SOC Needs Wrestling

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by 4thgoal »

I agree on the wrestling part, but I am not sure what soccer has to do with it. Yes, a football team may pick up a few more athletes by not having soccer, but most football teams are not losing key players to the soccer program. I do think that the SOCII has seen a big increase in the quality of their kicking games in recent years due to having soccer players (or former soccer players) now kicking on Friday nights.

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by Valenth »

I think the Schools that would benefit from Wrestling in the SOC would be...

Oak HIll
Spouth Webster
Symmes Valley


Rock HIll
Coal Grove
South Point

Please forgive me if some of these schools MIGHT have a wrestling program... not sure if they do or not.

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by GoBucks1047 »

Valenth wrote:I think the Schools that would benefit from Wrestling in the SOC would be...

Oak HIll
Spouth Webster
Symmes Valley


Rock HIll
Coal Grove
South Point

Please forgive me if some of these schools MIGHT have a wrestling program... not sure if they do or not.
Chesapeake and Fairland have wrestling along with Gallia Academy. And I think the SOC II schools who have football and the OVC schools should consider wrestling. As for SOC I and South Webster, getting numbers to participate will be difficult. Clay and East definitely wouldn't be able to do it, but Eastern could. Also, I noticed West wasn't on the list and they're the size of Portsmouth, maybe slightly bigger, they should be included in on the SOC list too.

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by wrestlefan »

it is a totally different type of athlete that plays basketball or wrestles
if you think wretling is going to hurt the basketball team you dont have a clue
if the basketball team is couting on a wrestler type of kid then your basketball team sucks anyways
and vice versa for the wrestling team

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by morganjones »

Too many basketball egos for this to happen

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by Valenth »

Wasn't sure how many schools in this area had Wrestling.

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by RoadMan »

I think the biggest issues would be cost and storage. Cost to purchase mats, storage for them when not in use.

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by bcltcr »

RoadMan wrote:I think the biggest issues would be cost and storage. Cost to purchase mats, storage for them when not in use.
If a school is unwilling to find a place to store mats then they do not deserve to have a school. I think the reason for no wrestling is a lack of knowledge in the area.

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by Bottoms Dweller »

The football programs would benefit from wrestling in the schools in the long run in my opinion. Anytime you can get more kids involved in high school sports I think is just fantastic. High school sports is just not about winning, its educating our future neighbors and making them responsible adults.
I'm just speculating but the cost of operating another winter sports program for SOC I and II schools might be to much for the area school systems to bear?
On a side note why did SP and Ironton discontinue their programs?

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Re: SOC Needs Wrestling

Post by king kong »

The idea of wrestling has been brought up at board meetings at Piketon. The reason that we havent added it is because not one single person that works in this district has ever been associated in any way with wrestling, from coaching to playing! We could have the space to do it, but when a parent asks me why we dont start it, I say every sport that has ever been is started by that one or more passionate people who are willing to start the program from the ground up and that person isnt me! lol As the AD I would do everything I could to help the person start it, Basketball and baseball at Piketon was started in the early 1900's, track, football, later in the 50's, volleyball in the 70's, Cross Country in the early 80's, golf in the mid 90's, and soccer in the early 00's, so its not like we arent willing to add sports around here!

BTW, my old user name was Eagles73 but I lost my password and the email I used for it has been shut down so I started a new user name.

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