The Trailer Park

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Post by RiverRatRay »

Snow Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that guy must be crazy. Can't wait to catch the real weather forecast from TTT this morning.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

64 in the park this morning and it is going to be a nice day today with temps in the lower 80s and sunshine all day. I have heard talk of snow but all I think we will get is the colder temps over the week-end and I would look for the Easter Bunny to be wearing his ear-muffs Saturday nite.....

Leave the sleds and tubes in the garage till next year...and the snow shovels as well.......

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Post by The Instructor »


Yeah, right....April Fools....

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Post by mstangmom »

Actually it is in the forcast, more for northern ohio though, we will be lucky to get above 40 from WED., Mon and Tues. is the best we get this week, ENJOY IT

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

The Instructor wrote:Snow?

Yeah, right....April Fools....

one thing I dont do is joke about the weather, you should know that by now, have I ever led you down the wrong path, dont answer that question...... :lol: :lol:

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Post by RiverRatRay »

I remember one year, in the 80's, we had 8 inches of snow on April 14th and school was canceled.

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Post by The Instructor »

Well, no you haven't.


This week?

It is hard to imagine after the wonderful weather we have had lately.

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Post by RiverRatRay »

I remember one year, in the 80's, we had 8 inches of snow on April 14th and school was canceled.

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Post by The Instructor »

I hope the snow stays away.

I usually don't care much about the weather but this year I have Spring Fever!

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Post by itownpaw »

I love the warmer weather. We still have 3 more snow days, but I would rather it be warm.

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Post by RiverRatRay »

A lot of excitement in the trailer park yesterday especially in and around the high rise. Seems a young fellow borrowed a car without permission, I guess you could call it stolen, and the police chased him to the high rise where he abandoned it and jumped the Hanging Rock Rocket's fence and into the backyard. He came running through the yard only to meet up with the Rocket coming out the back door of his house. The Rocket told him to get out of the yard and the thief then proceeded to hop the fence in the front running toward 10th Street. The only thing was the cops where waiting on him so he came back to the fence again and started to hop it into the Rockets back yard. This time he didn't get high enough and he fell into the back yard in a heap. Well the Rocket came out of the house, this time with his trusty 38, and the guy picked himself up and shot over the side fence and began running towards The Educators house on 11th Street where she was cutting grass. The police turned the the K9 loose and that is the last I heard from either the thief or the dog. I thought for a minute the thief was going to be wearing lead for a belt buckle. You don't mess with The Rocket. By the way Educator, did you see a guy about 5'8" tall with a goatee and wearing a lime green shirt being chased by a dog, pass your way while you were cutting grass?

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Post by mstangmom »

WOW! I don't suppose anyone got it on videotape?
Warm weather get the park a hoppin I guess. wonder what will happen there today with this bein the last warm day for a few days.

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Post by RiverRatRay »

I talked with one of the police officers involved in the pursuit. She said she was getting too old for this. I told her I could remember when she did a good job hitting those 25 and 30 foot jump shots for the Ironton Lady Tigers. She said the distance has been reduced now to 15 feet. :lol:

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Educator and I were talking basketball while she was cutting grass and we saw all the cruisers running up and down but we didnt see the guy running, the mailman was passing mail and I am sure he saw something.......we saw the former Tiger driving her cruiser and I'll bet she can still run a good foot race....... ;-)

on topic: 45 in the park this morning with sunshine today and temps around 83 this afternoon but the party ends tonite with rain in the forecast for tonite and temps dropping into the 50s tomorrow. Hope the Easter Bunny has his ear muffs ready for the week-end as temps are plummeting down in the 20s over the week-end......

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Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

20 years tomorrow 4/4 we had over 20 inches of snow on the ground and it was gone by the 6th and it flooded... this fell between the evening of the 3rd to late in the day on the 4th... :shock:

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Post by The Instructor »

What do you do?

Keep a weather diary?

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orange-n-brown 365
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Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

The Instructor wrote:What do you do?

Keep a weather diary?

No I got married on the 8th :-D

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Post by The Instructor »


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Post by RiverRatRay »

FREEZE WARNING for the trailer park tonight!

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

50 in the park this morning.

Ray is correct, better cover the plants tonite cause the temp is hitting below the freezing mark with temps in the lower 30s and possible showers and flurries tonite.....

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