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Hillary Duff says she's a virgin,and intends to stay that way until she gets married.The 18-year-old singer and actress,currently dating 27-year-old Joel Madden of the band Good Charlotte,acknowledged that her old-fashiond stance makes her unusual,if not unique,in Hollywood."It just seems like everybody has slept with each other," she tells "In Touch" It doesn't mean I haven't thought about sex,because everyone I know has had it.You want to fit in.

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A top gallery in Britain displayed a book of slate topped by a small piece of wood as a work of art,unaware that it was merely the plinth for a missing sculpture.The Royal Academy in London later admitted that it was confused because the plinth and sculpture--a human head by artist David Hensel--were sent to the museum separately."Given their separate submission,the two parts were judged independently," museum oddicials said."The head was rejected.The base was thought to have merit and accepted."

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A man who had leaned out his window to shout at his upstairs neighbor was able to catch her as she plummeted to certain death.Londoner Orlando Fonseca,29,was upset by yelling as he watched the World Cup.Leaning out the window to ccomplain,he found that Kim Koeon,30, had fallen through her third-floor window and was clinging to the sill by her fingertips.She let go,and Fonseca instinctively grabbed her as she whizzed by." It was unbelievable,"said witness Dimitris Themistocleous." Like she was a trapeze artist and they'd rehearsed it.otherwise,it would have been splat."

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A chimpanzee in China is winning his battle against cigarette addiction. Xiku the chimp,26,acquired a 10-cigarette-a-day smoking habit from human colleagues while working in the circus.He went to a pack a day after he moved to a zoo and visitors tossed him cigarettes.But Xiku's keepers are now trying to wean him off the killer weed."At the beginning he became irascible when he wanted to smoke," said one keeper,but by occasionally resorting to "sunflower seeds or a bottle of beer," Xiku is down to just four cigarettes a day.

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An Indian family from Mass. has filed a lawsuit charging that they were duped into agreeing to marry their son to an ugly girl.The groom's father, Vijai Pandey,60,agreed to the arranged marriage after being assured that the young woman was just as attractive as his son.But when Pandey flew to New Delhi to meet his future daughter-in-law,the suit says,he was "extremely shocked" to find that she was "ugly" and had "bad teeth,"The marriage is off,but the Pandeys are now seeking $200,000 in damages.

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Actor Nicolas Cage has shelled out $1.5 million for a modest farmhouse in rural England in an attempted to harness the mystical energy source of the druids,says The National Enquirer.The house is situated atop a "ley line," an invisible geomagnetic vector that ancient peoples believe conducted magical power,and overlooks Glastonbury Tor,rumored to have been the home of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table."Nicolas is totally fascinated by mysticism," said a local resident,"and believes that by harresident the natural energy forces he can find a more tranquil life."

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A North Carolina minister who Googled his own name was surprised to find Daryl R. Peebles in Australia with an eerily similar life.Peebles,he discovered via e-mail,was also born in 1949,and also had three children.Both men had fathers who worked on lathes,and they both like performing magic and ventriloguism.Our personalities are so much alike,said the American's as if we were brothers.

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A minor stroke has left an English woman with a Jamaican accent,says the London Sun. Doctors treating Linda Walker have diagnosed her with an extremely rare case of "foreign accent syndrome," caused when an injury to the brain damages the brain's vocal center. "I just don't sound like me,"said Walker, with a strong Caribbean lilt."Everybody asks where I'm from,and I say Newcastle,they just laugh.They think I'm lying."

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Michael Douglas was in so much pain after being stung by a jellyfish that he begged his young son to urinate on him. While vacationing with his family on the island of Majorca,the veteran actor ran up on the beach with a burning sensation across his back,and resorted to an old folk remedy for treating jellyfish stings." I asked my 5-year-old son if he would pee-pee on my back," said Douglas."I don't know if it helped but my son was happy. We'll work it out in 20 years when he's in therapy.

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A Chinese woman has had a mole surgically grafted onto her face so that people can tell her apart from her twin sister. Xiao Ai,of Fujian Province,had surgeons remove the mole from her leg and transplant it to her face after realizing that even family members were having trouble distinguishing her from sister Xiao Ping."One day when I got home after work,my brother-in-law came up and wanted to kiss me" said Xiao Ai." I was so scared."

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Madonna has demanded that at each venue on her current tour she be provided a brand-new,hermetically sealed toilet seat in her dressing room.The 47-year-old pop star also insist that the toilet seat and its seal be inspected by her staff before being installed. "Who wouldn't want a new toilet seat wherever they go?" said Liz Rosenberg,a spokeswoman for the singer. "The goddess indeed gets a fresh,shiny ,and new throne in her dressing room at each venue."

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Paris Hilton insists she's slept with only two men in her life and that physical contact with the rest of her string of boyfriends and finces has been limited to kissing."The reason so many of my relationships don't work out is guys are like,Hey what's going on? Its been like four months and I'm only getting a kiss here," Hilton said."I feel good about it.I like the way guys go grazy when they can't have sex with you." Though Hilton declined to name her two lovers,analysis of her notorious amateur porn tape strongly suggests that one of them is former boyfriend Rick Salomon.

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Indiana police are still investigating the case of a masked gang that burst into a Taco Bell and dumped 25,000 packets of taco sause.In a note left with six 40-gallon trash bags filled with the packets,the gang said they had accumlated the packets over three years and felt bad about wasting them."I've heard a lot of people accumulate sause packets in their glove compartment,"said Taco Bell spokesman Rob Poetsch."But to have that many? I've never heard of that.

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A new bar in China allows patrons to blow off steam by physically assaulting the staff.The Rising Sun Anger Release Bar in Nanjing employs 20 heavily muscled waiters whom customers are free to punch and scream at with no fear of retaliation.Should beating up a waiter fail to relieve a customer's anger and tension,counselors are on hand to dispense life advice.

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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes invited David and Victoria Beckham to meet their new baby,Suri,though they have laid down ground rules for the visit.According to the London Daily Mail,the Beckhams are forbidden from touching Suri,photographing her,or engaging in baby talk."It will be very difficult for Victoria," said a source,"because she just loves babies and is trying for a daughter with David at the moment."

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A Scottish politician has won a libel case against the News of the World tabloid,thanks to his excessive body hair.The London paper had accused Tommy Sheridan, 42,a member of the British Parliament,of participating in orgies; it quoted numerous women who claimed to have caressed his body with mouthfuls of ice cubes.A turning point in the trial came when Sheridan, representing himself,cross-examined his wife,who expressed surprise that none of the women had mentioned his hair."Anybody rolling ice cubes round your body," she testified,"would have had a hairball in their throat."

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Dozens of women in drought-stricken Nepal peeled off their clothes and plowed their fields naked to appease angry gods.The 50 villagers became desperate after days of prayer and fasting failed to produce a drop of rain."this is our last weapon. We used it-and there was a light rainfall," one of the women said. The naked farming would continue,she said,until there was a proper deluge.

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Actor Luke Wilson chose to have a butt double stand in for him during a nude scene,but found it wasn't easy to select the right man."I found myself poring over the Polaroids and saying,"I like that one but it doesn't have quite the pizzazz I want for this scene.Or, This one's good,but it's too muscular, I've got a little bit of damage back there.As you get a little older,you get little dents and indentations.You want to act cool about it when you eventually say."I like this guy's butt."

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An Indian man with two penises is asking doctors to remove one so he can enjoy a normal married life.Doctors in New Delhi were stunned when the 24-year-old from Uttar Pradesh showed them his genitalia. Approximately one in 5.5 million men is afficted with diphallus,also known as penile duplication,but in all previous known cases,one of the penises has been rudimentary."Two fully functioning penises is unheard of,even in medical literature,"a surgeon said.

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Citizens of the Philippines are tacking their nation's worst-ever oil spell by having their hair cut and using the clippings to sop up the oil.As many as 500 hair salons in Manila have already joined the " Stop the Oil Spill" campaign,which began after a tanker ran aground three weeks ago."We target at least 100,000 bags of hair," said Linda Francisco,president of a Philippine hairdressers association.'We hope it can be a nationwide effort." Salons are offering free haircuts to school-children,and 11,000 inmates at the national penitentiary have already contributed their hair.

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