It Must Be True

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It Must Be True

Post by noreply66 »

A Bavarian village has been entirely swamped with pig manure.A tank containing some 52,800 gallons of the liguid poop collected on farms exploded near the village of Elsa,flooding the streets with more than a foot of greenish-brown was "the mother of all muck," said policeman Volker Munk."It was not very pleasant for the villagers"

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Post by noreply66 »

Paris Hilton lives in squalor,says Globe.Visitors to the Hollywood home of the 25-year-old hotel heiress say it's a pigsty, littered with opened cardboard boxes and large quantities of excrement from Hilton's ever-growing menagerie of six dogs,a cat,and various exotic animals. The place smells like a zoo, says one recent visitor.Hilton's Land Rover isn't much better.The seats are covered with more than 100 magazines,discarded cell phones,forgotten handbags,and used clothing,including a lot of underwear. She lives like a slob,says a friend.

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A British man has been fined $200 for walking into a hair salon,asking to borrow a broom from the staff,then taking off all his cloths and sweeping the floor.Andrew Clarke,36 told magistrates he performed the stunt to raise money for charity,but conceded that his display was "a bit of a shock"for the salon's staff." He didn't even do a good job,"said Emily Harris,19 one of the staff. " I had to sweep it when he left."

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Post by MariettaPride21 »

haha.... oddddddd

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Post by robycop3 »

noreply66 wrote:Paris Hilton lives in squalor,says Globe.Visitors to the Hollywood home of the 25-year-old hotel heiress say it's a pigsty, littered with opened cardboard boxes and large quantities of excrement from Hilton's ever-growing menagerie of six dogs,a cat,and various exotic animals. The place smells like a zoo, says one recent visitor.Hilton's Land Rover isn't much better.The seats are covered with more than 100 magazines,discarded cell phones,forgotten handbags,and used clothing,including a lot of underwear. She lives like a slob,says a friend.

Maybe she learned something from that lame TV show "The Simple Life".

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:lol: :lol: :shock:

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Post by noreply66 »

Keanu Reeves is a hero off-screen as well as on.At a California supermarket,he recently saw two teens pointing at a female cashier's name tag and sneering,"Ukee. What kinda name is Ukee?" Reeves told the toughs to show the woman"some respect" They whirled around,and gaped. "Hey,it's the Matrix guy!" one said."That's right ," Reeves said in his best Neo voice."And if you guys don't beat it,you'll be dealing with me!"They fled.

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Foreignes seeking an authentic experience in Rio de Janeiro are flocking to a new hotel built in one of the city's slums.The Little Slum Inn has rooms with majestic views over the city and the bay,but is situated among shanties,abject poverity,and drug dealers."This place ain't for wimps," said co-owner Andreia Martins.If you are uptight,you can go stay at the Copacabana Palace.She charges $35 a night for a room,and will send out locals for food and beer,so guest aren't mugged.

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Post by Raiderball »

Sounds like my kinda place. :roll:

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Post by westbrook18 »

hahaha.......that sounds like a rough place

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A gang of British thieves managed to steal a van loaded with roughly $130 million in worthless Monopoly money.The bundles of 100-pound and 500-pound notes were on their way to the Czech Republic to be used in a new TV commercial for the ever-popular board game,but the thieves thought the cash was real.The money may have been fake,say police ,but its theft is still a crime.There will be no Get out of Jail free for these chancers when we catch them, one detective told the London Sun.And they won't be collecting 200 pounds either.

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Ozzy Osbourne has confessed to being impotent.The 57-year-old rocker,speaking on the Howard Stern Show,said that since going on antidepressants -without which "I go mad"-he has been unable to make love to wife Sharon,even with the aid of pharmaceuticals."I take four Viagra and it doesn't work," said Osbourne,"it doesn't do anything." Besides,he said, "we've done it so many times it's boring,"

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A convicted German burglar has been freed from jail because he has a permanent erection.Maurice Baumann, 32, had just been sentenced to a year in jail when he developed a state of arousal that even a team of doctors jabbing needles in him for 90 mimutes could only reduce to "half-mast." A court has ruled that Baumann can remain free until his problem is cured or resolves itself." I drank beer hoping to get brewer's droop.I even had scalding baths,but nothing's helped," said Baumann,adding."it's not funny."

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A 500 pound moose crashed the front windshield of a moving car in Massachusetts and landed upright in the passengers seat. It was really one of the wildess things I've eve seen ,said Patroman Jon Monohan. This thing is just sitting there staring at me.He was setting perfectly in the seat like a puppy dog ,with his legs up underneath the dashboard.The injured moose was later put down,but the stunned driver scaped with minor injuries.

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Angelina Jolie apparently has the same effect on both sexes.Readers of the gay women's magizine Diva rated Jolie as the woman its readers would most like to take to bed,ahead of such screen beauties as Portia de Rossi,Halle Berry,and Salma Hayek."She's our undisputed dream girl," said Diva in an editorial.Jolie,30 has acknowledged being bisexual,but is currently pregnant with the child of actor Brad Pitt,a male.

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Two pioneers of the cryonics movement have had their hopes of immortality dashed by a freezer accident,Raymond Martinot,who died in 2002,and his wife ,Monique,who died in 1984,were awaiting resurrection in a custom-built freezer at their chateau in the Loire Valley.But a malfunction caused their bodies to thaw prompting their son Remy to take them out of storage and send them off to cremation. Remy said he was -Bitter that his parents dream of being revived a century hence was short-ciruited by a mere mechanical problem. Maybe the future would have shown that my father was a poineer,he sais.

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Really crazy people

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Post by noreply66 »

A New Zealand cop got a surprise when he pulled over a motorist for speeding.As he approached the car, officer Brent Gray saw that the motorist had his foot upon the dashboard,which he took to be a sign of defiance.But when Gray peered in the window,he found that the unnamed 32-year- old driver was armless,and was using one foot to steer while the other worked the pedals.The motorist had no license,but said he'd been driving for years without being caught.

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Elite winemakers are grumbling after a wine produced by porn star Savanna Samson was given rave reviews by Robert Parker,the World's most influential wine critic.Parker gave Samson's Sogno Uno wine-whose bottle features an image of the actress in a see-through gown-a score of 91 out of 100,denoting a wine "of exceptional complexity and character,"Samson,who selected the blend of three Italian grapes used to make the wine,said it "really represents who I am,"and added,I wanted to do something that my parents could be proud of,"

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Police from Britians Scotland Yard are searching for a dog trained to steal cell phones.The hunt began after 14-year-old Nathan Ferro was attacked in his local park by a black Labrador. It stuck its muzzle straight into my pocket,says ferro.It seemed to know exactly what it was looking for.The dog clamped its jaws around the Samsung and ran off.His father ,David promptly notified police.I fear this could be part of a much bigger crime operation,he said

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