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America appears to be losing interest in Britney Spears. the singer,pregnant with her second child and rumored to be unhappy in her marriage to Kevin Federline,gave a heavily promoted interview to NBCs Dateline.The interview came in third in its time slot,behind rerun of CSI and a basketball game.In the interview,a tearful Spears denied marital problems,and said she is a good mother.her family,she said ,has always driven with babies on their laps because "we're country."

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Nicole Kidman and country singer Keith Urban are spending up to $183,000 to honeymoon at the same Fiji resort where Keith Richards recently fell out of a coconut tree, says the Associated Press.The couple was married last week in Australia in a traditional Catholic ceremony.Guest included Naomi Watts,Russell Crowe,Hugh Jackman,and Rupert Murdoch. "I don't think there was a dry eye in the house," said guest after Urban pulled out a guitar and serenaded his new bride."She cried,everyone cried."

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Axl Rose was arrested in Stockholm last week for biting a hotel security guard in the leg. The singer was arguing with a woman in the hotel lobby when the guard intervended. After attacking the guard and damaging hotel property,Rose was handcuffed by city police."He was deemed too intoxicated to be questioned right away,"said police

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Madonna toned down her raunchy concert patter at a recent Chicago performance because her father was in the audience,said MSNBC. On most stops,the singer curses extravagantly and makes rude gestures at the audience.This time,she asked the crowd to applaud loudly for her instead,"so that her dad would know she made something of herself,"said a fan.'She gave the growd the finger only one time and never once said the F-word."

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Customs officials detained Rush Limbaugh at a Florida airport last week for possession of Viagra without a prescription.Limbaugh could be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor for possessing the Viagra,which had his doctor's name on the bottle instead of his own. Limbaugh's lawyer said the erectile-dysfunction drug was "labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposses."
update guess what

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Addiction ruined Hilary Swank's Marrage,said Vanity Fair.The Oscar winner said she just couldn't hold her marriage with Chad Lowe together once she found out several years ago thay he'd sevretly fallen back into sibstance abuse. "When I found out.it was such a shock,because I never thought he'd keep something from me," Swank said,"And yet on another level,it was confirmation of somethings I was feeling that was keeping us from beong completely solid." Swank said Lowe is now sober again,but the couple is currently separated and plans to divorce.

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Post by BlindWhiteHat »

butcherman108 wrote:
cant stop this wrote:norply66 how do you find all this info

HE has too much time,so he reads alot. :lol:

Between reading and typing I'd say his/her brain is on overload.

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The Paris Hilton you think you know is just a character for TV,the heiress told the London Sun." The Simple Life is a reality show and people might assume it's real."she said. "But it's fake.All reality shows are fake." The famously ditsy blonde said she modeled her :character" on such movies as Clueless and Legally Blonde by choosing wacky cloths and even adopting a fake baby voice." The public thinks they know me," she said. "But they really don't.'

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Where on earth is Suri Cruise? The baby daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise was born more than three months ago,but the public has yet to see a single picture of her.Cruise has reportedly become obsessed with keeping her out of sight,using evasive methods to be certain he isn't followed,and making sure all doors are locked."It's possible that Tom Cruise is being overcome by his Scientology training," cult expert Rick Ross tells MSNBC,"and that's leading to a paranoid worldview that is being reflected in his behavior with baby Suri."

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Madonna may be distancing herself from Kabbalah,said the London Independent.Close friends of the pop singer said she's tired of giving millions of dollars to the California-based religious group,and worried that its demands on her time have brgun to strain her relationship with her husband,Guy Ritchie. A spokeswoman for the pop star called the report "completely untrue"

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Fifty-two-year-old Chirstie Brinkley has left her husband after learning of his affair with a 19-year-old girl,says the New York Post. Architect Peter Cook,47 met Diana Bianchi when she was a 17-year-old toy store employee.He then hired her at his firm,plied her with gifts,and seduced her,says her lawyer,Joseph Tacopina. "He offered her money,a job,career advancement," Tacopina says."And when he got her comfortable,he made his real intentions known,"Brinkley--who has been divorced three times before--found out about the affair when Bianchi's stepfather,a police officer,approached her after a public appearance.

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Angelina Jolie is making a habit of replacing Jennifer Aniston. Jolie,it was announced last week,will play the widow of Wall Street Lournal reporter Daniel Pearl,Mariana,in a movie about his kidnapping and murder in Pakistan.The movie," A Mighty Heart," is being produced by Brad Pitt,who bought the film rights to Mariane Pearl's book with ex-wife Aniston.Aniston had planned to play Mariane herself,but gave up her stake in the film when the couple divorced.

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Kevin Federline charges $20,000 to show up parties,says In Touch Weekly.Britney Spears' husband and former backup dancer earned $700,000 in the past four months from appearance and endorsement fees.Recently,he was seen picking up the tab after dining out with his wife,says the magazine.

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Twentysomething rockers Avril Lavigne and Deryck Whibley of Sum 41 were married in a traditional ceremony near Santa Barbara,California., last week.Lavigne wore a white Vera Wang gown,walked down the aisle to Mendelssohn's "Wedding March," and was given away by her father.

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Colin Farrell filed a restraining order this week against a woman who jumped on stage during a taping of "The Tonight Show to give him and Jay Leno copies of her selfpublished book Colin Farrell: A Dark Twisted Puppy.Dessarae Bradford,who has also written a book called My S/M Romp With Alec Baldwin,claimed last year that Farrell was stalking her;her lawsuit against him was dismissed.Before being escorted out of the Tonight Show studio,Bradford told Farrell,"I'll see you in court," according to witnesses."You're insane," he replied.

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Donald Fagen and Walter Becker of Steely Dan have accused filmmakers of basing the current movie You,me and Dupree, on their 2001 hit "Cousin Dupree," about a freeloading houseguest."Some hack writer" apparently heard the song,they write in an open letter," and thought,hey ,man,this is a cool idea for a character in a movie or something...They didn't even bother to think up a new name for the guy."

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Luciano Pavarotti said last week that a bout with pancreatic cancer would not end his career.The 70-year-old tenor canceled all remaining dates on his farewell tour this month after undergoing emergency surgery. I'm finally at home,my home,finally out of the hospital, he said,telling fans that doctors caught the cancer early.I have every intensions of returning to singing.

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Two weeks ago Sitcom actress Leah Remini announced that she has seen Suri Cruise.Remini,a Scientologist,is the first person other than Suri's parents,fellow Scientologists Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes,to publicly confirm having laid eyes on the baby."She's a newborn and normal size," said Remini.No photographs have been made public in the more than thre months since Suri was born,and at least one celebrity magazine has launched an online clock counting the seconds until the first Suri sighting.

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Star Jones has threatened to sue over persistent media reports that her marriage to Al Reynolds is in trouble,saying her lawyers "are very close to exposing the individual who has perpetrated them." The announcement came after the New York Post reported that a "mystery man" was ringing doorbells in the couple's apartment building at 4 a.m.,looking for Reynolds,and that Reynolds had been spotted partying with "a gaggle of guys."

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The CEO of an independent film studio sent a blistering letter to Lindsay Lohan after the actress failed to show up on the set of Georgia Rule due to "heat exhaustion," said The smoking gun last week."We are well aware thay your ongoing all-night heavy partying is the real reason for your so-called exhaustion,"said James G. Robinson of Morgan Creek Productions."Your action on George Rule have been discourteous,irresponsible,and unprofessional. You have acted like a spoiled child." Lohan was back on the set the next day.But in an-e-mail to a sympathetic blogger,she complained of working too hard,saying,"It is disgusting what these people are doing to me. As well as the people in my life that I work with/for."

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