Here are the indians that are voting for the Instructor. as you can see she is loved by all they wanted you to know the origin and the meaning of thier names.
TTT has these
Abequa (F)
Chippewa: Stays At Home
Abey (F)
Omaha: Leaf
Abeytu (F)
Omaha: Green Leaf
Acaraho (M)
Crow: Mountain
Adahy (M)
Cherokee: In the Woods
Adoeete (M)
Kiowa: Great Chief
Adoette (F)
Kiowa: Big Tree
Adriel (M)
Native American: Beaver
Adsila (F)
Cherokee: Blossom
Agasga (F)
Cherokee: Rain
Ahawi (F)
Cherokee: Deer
Ahdik (M)
Native American: Caribou
Ahiga (M)
Navajo: He Fights
Ahote (M)
Hopi: Restless One
Ahuli (M)
Cherokee: Drum
Ahyoka (F)
Cherokee: She brought happiness
Ajako (M)
Akando (M)
Native American: Ambush
Akecheta (M)
Sioux: Warrior
Akule (M)
Native American: He looks up
Alagua (F)
Native American: Sweet Gum Tree
Aleqasina (F)
Alo (M)
Hopi: Spiritual Guide
Altsoba (F)
Navajo: All at War
Ama (F)
Cherokee: Water
Amitola (F)
Native American: Rainbow
Anamosa (F)
Sauk: White Fawn
Anaukaq (M)
Anevay (M)
Native American: Superior
Angeni (F)
Native American: Spirit
Angpetu (F)
Sioux: Day
Ankti (F)
Hopi: Repeat Dance
Anoki (M)
Apiatan (M)
Kiowa: Wooden Lance
Aponi (F)
Native American: Butterfly
Aquene (F)
Native American: Peace
Arapoosh (M)
Crow: Sour Stomach
Arnatkoak (M)
IglulikAskook (M)
Algonquin: Snake
Atepa (F)
Choctaw: Wigwam
Atsidi (M)
Navajo: Smith
Atsila (F)
Cherokee: Fire
Aviaq (M)
Avonaco (M)
Cheyenne: Leaning Bear
Awan (M)
Native American: Somebody
Awenasa (F)
Cherokee: My Home
Awendela (F)
Native American: Morning
Awenita (F)
Native American: Fawn
Ayasha (F)
Chippewa: Little One
Ayita (F)
Cherokee: First in Dance
Ayunini (M)
Bena (F)
Native American: Pheasant
Beshkno (M)
Potawatomi: Bald Eagle
Bimisi (M)
Native American: ?
Bly (F)
Native American: Tall
Bonita (F)
Apache: Beautiful
Byhalia (F)
Choctaw: White Oaks Standing
Cameahwait (M)
Shoshone: He who never walks
Catori (F)
Hopi: Spirit
Chahta Imataha (M)
Chapa (F)
Sioux: Beaver
Chapawee (F)
Sioux: Busy
Chapowits (M)
Nez Perce: Many Coyotes
Chaska (M)
Sioux: Eldest son
Chayton (M)
Sioux: Falcon
Cheauka (M)
Hopi: Clay
Chemehuevi (F)
Chepi (F)
Algonquin: Fairy
Cheveyo (M)
Hopi: Spirit Warrior
Chilam (F)
Native American: Snow Bird
Chitsa (F)
Native American: Fair
Chlumani (F)
Sioux: Dew
-> Chumani
Chogan (M)
Algonquin: Blackbird
Chunta (M)
Hopi: Cheating
Chuslum (M)
Nez Perce: Bull
Coahoma (F)
Choctaw: Red Panther
Cocheta (F)
Native American: That you cannot imagine
Cochise (M)
Apache: ?
Culchillum (M)
Dakota (M)
Dakota: Friend
Dasan (M)
Pomo: Leader of the Bird Clan
Deganawida (M)
Degataga (M)
Cherokee: Standing Together
Delsin (M)
Native American: He is so
Demothi (M)
Native American: Talks while walking
Dezba (F)
Navajo: Going To War
Dichali (M)
Native American: Speaks a lot
Diwali (M)
Cherokee: Bowl
Dohasän (M)
Kiowa: Little Bluff
Dohate (M)
Kiowa: Bluff
Donehogawa (M)
Seneca: He who guards the gate of sunset
I don't think the OBDTF planned on thids many votes coming in, and I know they don't have enough fingers and toes to count all the votes. we need to come up with some sort of counting gadget so they can keep accurate nubers.
any idea would be helpful.
If only someone could invent such an item that adds numbers and gives you totals.
mstangmom wrote:I foresee on big problem though.........
I don't think the OBDTF planned on thids many votes coming in, and I know they don't have enough fingers and toes to count all the votes. we need to come up with some sort of counting gadget so they can keep accurate nubers. any idea would be helpful. If only someone could invent such an item that adds numbers and gives you totals.
The Mayor has things under control as far as counting votes, TTOTTB.....
Just got these votes in for the Instructor. said you better count them too or they will come looking for you.
Goota love the scarlett and grey squads, they only ak that the instructor remember the beat the team up north dance.
Position: Defensive end (Opened by Gray)
Gray - Lawrence Wilson
Scarlet - Rob Rose
Gray - Ryan Williams
Scarlet - Walter Dublin
Gray - Chris Rietschlin
Position: Offensive Tackle (Opened by Scarlet)
Scarlet: - Alex Boone
Gray - Bryant Browning
Scarlet: - Josh Kerr
Gray - Scott Sika
Scarlet - Chris Malone
Position: Tailback (Opened by Gray)
Scarlet - Maurice Wells
Gray - K.C. Christianson
Scarlet - Joe Gantz
Position: Wide Receiver (Opened by Scarlet)
Scarlet - Brian Robiske
Gray - Ray Small
Scarlet - Dan Potokar
Gray - Garret Hummel
Scarlet - Brian Hartline
Gray - James Laurinaitis
Scarlet - Austin Spitler
Gray - Ross Homan
Scarlet - Thaddeus Gibson
Gray - Mark Johnson
Position: Safety (Opened by Scarlet)
Scarlet- Kurt Coleman
Gray - Tyler Moeller
Scarlet - Grant Schwartz
Gray - Aaron Gant
Scarlet - Jamario O'Neal
Position: Corner Back (Opened by Gray)
Gray - Malcolm Jenkins
Scarlet - Donald Washington
Gray - Chimdi Chekwa
Scarlet - James Scott
Gray - Donnie Evege
Position: Offensive Guard (Opened by Scarlet
Scarlet - Connor Smith
Gray - Zack Slagle
Position: Tight End (Opened by Gray
Gray - Jake Ballard
Scarlet - J. D. Larson
Gray - Will Crawl
Scarlet - Andrew Miller
Position: Quarterback (Opened by Scarlet)
Scarlet - Robbie Schoenhoft (assigned to Gray for second half by Coach Tressel)
Gray - Antonio Henton (assigned to Scarlet for one quarter of the second half by Coach Tressel)
Position: Fullback (Gray)
Gray not allowed to pick due to roster assignments
Scarlet - Aram Olson
Scarlet - Jake McQuaide
Gray - Jackson Haas
Scarlet - Patrick Howe
Gray - Don Curtis
Players assigned by the coaching staff to the Gray prior to the draft:
Will Linebacker - Ryan Lukens
Strong Safety - Mike Dougherty
Defensive End - Alex Barrow, Brett Daily
Nose Guard - Nadar Abdallah
Linebacker - Larry Grant
Corner - Brandon Underwood
Wide Receiver - Devon Lyons, David Lisko, Ben Kascandi
Guard - Daniel Dye, Kyle Mitchum, Ben Person, John Skinner
Tight End - Brandon Smith
Fullback - Trevor Robinson, Tyler Whaley
Kicker - Andrew Good
Punter - A. J. Trapasso
Players assigned by the coaching staff to the Scarlet prior to the draft:
Kicker - Ryan Pretorius
Long snapper- Dimitrios Makridis
Quarterback - Todd Boeckman
Fullback - Dionte Johnson
Guard - Doug Ebner, Steve Rehring
Tackle - Kirk Barton
Tight End- Rory Nicol
Wide Receiver - Kyle Ruhl, Albert Dukes, Brent Ullery
Defensive End - Eric Gholston
Defensive Tackle - Juan Garnier
Sam Linebacker - Curtis Terry
Will Linebacker - Marcus Freeman
Cornerback - Shaun Lane, Zach Willis
Free Safety - Nick Patterson
Safety - Matt Daniels (later re-assigned to Gray)
48 in the park this morning with sprinkles on the windshield.......chance of a passing shower this morning with highs in the lower 60s in the afternoon......