Bad Week For
Re: Bad Week For
Modern technology,after a passenger on a French high- speed railroad line got his arm stuck in a high-tech suction toilet. The man, who was reaching for his dropped cell phone, had to be removed from the train with the toilet still attached to his arm.
Re: Bad Week For
New Jersey Councilman Steven Lipski who was arrested last week at a Grateful Dead tribute concert for urinating off the balcony onto the crowd below. The 44-year old politician said that he had "resolved not to touch alcohol again."
Re: Bad Week For
Anthropomorphism, after a Chinese college student climbed into a zoo pen so he could hug a panda bear. "Yangyang was so cute and I just wanted to cuddle him," said the student from his hospital bed. "I didn't expect he would atack. I don't remember how many bites I got."
Re: Bad Week For
The Christmas Spirit--after a prankster dropped a fake $100 bill into a Salvation Army kettle. "Whenever we receive $100 bills there's a big woo-hoo among staff," said Paul Egan of the Greenboro, N.C., Salvation Army. "That high feeling fell fast."