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orange-n-brown 365
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Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

The Instructor wrote:
orange-n-brown 365 wrote:when you smoke it bothers everyone... I have a child with asthma who does it affect? her she cannot even go to the restroom in school because of the smoke! No one considers that when they are public there are people who is effected by smoking! But its my opinion and mine only

It is illegal to smoke on public school grounds in Ohio.

The school should be doing something about it.

Its the students and nothing is being done they break all the smoke detectors etc. people stand out side the gyms before during and after and smoke...

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The Instructor
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Post by The Instructor »

orange-n-brown 365 wrote:
The Instructor wrote:
orange-n-brown 365 wrote:when you smoke it bothers everyone... I have a child with asthma who does it affect? her she cannot even go to the restroom in school because of the smoke! No one considers that when they are public there are people who is effected by smoking! But its my opinion and mine only

It is illegal to smoke on public school grounds in Ohio.

The school should be doing something about it.

Its the students and nothing is being done they break all the smoke detectors etc. people stand out side the gyms before during and after and smoke...

The staff should be doing something.

If they have tough rules against smoking, it will stop.

You aren't supposed to smoke on school grounds at all.

This includes outside the gym area.

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orange-n-brown 365
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Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

TerryGirl wrote:
orange-n-brown 365 wrote: who does it affect? her she cannot even go to the restroom in school because of the smoke!

No offense but she must have a pretty good sized bladder.

J/K O&B... I'd guess that those are kids smoking in the rest room. It's been going on since they have had schools I would say and not likely to stop. It is a game to them to not get caught.

she doesn't drink during school uses the potty at home and afterwards.. :( I know it was that way when I was in school also our school went as far as taking the doors off the bathroom stalls still didn't help all it did was prevent us from going in privacy :(
I myself had family members and good friends who smoked but out of curtisty didn't smoke around some people that's all I ask is people please remember the people who are allergic to smoke and like my daughter who has asthma and is effected by it.

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Post by Philos_Finest »

TG... I would much rather sit by an obese person than a 20 pound smoker.

Like Bear said, no one cares that you smoke, but whenever you smoke around someone & they get second hand smoke from you, you should be charged with murder. Because everytime you smoke a cigerette i think it takes like 10 days from your life & since second hand smoke is worse that would be like 20 days. No ones obesisty will ever do that to anyone.

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Post by TerryGirl »

Philos_Finest wrote:TG... I would much rather sit by an obese person than a 20 pound smoker.

Like Bear said, no one cares that you smoke, but whenever you smoke around someone & they get second hand smoke from you, you should be charged with murder. Because everytime you smoke a cigerette i think it takes like 10 days from your life & since second hand smoke is worse that would be like 20 days. No ones obesisty will ever do that to anyone.

Whether my smoke bothers you or not is NOT the issue here. I do not EVER smoke around anybody (sick or well) unless they are a smoker too or tell me that is OK to do so (because their wife or husband does all the time anyway, for example). Some people just like to complain about other people's faults when they can't even handle their own. All I have done was to respond to the guy who whined about smokers raising the health care and insurance costs and pointed out that obesity has now surpassed smoking as the leading cause of rising healthcare and ins. costs. They BOTH raise costs and are terrible health problems but if you belong in EITHER category, you have no right to complain about the other.. .that's all. All I'm saying is ....clean your OWN house first.

BTW, IF the 20 day thing was correct, I would have died when I was 3 years old. Both my parents were smokers when I was growing up and I have smoked since I was 16 years old.


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Post by kantucky »

Smoke away if you wish but I just wished a woman of your age would start dressing like it. Cellulite and saggy boobs spilling out over your halter top with abundant stretch marks on your tummy showing is kinda hard to take when one is trying to eat..then to look over and see you jamming your lip stick coated cigarette into your mash potatoes is just too much.

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Post by RiverRatZap »

Because everytime you smoke a cigerette i think it takes like 10 days from your life

I heard seven minutes! Oh wait a minute, maybe that's how long a cigarette takes to smoke. :lol:

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Post by Philos_Finest »

whether it is 10 days or 7 minutes, thats still murder in its own right.

They BOTH raise costs and are terrible health problems but if you belong in EITHER category, you have no right to complain about the other.. .that's all. All I'm saying is ....clean your OWN house first.

For one, i am neither. I weigh 160 pounds & i will never smoke a thing in my life. & i would much rather be obese than a smoker. I use to be fat(not huge but fat enough) in elementary & the begining of jr. high & trust me, i heard more stuff about that than i've ever heard about a smoker. When i was 11 years old my great aunt said i was a "Fat Piece of S**t", tell me what kind of 11 year old deserves that? atleast if i was a smoker at 11 i could get paddled for it & no better than to smoke. I would much rather sit by a obese person than a smoker any day. GAHS, never called you out on this subject, you called him out. You're the one that started all this b.s

But it certainly affects your health care costs and insurance rates. (AND MINE). I'm assuming you fit right in the "perfect" zone on the ht/wt charts and do EVERYTHING else right to the "T" on health concerns and that allows you to harp on smokers

I know i fit into the "perfect" zone on the ht/wt chart & yes i do EVERYTHING else right to the "T" on health concerns because this is how i feel like i can get a step above than the athletes with the same ability as me but i work harder & eat right & all that good stuff to get better than them. I know, if i could, i would outlaw tobacco in a second, every kind of it. Smoking is the most unattractive thing a person can do(i find fat people more attractive than smokers)

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orange-n-brown 365
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Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

The staff should be doing something.

If they have tough rules against smoking, it will stop.

You aren't supposed to smoke on school grounds at all.

This includes outside the gym area.[/quote]

maybe this year will be better I hope!!

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."

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Post by Philos_Finest »

BigOrangeOne wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:For my part I wish they would ban smoking in this country is only for what the rising health care costs are doing to my insurance rates.

You might be doing alright on the ht/wt charts Philo but you need some help on the eye charts. Above, in his first post, is the 1st mention of rising healthcare and insurance costs caused by smokers (me). That was the first accusation and it wasn't by me.
Go sit in the corner with the REAL people who are raising healthcare costs until you learn to read.


I have 20/20 vision, but thanks anyway.... He never called out anyone by there name like TG did.... Reread Page 1, TG called out bouth GAHS, & Bear. & BOO why don't you act your age instead of telling me to go sit in the corner. That's real mature ;-)

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Post by TerryGirl »

Philos_Finest wrote: When i was 11 years old my great aunt said i was a "Fat Piece of S**t", tell me what kind of 11 year old deserves that? atleast if i was a smoker at 11 i could get paddled for it & no better than to smoke

There ya go..... that should tell you right there that it is better to smoke than be a fat piece of crap.
Just kidding you... I know that you are a young man and apparently still in high school and I admire the fact that you don't smoke, drink, do drugs and eat well, etc. I'm sorry that you had to experience that from your great aunt and you are right, no 11 year old deserves that.
Keep up the good habits throughout your life.... but remember, NOBODY gets out alive. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Have a good season at whatever you do. :)

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Post by BigOrangeOne »

Philos_Finest wrote: & BOO why don't you act your age instead of telling me to go sit in the corner. That's real mature ;-)

Because I know how old you are and I was just kidding you... sorry if I offended you.

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Post by Philos_Finest »

TG... thank you for the good luck. It's not that i care that you smoke, because i know people do smoke & its because they want to. & if you do the things like you say you do, like, ask people if they care if you smoke & things like that then it doesn't bother me(not that it does anyway living in Zanesville lol). But I just can't stand it when people are inconsiderate & light one up right beside other people.

BOO... It's fine, i over-reacted. I'm usually good at picking up sarcasm on the internet, i guess i just must have had a "brain fart". I hope to get down & meet some people this year at an OBDTF meeting.

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Post by TerryGirl »

gahs4ever wrote:Terry Girl: If they ever get around to archiving the finest posts on this site like they do on JJ, your last one will be right up there somewhere.

If Im going to be critical it is only fair to dole out the praise when it is deserved.

Great post!

Well, thank ya Wimpy. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The Instructor
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Post by The Instructor »

I just can't believe all of the young people who take up smoking these days.

Many years ago, people didn't know all of the health risks associated with it.

Today, they are well-informed of all the health problems that come with smoking.

The cost of a pack of cigarettes alone would get my attention enough not to begin that nasty habit!!

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Post by Bigboy52 »

Ban Baby Ban!!!!

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Post by The Instructor »

Bigboy52 wrote:Ban Baby Ban!!!!

I like your thinking Bigboy52.

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Post by RiverRatRay »

Close to 4 bucks a pack, better not be on a fixed income. This is one of those things that are more expensive than gasoline.

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Post by Bigboy52 »


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Post by peake_tree »

Smoking is horrible. Especially for people who live with second hand smoke that u can't avoid.

I like Louisville, South Carolina, Ohio State and Georgia Tech. With 119 schools who says u can't like 4?
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