U.S. troops in Iraq are using a new hand-held device to scan the irises of tens of thousands of Iraqi men,so they can build a database of possible insurgents.If the same man is found at the scene of several bombings,U.S. military officials say,"now we've got probable cause to question him."
USA Today
USA Today
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more than 220 police departments nationwide now use a scanning device that enables officers to record the license plates of passing or parked cars at a rate of 15 to 25 a second.The plate numbers are then instantly crossed-checked against a datebase of cars being sought in connection with crimes.
Thirty-four percent of adults 18 to 34 get some form of financial assistance from their parents ranging from help with rent or health-care cost,free housing,or tuition payments, according to a recent University of Michigan study.The average parental contribution during this period is $38,340.
The New York Times
The New York Times
In the first 6-months of 2007,Democratic candidates for the presidncy,the House and the Senate raised $388 million--$101 million more than Republicans.It's the first time since the government began keeping track 30 years ago that Democrats are raising more campaign cash than Republicans.
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal
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- SEOPS Hippo
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Of the more than 2 million refugees who have fled Iraq since the U.S. invasion in 2003,1.5 million have relocated to Syria,while 750,000 are in Jordan.The U.S., citing security concerns,has taken in only 133 Iraqi refugees,but recently announced it would take 7,000 more by the end of September.
Associated Press
Associated Press
Sixty-one American colleges,among them Trinity,Lafayette,and Holy Cross,are refusing to participate in the next annual U,S, News & World Report survey of America's top colleges, complaining that it is arbitrary and inaccurate. None of the 25 schools that top the list has joined the protest.
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- SEOPS Hippo
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