Word Origins
- SEOPS Hippo
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1330, from O.Fr. bargaignier "to haggle," perhaps from Frank. *borganjan "to lend," and ultimately from P.Gmc. *borgan (cf. O.E. borgian, source of borrow). Another suggestion is that the O.Fr. word comes from L.L. barca "a barge," because it "carries goods to and fro." There are difficulties with both suggestions. A bargain basement (1899) originally was a basement floor in a store where bargains were displayed.
1330, from O.Fr. bargaignier "to haggle," perhaps from Frank. *borganjan "to lend," and ultimately from P.Gmc. *borgan (cf. O.E. borgian, source of borrow). Another suggestion is that the O.Fr. word comes from L.L. barca "a barge," because it "carries goods to and fro." There are difficulties with both suggestions. A bargain basement (1899) originally was a basement floor in a store where bargains were displayed.
- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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O.E. dell (perhaps lost and then borrowed in M.E. from cognate M.Du./M.L.G. delle), from P.Gmc. *daljo, related to dale. Uncertain relationship to dell, rogue's cant 16c.-17c. for "a young girl of the vagrant class." "A Dell is a yonge wenche, able for generation, and not yet knowen ... by the vpright man" [Thomas Harman, 1567].
O.E. dell (perhaps lost and then borrowed in M.E. from cognate M.Du./M.L.G. delle), from P.Gmc. *daljo, related to dale. Uncertain relationship to dell, rogue's cant 16c.-17c. for "a young girl of the vagrant class." "A Dell is a yonge wenche, able for generation, and not yet knowen ... by the vpright man" [Thomas Harman, 1567].
- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
- SEOPS Hippo
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1623, "Spanish legislative council," from Sp. junta "council, meeting, convention," from M.L. juncta "joint," from L. juncta, fem. pp. of jungere "to join" (see jugular). Meaning of "political or military group in power" first recorded 1641 as junto (from confusion with Sp. nouns ending in -o), originally with ref. to the Cabinet Council of Charles I. Modern spelling in this sense is from 1714; popularized 1808 in connection with council formed to resist Napoleon.
1623, "Spanish legislative council," from Sp. junta "council, meeting, convention," from M.L. juncta "joint," from L. juncta, fem. pp. of jungere "to join" (see jugular). Meaning of "political or military group in power" first recorded 1641 as junto (from confusion with Sp. nouns ending in -o), originally with ref. to the Cabinet Council of Charles I. Modern spelling in this sense is from 1714; popularized 1808 in connection with council formed to resist Napoleon.
- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
- SEOPS Hippo
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- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
parley (n.)
"conference," especially with an enemy, 1449, from M.Fr. parlée, from fem. pp. of O.Fr. parler "to speak," from L.L. parabolare "to speak (in parables)," from parabola "speech, discourse," from L. parabola "comparison" (see parable). The verb is 14c., probably a separate borrowing of O.Fr. parler.
"conference," especially with an enemy, 1449, from M.Fr. parlée, from fem. pp. of O.Fr. parler "to speak," from L.L. parabolare "to speak (in parables)," from parabola "speech, discourse," from L. parabola "comparison" (see parable). The verb is 14c., probably a separate borrowing of O.Fr. parler.
- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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"pertaining to a people in ancient Italy," 1387, from L. Sabinus (in poetic L. often Sabellus), connected by Tucker to root *sabh- "combine, gather, unite" (cf. Skt. sabha "gathering of village community," Rus. sebr "neighbor, friend," Goth. sibja, O.H.G. sippa "blood-relationship, peace, alliance," O.E. sibb "relationship, peace").
"pertaining to a people in ancient Italy," 1387, from L. Sabinus (in poetic L. often Sabellus), connected by Tucker to root *sabh- "combine, gather, unite" (cf. Skt. sabha "gathering of village community," Rus. sebr "neighbor, friend," Goth. sibja, O.H.G. sippa "blood-relationship, peace, alliance," O.E. sibb "relationship, peace").
- SEOPS Hippo
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- SEOPS Hippo
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