The Trailer Park
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 104408
- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
- The Instructor
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 32534
- Joined: Mon May 08, 2006 1:37 am
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 104408
- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
- orange-n-brown 365
- Posts: 8646
- Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:38 am
- The Instructor
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 32534
- Joined: Mon May 08, 2006 1:37 am
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 104408
- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
- The Instructor
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 32534
- Joined: Mon May 08, 2006 1:37 am
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 104408
- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
The Instructor wrote:Any thoughts on having a luncheon on a Saturday?
not this go around but in the near future I dont see any reason why we cant......maybe we can have a coronation lunch for the Queen, whoever He or She may be......I am getting absentee ballots galore for one of the OBDTF and it isnt a female......

- The Instructor
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 32534
- Joined: Mon May 08, 2006 1:37 am
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 104408
- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 104408
- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:I hear the CAJUNS are out in force support of The Instructor of course...![]()
I just received this pm from our friends down in Cajun country who are voting for the Instructor............the race is getting tighter.....
Sorry to bother you TTT but these Cajuns keep sending me their names for Instructor....She sure must have a lot of friends....They would like to vote her in as Queen...
D'amours D'astous D'entremont Dagenais Dagneau Daigle Daigre
Dallaire Damours Dancosse Daniau Danis Dantin Daoust
Darois Dartez Darveau Dauphin David Davis Deblois
Decoste Deforest Degrace Deguire Delabourliare Delage Delaney
Delatour Delaunay Delaune Delavoye Delcambre Delessard Delisle
Delorey Delorme Demers Demontbel Deneau Denevers Deniau
Denis Denomme Denoyon Depatie Derainville Derbes Dery
Desaire Desautels Desbiens Deschaine Deschamps Deschenes Deshaies
Desharnais Desilets Desjardins Deslauriers Desmarais Desnoyers Desorcy
Desportes Despres Desrochers Desroches Desrosiers Detrepagny Deveau
Devost Dion Dionne Dodier Doiron Dollard Dore
Dorey Dorion Dorval Doucet Doucette Doyon Drapeau
Drolet Drouin Dubay Dube Dubeau Dubois Dubour
Dubreuil Dubuc Ducharme Duchesne Duchesneau Duclos Dufault
Duffenais Duffy Dufour Dufresne Dugas Dugast Duguay
Duhamel Duhon Duke Dumais Dumas Dumont Dunphy
Duon Dupere Duplantis Duplessis Dupont Dupre Dupuis
Dupuy Duquet Duquette Durand Dussault Duval
- The Instructor
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 32534
- Joined: Mon May 08, 2006 1:37 am
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 104408
- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
pm from Mustangmom concerning votes from the Hillbilly nation:
Instructor has the hillbilly vote
Clutch Cooger
Midnight Eaglehead
Carlyle Crud
Rodney Alice Miller
Talon Scout
Acne Pitz
Bermuda Schwartz
Ferd Nand
Dom Bunny
Emil Nitrate
Dexter Methorphan
Smokestack El Ropo
Hojo Hominygrits
Pinetop Rosenberg
B-flat Bart
Dusty Lenscap
Dirk Niblick
Dredge Rivers
Rowdy Rawhide
Wes Virginia
Crocodile Bunjee
Duff Severe
Red Herring
Red Flapjack (good trucker CB handle)
Wade Anchors
Crag Antler
Pegleg Bates
Pass-the-Biscuits Pappy
Biff Baxter
Biff Stew
Amos Behavin
Joe Lunchpail
Freddy Hardhat
Claypool Pennyfeather
J. Newton Numbskull
Langhorne Motely
Melville Himmelfarb
Terrence Tickle
Omar Goodness
Goggles Paisano (race car driver)
Dr. Denton Fender
Roy Wrongway Tiredamage
Howie Baggadonutz
Duncan Donuts
Oliver Sudden
Phil Thisup
Adam Bomb
Rudy Canal
Al Kaseltzer
Brad Wee Musical
Jack D. Rentup
Big Wave Dave
Lush Schwab
Daryl Lect
Wino Joe
Lunchtime O'Booze
Alfred Hitchike
Bob EQ
Gil Tripp
Moe Lester
Rasil Bathbone
Lefty Rightguard
Bey Beruit, the Sultan of Swatt
Fenton Fagg
P. J. Prevert
Harry Homo
Randy Queen
Pizelle Puree
Cinnamon Teal
Eleanor Squeal
Mary Ellen Krabofski
Chrystal Shanda Lear
Dream Weaver
Fairynette Kathgassner
Gisella Werberserch-Piffel
Honeysuckle Ginsberg
Bathsheba Finkelstein
Delicia Bracegirdle
Cheerful Hyacinth
Elvira Honeyspice Klothgrunt
Hattie Cheerio Goodpickett
Gussie Fink-Nottle
Incense Berkowitz
Nancy Ann Seancey
Esther Oyster
Philomenia Bifulk
Elzora Flitt
Kitty Litter
Amber Wyse
I. M. Shirley Right
Bedelia Gwangi
Heidi Ho
Gloss Black
Melody Ragmore
Madame McNair
Wanda B. Wedsome
Bambi Dextrous
Sue Jitsu
Pretzella Presley
Bonnie Scotland
Ann Phibian
Lilac Arug
Nurse Finebum
Nurse Pertbottom
Nurse Lushtush
Nurse Rosenrump
Nurse Talltail
Nurse Nietkeister
Cranston Belch III
August Schilling
Upright Dunkirk III
T. Askew Crumbley
Madison A. Swill
Admiral Broadbeam
Hammond Egger
Fuller Bull
Fuller Rath
Effingham Hoofnagle
Bullshot Crummond
Lord Rumblebottom
Tristram Jellyneck
The Duke of Oil
Mrs. Razorback
Fran Van Crisco
Florette Smugnose
Lady Starched Bottom
Gloria Van Derebuilt
Lady Astorbuilt
Senator Foghorn
Senator Grafton
President Nignew
Adenoid Hinkel
Marvel Wonsetler
Americus Ivey
Huron Downs
Jepsen Valborg
Odus Dehay
Othan McGuirt
Dummer D. Delno
Melpo Talianis
Missouri Butler Sims
Eino Alto
Harry Horni
Marvin Pigram
Exildo Briggs
Blooma Stack (maiden name Cover?)
Capitola Lamb
Queen Dye
Zada Ledesma
Litha Lucey
Frieda Zingg
Rosetta Friday
Regina Archembault
Gladys Bolz
Nannie Peeples Ray
Opal Plumlee
Lettie Andrupen
Iona Walker
Zulrika Teeple
Barthene Nash
Fern Breeze
Independence Johnson
Melpo Talianis
Armilda Stoker
Juanita Von Walden
Frezell Ardell
Lorvenia Billiups
Ethel Booze
Precious Honeywood
Maggie Tart
Irene Heckenliable
Velora Umlauft
Saleemie Schwalb
Adelle Followell
Ora Thee
Isabel Molesworth
Clara Gloomski
Beau Gus
Clod Hopper
Jake Razzlebone
Skinwell Oatcake
Clot Ballew
Fantastic Barnsmell
Warthog McUgly
Gus Goomer
Oink Smith
Dexter Steerhaul (truck driver)
Gurgy Tate
Zebulon Piecrust
Lester Flem
Ollie Hopnoodle
Dung Kow
Nip Tuck
Konstilobilovich (composer)
Ingor Garitsky
Pting Zow
White Fish (part Hebrew, part Apache)
Abdul O'Brien Cohen
Jesus Braunschweiger
Genghis Cohen (restaurant in Los Angeles?)
Carlos Goldstein
Pepito Greenberg
Mohammed Ulysses Fips
Esther Olivero Nakamicha
Lt. Mack Druck
Sgt. Fleacollar
Officer Dumdum
Officer Hollowpoint
Sir Cumference
Noah Count
Baron Bad Blood
Sir Cur
Sultan Pepper
Odge Gribble
Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive
Robin Steel
Craven Sinclair
Dr. Illtread W. Lecher
Dan Backslide
Larsen E. Pettyfogger
Instructor has the hillbilly vote
Clutch Cooger
Midnight Eaglehead
Carlyle Crud
Rodney Alice Miller
Talon Scout
Acne Pitz
Bermuda Schwartz
Ferd Nand
Dom Bunny
Emil Nitrate
Dexter Methorphan
Smokestack El Ropo
Hojo Hominygrits
Pinetop Rosenberg
B-flat Bart
Dusty Lenscap
Dirk Niblick
Dredge Rivers
Rowdy Rawhide
Wes Virginia
Crocodile Bunjee
Duff Severe
Red Herring
Red Flapjack (good trucker CB handle)
Wade Anchors
Crag Antler
Pegleg Bates
Pass-the-Biscuits Pappy
Biff Baxter
Biff Stew
Amos Behavin
Joe Lunchpail
Freddy Hardhat
Claypool Pennyfeather
J. Newton Numbskull
Langhorne Motely
Melville Himmelfarb
Terrence Tickle
Omar Goodness
Goggles Paisano (race car driver)
Dr. Denton Fender
Roy Wrongway Tiredamage
Howie Baggadonutz
Duncan Donuts
Oliver Sudden
Phil Thisup
Adam Bomb
Rudy Canal
Al Kaseltzer
Brad Wee Musical
Jack D. Rentup
Big Wave Dave
Lush Schwab
Daryl Lect
Wino Joe
Lunchtime O'Booze
Alfred Hitchike
Bob EQ
Gil Tripp
Moe Lester
Rasil Bathbone
Lefty Rightguard
Bey Beruit, the Sultan of Swatt
Fenton Fagg
P. J. Prevert
Harry Homo
Randy Queen
Pizelle Puree
Cinnamon Teal
Eleanor Squeal
Mary Ellen Krabofski
Chrystal Shanda Lear
Dream Weaver
Fairynette Kathgassner
Gisella Werberserch-Piffel
Honeysuckle Ginsberg
Bathsheba Finkelstein
Delicia Bracegirdle
Cheerful Hyacinth
Elvira Honeyspice Klothgrunt
Hattie Cheerio Goodpickett
Gussie Fink-Nottle
Incense Berkowitz
Nancy Ann Seancey
Esther Oyster
Philomenia Bifulk
Elzora Flitt
Kitty Litter
Amber Wyse
I. M. Shirley Right
Bedelia Gwangi
Heidi Ho
Gloss Black
Melody Ragmore
Madame McNair
Wanda B. Wedsome
Bambi Dextrous
Sue Jitsu
Pretzella Presley
Bonnie Scotland
Ann Phibian
Lilac Arug
Nurse Finebum
Nurse Pertbottom
Nurse Lushtush
Nurse Rosenrump
Nurse Talltail
Nurse Nietkeister
Cranston Belch III
August Schilling
Upright Dunkirk III
T. Askew Crumbley
Madison A. Swill
Admiral Broadbeam
Hammond Egger
Fuller Bull
Fuller Rath
Effingham Hoofnagle
Bullshot Crummond
Lord Rumblebottom
Tristram Jellyneck
The Duke of Oil
Mrs. Razorback
Fran Van Crisco
Florette Smugnose
Lady Starched Bottom
Gloria Van Derebuilt
Lady Astorbuilt
Senator Foghorn
Senator Grafton
President Nignew
Adenoid Hinkel
Marvel Wonsetler
Americus Ivey
Huron Downs
Jepsen Valborg
Odus Dehay
Othan McGuirt
Dummer D. Delno
Melpo Talianis
Missouri Butler Sims
Eino Alto
Harry Horni
Marvin Pigram
Exildo Briggs
Blooma Stack (maiden name Cover?)
Capitola Lamb
Queen Dye
Zada Ledesma
Litha Lucey
Frieda Zingg
Rosetta Friday
Regina Archembault
Gladys Bolz
Nannie Peeples Ray
Opal Plumlee
Lettie Andrupen
Iona Walker
Zulrika Teeple
Barthene Nash
Fern Breeze
Independence Johnson
Melpo Talianis
Armilda Stoker
Juanita Von Walden
Frezell Ardell
Lorvenia Billiups
Ethel Booze
Precious Honeywood
Maggie Tart
Irene Heckenliable
Velora Umlauft
Saleemie Schwalb
Adelle Followell
Ora Thee
Isabel Molesworth
Clara Gloomski
Beau Gus
Clod Hopper
Jake Razzlebone
Skinwell Oatcake
Clot Ballew
Fantastic Barnsmell
Warthog McUgly
Gus Goomer
Oink Smith
Dexter Steerhaul (truck driver)
Gurgy Tate
Zebulon Piecrust
Lester Flem
Ollie Hopnoodle
Dung Kow
Nip Tuck
Konstilobilovich (composer)
Ingor Garitsky
Pting Zow
White Fish (part Hebrew, part Apache)
Abdul O'Brien Cohen
Jesus Braunschweiger
Genghis Cohen (restaurant in Los Angeles?)
Carlos Goldstein
Pepito Greenberg
Mohammed Ulysses Fips
Esther Olivero Nakamicha
Lt. Mack Druck
Sgt. Fleacollar
Officer Dumdum
Officer Hollowpoint
Sir Cumference
Noah Count
Baron Bad Blood
Sir Cur
Sultan Pepper
Odge Gribble
Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive
Robin Steel
Craven Sinclair
Dr. Illtread W. Lecher
Dan Backslide
Larsen E. Pettyfogger
- The Instructor
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 32534
- Joined: Mon May 08, 2006 1:37 am
- orange-n-brown 365
- Posts: 8646
- Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:38 am
I have heard from
Jim Bob huckleberry
bob jim berryhuckle cousins you know
sweetpea sailorgirl
flowermay gunbarrel
they all want to vote abesntee
I'm waiting on more to flood in TTT
Jim Bob huckleberry
bob jim berryhuckle cousins you know
sweetpea sailorgirl
flowermay gunbarrel
they all want to vote abesntee
I'm waiting on more to flood in TTT

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
"Remember this, the choices you make in life, make you"
- John Wooden
"Champions never complain, they are too busy getting better."
- unknown
"Remember this, the choices you make in life, make you"
- John Wooden
"Champions never complain, they are too busy getting better."
- unknown
- orange-n-brown 365
- Posts: 8646
- Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:38 am
Oh yeah these just in from the Schitt family
Awe Schitt.
O. Schitt
Needeep N. Schitt
Noe Schitt.
Holie Schitt
Giva Schitt
Fulla Schitt,
Bull Schitt,
and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt.
Dumb Schitt,
Noe Schitt Sherlock.
Loda Schitt,
Chicken Schitt.
Dawg, Byrd, and Horse -Schitt happens.
Pisa Schitt.
Crock O. Schitt
I think I've covered all the Schitts
Awe Schitt.
O. Schitt
Needeep N. Schitt
Noe Schitt.
Holie Schitt
Giva Schitt
Fulla Schitt,
Bull Schitt,
and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt.
Dumb Schitt,
Noe Schitt Sherlock.
Loda Schitt,
Chicken Schitt.
Dawg, Byrd, and Horse -Schitt happens.
Pisa Schitt.
Crock O. Schitt
I think I've covered all the Schitts

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
"Remember this, the choices you make in life, make you"
- John Wooden
"Champions never complain, they are too busy getting better."
- unknown
"Remember this, the choices you make in life, make you"
- John Wooden
"Champions never complain, they are too busy getting better."
- unknown