Canceled TV shows....

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All State
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Post by robycop3 »

Loox as if ABC hasn't dumped "According To Jim" after all. ABC has just placed an 18-ep order for it. It'll prolly return when one of the net's new shows tanx, which is inevitable.

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Post by robycop3 »

The CW has dumped "Hidden Palms". but who cares? From what I saw of it, and, given its ratings, it shoulda stayed hidden.

And who cares about the CW except for rasslin' anyway?

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Post by robycop3 »

Fox had planned to air the last two eps of "Drive" July 4, then switched off to July 13, but now has cancelled that airing, most likely for good.

It's a mystery to me why they'd wanna air ANY eps of a failed show that had horrible ratings after cancelling it once! To me, that's adding insult to injury. If it was little-viewed in the regular season, what makes'em think anyone's gonna watch now?

Well, ABC's gonna do the same with "The Nine", beginning Aug.1. Don't be surprised if they follow suit with Fox & re-yank it after airing just one more ep. If I remember right, it had less viewers than "Drive".

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Post by robycop3 »

Anyone watch "Pimp My Ride"? Better catch it while ya can. Further production has been stopped, & it appears the eps already made will be "it!"

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Post by robycop3 »

"Drawn Together" on Comedy Central is outta here! May be a few eps still in the can unaired, but that'll be all!

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oak hill71
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Post by oak hill71 »

Misteroby wrote:Fox had planned to air the last two eps of "Drive" July 4, then switched off to July 13, but now has cancelled that airing, most likely for good.

It's a mystery to me why they'd wanna air ANY eps of a failed show that had horrible ratings after cancelling it once! To me, that's adding insult to injury. If it was little-viewed in the regular season, what makes'em think anyone's gonna watch now?

Well, ABC's gonna do the same with "The Nine", beginning Aug.1. Don't be surprised if they follow suit with Fox & re-yank it after airing just one more ep. If I remember right, it had less viewers than "Drive".

Fox isn't all that intelligent of a network, also they air up to like 20 new series a year and only 1 or 2 last. Does anyone remember Pasedena, The Pitts, or anyother sitcom they once aired.

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Post by oak hill71 »

Here is just a few. They are mainly cartoons.
Invader Zim
Family Guy (They later brought it back)
Hey Arnold
Drawn Together
The Pitts
And there is a few more I can't think of as of now.

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Post by robycop3 »

My grandson likesta watch reruns of Catdog & Arnold(Football Head).

And family guy isn't at all their lowest-rated show.

I believe "The Simpsons" is the highest-rated animated series of all time, so they aren't completely dumb. And, seeing as how they have "American Idol", the top-rated powerhouse of the last several years, they're doing something right.

Their biggest failures have been some of the dorky reality shows they've tried, such as their current flop "On The Lot". It appears it's gonna finish its run, as it's summertime & they have nothing to replace it with.

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Post by robycop3 »

CBS has sunk "Pirate Masters", effective immediately. No word yet on what's replacing it. In summer, it couldn't be much.

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Post by oak hill71 »

Misteroby wrote:My grandson likesta watch reruns of Catdog & Arnold(Football Head).

And family guy isn't at all their lowest-rated show.

I believe "The Simpsons" is the highest-rated animated series of all time, so they aren't completely dumb. And, seeing as how they have "American Idol", the top-rated powerhouse of the last several years, they're doing something right.

Their biggest failures have been some of the dorky reality shows they've tried, such as their current flop "On The Lot". It appears it's gonna finish its run, as it's summertime & they have nothing to replace it with.

Let me rephrase myself, when it comes to sitcoms ther aren't that intelligent. On the lot will go downhill (watched only 5 minutes of it and turned it over to a Simpson DVD.) The only current Game SHows I like are Don't Forget The Lyrics (Because I'm good at it.) And are you smarter than a 5th grader (Because it makes me feel smart.)

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Post by robycop3 »

oak hill71 wrote:
Misteroby wrote:My grandson likesta watch reruns of Catdog & Arnold(Football Head).

And family guy isn't at all their lowest-rated show.

I believe "The Simpsons" is the highest-rated animated series of all time, so they aren't completely dumb. And, seeing as how they have "American Idol", the top-rated powerhouse of the last several years, they're doing something right.

Their biggest failures have been some of the dorky reality shows they've tried, such as their current flop "On The Lot". It appears it's gonna finish its run, as it's summertime & they have nothing to replace it with.

Let me rephrase myself, when it comes to sitcoms ther aren't that intelligent. On the lot will go downhill (watched only 5 minutes of it and turned it over to a Simpson DVD.) The only current Game SHows I like are Don't Forget The Lyrics (Because I'm good at it.) And are you smarter than a 5th grader (Because it makes me feel smart.)

Showzz like "On The Lot", "Big Brudder", "Age Of Love", etc. make me glad I have over 150 channels to choose from, and a PC to use when I'm stuck indoors . If all else fails, there's the Horse Racing Channel...

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Post by robycop3 »

After all this time, NBC has finally made it official..."Fear Factor" is cancelled. But that's almost always the case when a net puts a show "on hiatus" in the middle of the season. It just took'em months to finally admit if anyone didn't know it when its staff had moved on to other jobs...

Sorry, roach-eaters-you're gonna hafta try out for one of those cheap VH1 garbage shows!

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Post by oak hill71 »

Misteroby wrote:
oak hill71 wrote:
Misteroby wrote:My grandson likesta watch reruns of Catdog & Arnold(Football Head).

And family guy isn't at all their lowest-rated show.

I believe "The Simpsons" is the highest-rated animated series of all time, so they aren't completely dumb. And, seeing as how they have "American Idol", the top-rated powerhouse of the last several years, they're doing something right.

Their biggest failures have been some of the dorky reality shows they've tried, such as their current flop "On The Lot". It appears it's gonna finish its run, as it's summertime & they have nothing to replace it with.

Let me rephrase myself, when it comes to sitcoms ther aren't that intelligent. On the lot will go downhill (watched only 5 minutes of it and turned it over to a Simpson DVD.) The only current Game SHows I like are Don't Forget The Lyrics (Because I'm good at it.) And are you smarter than a 5th grader (Because it makes me feel smart.)

Showzz like "On The Lot", "Big Brudder", "Age Of Love", etc. make me glad I have over 150 channels to choose from, and a PC to use when I'm stuck indoors . If all else fails, there's the Horse Racing Channel...

I agree. Except I don't get the Horse Racing Channel.

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Post by robycop3 »

Loox as if Nicole Richie & Paris Hilton will be seen only on Court TV now. "The Simple Life" will be history after Aug. 5.

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Post by robycop3 »

CBS gave the green weenie to "Creature Comforts", their entry into the genre of Claymation TV.

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Post by robycop3 »

The Sci-Fi Channel fas filed "The Dresden Files" off the air.

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Post by robycop3 »

Fox's "On The Lot" cancelled in South Africa

The show was cancelled by the SA Broadcasting Co. & not by Fox.

I believe Fox would liketa dump it altogether, as it hasn't even attracted 3 million viewers per episode, but the cancellation fee might be too high. It's not really a bad show, so I don't understand why so few are watching it, even in the summer.

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Post by robycop3 »

ABC has officially dumped the Nine & Knights of prosperity...again, this time, for good.

Each had re-debuted to a massive viewership of barely a million.

As I said earlier, it's beyond me why they'd bring back such obvious flops! They coulda just run a solid block of commercials for the same viewership, and for a lot less money!

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Post by robycop3 »

On HBO, John From Cincinnati got the green weenie today. I don't think too many will miss it.

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Post by robycop3 »

Sci-Fi is ending Painkiller Jane an original show about a DEA agent, Jane Vasco, who has the ability to heal quickly from any injury. this was not at all their worst show, but it simply didn't catch on with enough viewers to sustain it.

I believe it'll air until mid- or late september.

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