr Arnold Salt Lake City, comedienne/TV star (Roseanne)
1953 Dennis Miller Pittsburgh PA, comedian/TV host (SNL, Dennis Miller Show

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