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In 1920, the League of Nations was established as the Treaty of Versailles went into effect.

In 1946, the first General Assembly of the United Nations convened in London.

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In 1773, the first public museum in America was organized, in Charleston, S.C.

In 1915, the U.S. House of Representatives rejected a proposel to give women the right to vote.

In 1932, Hattie W. Caraway became the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate, after serving out the remainder of the term of her late husband.

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In 1639, the first constitution of Connecticut-the "Fundamental Orders-was adopted.

In 1952, NBC's Today show premiered with Dave Garroway as the host,or communicator, as he was officially known.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on January 15:
1432 Afonso V "the African" king of Portugal (1438-1481)
1507 Johann Oporinus [Herbster] Swiss book publisher (Koran)
1567 Black Box [Catherine Quinol], Guadeloupe, vocalist (Love Sensation)
1622 Molière France, dramatist (Tartuffe, Le Misanthrope) (baptized)
1715 Georg C Wagenzeil Austria (court)composer/pianist
1716 Philip Livingston merchant (signed Declaration of Independence)
1730 John Malchair composer
1733 Joseph Lederer composer
1742 Eugene Godecharle composer
1779 Jean Coralli Paris, ballet producer/choreographer
1791 Franz Gillparzer Austrian tragic dramatist (Golden Fleece)
1793 Ferdinand G Waldmüller Austrian painter
1795 Willem de Clerq Dutch merchant/man of letters
1798 Thomas Crofton Croker Irish story teller (Fairy legends)
1809 Cornelia Connelly Philadelphia PA, founder (Society of the Holy Child Jesus)
1809 Pierre Joseph Proudhon France, politician (libertarian socialist)
1812 Peter C Asbjørnsen Norwegian fairy tale writer
1813 James Marion Sims South Carolina, surgeon/gynecologist (vesicovaginal operation)
1814 Ludwig Schläfli Swiss vicar/mathematician
1815 Henry Morris Naglee Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1886
1817 Lewis Golding Arnold Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1871
1821 Lafayette McLaws Major General (Confederate Army), died in 1897
1826 Mikhail Saltykov Spas-Ugol Russia, radical novelist/satirist (Family of Noblemen)
1841 Lord Frederick Stanley presenter of hockey's Stanley Cup
1845 Ella Flagg Young 1st woman president (National Educational Association)
1845 Heinrich Vogl composer
1850 Mihail Eminesco [Eminovici], Romanian poet (Samanul Dionis)
1850 Sonya Kurtovsky Kovalevsky Russia, mathemetician (Academy of Science)
1858 Giovanni Segantini Italy, painter
1863 Adolph Goldschmidt German historian
1863 Wilhelm Marx premier (Prussia)
1866 Nathan Soderblom Lutheran archbishop, internationalist (Nobel '30)
1868 Noach Zjordanija Georgian veterinarian/premier (1918-21)
1870 Johan Peter Koch

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In 1777, the people of New Connecticut declared their independence. (The tiny republic later became the state of Vermont.)

In 1844, the University of Notre Dame received its charter from the state of Indiana.

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In 1883, the U.S. Civil Service Commission was established.

In 1944, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower took command of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in London.

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In 1778, English navigator Capt. James Cook reached the Hawaiian Islands, which he dubbed the "Sandwich Islands"

In 1862, the 10th president of the United States, John Tyler, died in Richmond, Va., at age 71.

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In 1809, author Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston.

In 1937,millionaire Howard Hughes set a transcontinental air record by flying his monoplane from Los Angeles to Newark in 7 hours 28 minutes and 25 sec.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

AnyDay-in-History --- Select another Day / Month

Birthdates which occurred on January 20:
1586 Johann Hermann Schein German composer (Fontana d'Israel)
1622 Susanna van Baerle Dutch poet/wife of Geeraert Burns
1654 Michiel de Swaen South Netherlands physician/poet
1681 Francesco Bartolomeo Conti composer
1703 Joseph-Hector Fiocco composer
1716 Carlos III king of Naples/Spain (1759-88) Pompei/Jesuits
1716 Jean-Jacques Barthélemy French historical writer (Greek Antiquity)
1732 Richard H Lee US farmer (signed Declaration of Independence)
1743 Pascal Boyer composer
1760 Charles III king of Spain (1759-88)
1761 Giovanni Domenico Perotti composer
1762 Jerome-Joseph de Momigny composer
1763 Theobald Wolfe Tone Irish patriot
1775 Andre-Marie Ampere Lyon France, discovered electromagnetism
1782 Johan B J F S archduke of Austria
1806 Nathaniel Willis writer/editor/founder (American Monthly Magazine)
1809 Sebastian de Iradier Spanish composer (La Paloma)
1812 Ralph Pomeroy Buckland Brevet Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1892
1813 Jacon Gartner Lauman Brevet Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1867
1820 Anne Jemima Clough England, promoted higher education for women
1831 Pieter J Joubert General (South Africa)
1843 Pierre-Paul Cambon French diplomat (Madrid, Constantinople, London)
1844 Johan Peter Selmer composer
1847 W R Pettiford Founder (Alabama Penny Savings Bank)
1855 Amedee-Ernest Chausson Paris France, composer (Poème for Violin & Orchestra)
1865 Friedrich A H von Waldeck brother of queen Emma/last ruler of Waldeck
1866 Richard Le Gallienne English writer (Maker of Gainborg)
1868 Wilhelm Schäfer German writer (Ein Totschläger)
1870 Guillaume Jean Joseph Nicolas Lekeu composer
1873 Charles A Ellwood US, sociologist/psychologist
1873 Johannes V Jensen Denmark, novelist/poet/essayist (Energy Storage, Nobel 1944)
1877 Ruth St Denis Newark NJ, ballerina (Dances of the 5 Senses)
1878 Finlay Currie Scotland, actor (Quo Vadis, Ivanhoe, Avengers)
1883 Betram Home Ramsay English admiral/Commander Allied Naval Forces
1884 A[braham P] Merritt US, sci-fi author (Moon Pool, Creep Shadow!)
1889 Huddie "Leadbelly" Ledbetter Mooringsport LA, blues 12 string guitarist (Rock Island Line)
1891 Mischa Elman Talnoye Ukraine, US violinist
1892 Roscoe Ates Grange MS, actor (Deputy Roscoe-Marshal of Gunsight Pass)
1893 Kaj Birket-Smith Danish etnologist/anthropologist (Eskimos)
1894 Harold L Gray creator (Little Orphan Annie)
1894 Walter Hamor Piston Rockland Maine, composer (Incredible Flutis)
1895 Eva A Jessye US singer/actress/songwriter (Hallelujah)
1896 George Burns [Nathan Birnbaum], New York City NY, actor/comedian (Oh God)
1896 Rolfe Sedan New York City NY, actor (Mailman-George Burns Show)
1896 Elmer R Diktonius Finnish musicologist/author (Janne Kubik)
1897 Mae Busch Australian/US actress (Cowboy Socialist)
1898 Colin Clive [Greig], St Malo France, actor (Bride of Frankenstein)
1899 Alexander Tcherepnin composer
1899 Kenjiro Takayanagi Vice President (JVC)
19-- Colleen Zenk Pinter Barrington IL, actress (Barbara-As the World Turns)
19-- Karen Morris Gowdy Cheyenne WY, actress (Faith-Ryan's Hope)
1900 Boris Semyonovich Shekhter composer
1900 Doris Deane Wisconsin, entertainer
1903 Leon Ames Portland Indiana, actor (Mr Ed, Father of the Bride)
1903 Sybil Marion Rosenfeld theatre historian
1904 Theodore Brameld author/educator (Use of Explosive Ideas)
1904 Alexandra Danilova Peterhof Russia, ballerina (Turning Point)
1904 Renato Caccioppoli

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1525 History's first Anabaptist baptismal service took place in Zurich, Switzerland, when Conrad Grebel (re-)baptized George Blaurock.
1549 Parliament passed the first of four British Acts of Uniformity, this first requiring the exclusive use of the Book of Common Prayer (later called the First Prayer Book of Edward VI) in all public services of the Anglican Church.
1738 English revivalist George Whitefield wrote in his journal: 'I desire to have no greater portion than the prayers of the poor.'
1772 Pioneer Methodist bishop Frances Asbury wrote in his journal: 'Though a stranger in a strange land, God has taken care of me.'
1986 Charismatic Bible Ministries was founded in Oklahoma. A fraternal fellowship of charismatic organizations, CBM held its first major conference in June 1986 in Tulsa.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1915, the first Kiwanis Club was founded in Detroit.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1917, President Woodrow Wilson pleaded for an end to war in Europe, calling for "peace without victory." (By April, however, America also was at war.)

In 1938, Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" was performed publicly for the first time, in Princeton, N.J.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1789, Georgetown University was established in present-day Washington, D.C.

In 1845, Congress decided all national elections would be held on the first Tuesday after the firs tMonday in November.

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In 1837, Michigan became the 26th state.

In 1861, Louisiana seceded the Union.

In 1870,Virginia rejoined the Union.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on January 27:
0098 Marius Cocceius Nerva Emperor of Rome (96-98), dies at about 67
0672 Vitalianus pope (657-72)/saint, dies
0847 Sergius II pope (844-47), dies
1164 Abraham ibn Ezra poet/philosopher, dies
1540 Angela Merici Italian monk/monastery, dies
1565 Robrecht de Berghes prince-bishop of Liege (1557-64), dies
1612 Maarten van Valckenborch Flemish painter, buried at about 77
1625 Adriaen Valerius notary/Netherlands Gedenck-clanck, dies at about 49
1629 Hieronymus Praetorius composer, dies at 68
1669 Gaspar de Crayer Flemish painter, dies at 87
1699 William Temple statesman, dies
1731 Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori Italian piano builder, dies at 75
1763 John Theodor of Bavaria prince-bishop of Liege/cardinal, dies
1802 Johann Rudolf Zumsteeg composer, dies at 42
1814 Johann Gottlieb Fichte philosopher, dies
1814 Philip Astley theatre manager, dies
1816 Samuel Hood 1st Viscount Hood/admiral, dies
1850 J Gottfried Schadow German sculptor/cartoonist/writer, dies at 85
1850 Philipp Roth composer, dies at 70
1851 John James Audubon conservationist (Audubon Society), dies at 65
1851 Karl Moser composer, dies at 77
1857 Dorothea von Benckendorff Baltic monarch of Lieven, dies at 72
1858 Gerrit van der Linde Jz Dutch "Principal", poet, dies at 49
1859 Carl A Agardh Swedish botanist/bishop of Karlstad, dies at 74
1860 Janó Bolyai Hungarian mathematician (parallel), dies at 57
1864 Franz von Klenze German architect (palace Leuchtenberg), dies at 59
1866 John Gibson sculptor, dies
1889 Ivan S Aksakov Russian journalist, dies at 65
1893 James G Blaine US minister of foreign affairs, dies at 62
1901 Giuseppe Verdi Italian composer (Rigoletto/Traviata/Aïda), dies in Milano at 87
1904 Adam Minchejmer composer, dies at 73
1919 Endre Ady Hungarian poet (Margita élni akar), dies at 41
1922 Giovanni Verga Italian writer (I Mala Voglia), dies at 81
1928 Marie Verstraete actress (Frou-Frou/Nora), dies at 74
1930 Jean Hure composer, dies at 52
1941 Iver Paul Fredrik Holter composer, dies at 90
1949 Boris Asafiev composer, dies at 64
1953 Martinus Nijhoff Dutch poet/interpreter/linguist, dies at 58
1954 Paul-Marie Masson composer, dies at 71
1955 Ernst Penzoldt writer, dies
1956 Erich Kleiber Austrian conductor, dies
1963 John Farrow actor/director (Botany Bay), dies at 58
1964 Lieb Glantz composer, dies at 65
1965 Theo Uden Marsman Dutch orchestra leader, dies at 63
1967 Roger B Chaffee astronaut, dies at 31 in Apollo I fire
1967 Virgil I (Gus) Grissom astronaut, dies at 41 in Apollo I fire
1967 Alphonse Juin French marshal, dies at 78
1967 Edward Higgins White II Lieutenant-Colonel USAF/astronaut (Gemini 4), dies in Apollo I fire at 36
1969 Charles Winninger actor (Charlie Farrell Show), dies at 82
1969 Hanns Jelinek composer, dies at 67
1970 Ed Ford comedian (Can You Top This?), dies at 72
1970 Probir Sen cricket (20 catch & 11 stumpings, 14 Tests for India), dies
1972 Mahalia Jackson gospel singer (He Got the Whole World), dies at 60
1972 Richard Courant German/US mathematician, dies at 84
1974 Georgios Grivas Greek General/opposition leader on Cyprus (EOKA), dies at 75
1974 Paula Ludwig writer, dies at 74
1977 Walter Baldwin actor (Gay Amigo), dies at 88
1978 Marguerite Canal composer, dies at 87
1978 Oscar Homolka actor (7 Year Itch, Ball of Fire), dies at 79
1981 Leo Collard Belgian minister of Education (1946/54-58), dies at 78
1982 Iris Korn actress (Widder-Palmerstown USA), dies at 60
1983 Louis De Funes actor/writer (Mad Adventures

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In 1878, the first daily college newspaper, Yale News (now Yale Daily News) , began publication in New haven, Conn.

In 1909, the United States ended direct control over Cuba.

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In 1865, Gen. Robert E. Lee was named General-in-Chief of all the Confederate armies.

In 1934, President Franklin Roosevelt devalued the dollar in relation to gold.

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In 1861, delegates from six southern States met in Montgomery, Alabama, to form Confederate States of America.

In 1938, the Thorton Wilder Play "Our Town" opened on Broadway.

In 1941, the United Service Organizations (USO) came into existance.

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On Feb. 5,1631, the co-founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams, and his wife , Mary, arrived in Boston from England.

In 1897, the Indiana House of Representatives passed, 67-0, a measure redefining the method for determining the area of a circle, which included altering the value of pi. (The bill died in the Indiana Senate.)

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In 1904, a fire began in Baltimore that raged for about 30 hours and destroyed more than 1,500 buildings.

In 1936, President Franklin Roosevelt authorized a flag for the vice president.

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