This day in history...

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1607 In Virginia, on the first Sunday after the arrival of the Jamestown Expedition, Anglican priest Robert Hunt, 39, held the first Anglican service in the New World. Named chaplain of the expedition to Jamestown, Hunt was also the first Anglican priest to come to America.
1932 Death of John Hughes, 59, Welsh rail official and church worker. During his life, Hughes composed a number of hymns, including CWM RHONDDA, to which the Church today still sings "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah."
1948 After nineteen centuries of enforced exile, the Jewish people regained their homeland when the State of Israel was formally proclaimed in Tel Aviv. On this same date, the U.S. became the first world nation to recognize the newly-refounded state of Israel.
1950 American missionary and martyr Jim Elliot wrote in his journal: 'To believe is to act as though a thing were so. Merely saying a thing is so is no proof of my believing it.'
1974 In the Anglican Church in England, the Rev. F. Donald Coggan, 64, was named the 101st Archbishop of Canterbury by Queen Elizabeth II, succeeding former Archbishop Michael Ramsey.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1455 A crusade against the Turks and for the capture of Constantinople was proclaimed by Pope Calixtus III.
1686 Rev. Robert Ratcliffe arrived in Boston from England, with orders from King Charles II to establish the Anglican Church in Massachusetts.
1816 Birth of Sylvanus Dryden Phelps, U.S. Baptist clergyman and poet. His several writings included the hymn, "Savior, Thy Dying Love."
1889 At the close of a two-day denominational conference in Cleveland, Ohio, the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church was organized. It became the foundation of the current United Methodist Youth (UMY) fellowship programs.
1943 German Lutheran theologian and Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in a letter from prison: 'I read the Psalms every day, as I have done for years; I know them and love them more than any other book.'

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1540 German reformer Martin Luther remarked: 'In the worst temptations nothing can help us but faith that God's Son has put on flesh, is bone, sits at the right hand of the Father, and prays for us. There is no mightier comfort.'
1850 Birth of Arthur H. Mann, English church organist. In addition to being an authority on Handel, Mann also composed a number of sacred hymn tunes, including ANGEL'S STORY, to which we sing today, "O Jesus, I Have Promised."
1866 Missouri Lutheran Synod founder C.F.W. Walther wrote in a letter: 'God carries on His work through men with whom it sometimes seems as if one would go to the right and the other to the left and the third one would hold back, and yet the work progresses.'
1920 Popular Baptist pastor and denominational leader George Washington Truett, 53, preached his famous sermon, "Baptists and Religious Liberty," to 15,000 people from the Capitol steps in Washington, D.C.
1929 The Shaffer Lectureship was established at the Yale Divinity School, in memory of Kent Shaffer, Ph.B., 1907. The lectures are concerned with some phase of the life, character and teachings of Jesus. Lecturers have included C.H. Dodd (1935); Ralph W. Sockman (1936); Martin Dibelius (1937); and James Moffatt (1940).

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on May 17:

1444 Sandro Botticelli Italian painter (Birth of Venus)
1451 Engelbert II earl of Nassau-Dillenburg-Dietz/viceroy of Luxembourg
1490 Albrecht von Hohenzollern 1st duke of Prussia
1551 Martinus A del Rio Spanish/South Netherlands lawyer/historian/theologist
1568 Christoph Thomas Walliser composer
1576 Ferdinand van Apshoven the Older, Flemish painter, baptized
1673 Jozef LD von Königsegg Austria, military minister of Austrian Netherlands
1691 Antoine Court French reformed theologist
1732 Francesco Pasquale Ricci composer
1741 John Penn US attorney (signed Declaration of Independence)
1749 Edward Jenner England, physician, discovered vaccination
1768 Caroline Brunswick, Queen Consort of King George IV
1794 Anna Brownell Jameson Dublin, writer
1796 Martinus J Niewindt bishop of Curaçao (christen slaves)
1800 Carl Friedrich Zollner composer
1803 Robert Smith Surtees novelist
1804 Ottho G Heldring Dutch vicar/reformer (Heldring Institutions)
1808 Charles-Louis-Adolphe Vogel composer
1812 Joseph Warren Revere Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1880
1819 Johann Nepomuk Kafka composer
1823 Charlotte Helen Sainton-Dolby contralto/composer
1836 Joseph Norman Lockyer discovered Helium/founded Nature magazine
1846 Edmund Bishop English secretary of Thomas Carlyle
1850 Antonio Scontrino composer
1866 Erik Alfred Satie Honfleur France, composer (Mémoirs d'un Ambésique)
1867 Gerrit Mannoury Dutch mathematician/philosopher
1871 Henricus P Bremmer art historian (Modern Kunstwerken)
1873 Dorothy Miller Richardson Abingdon Berkshire, novelist
1873 Henri Barbusse Asnieres France, novelist (Le Feu)
1876 Alban Collignon Belgian sport journalist
1878 Conway Tearle US actor (Klondike Annie, Should Ladies Behave?)
1886 Alfonso XIII Borbón King of Spain (1902-31)
1888 A P "Tich" Freeman cricket leg-spinner (legend for Kent & England)
1889 Alfonso Reyes Mexican poet/historian/diplomat (Higenia Cruel)

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
352 Liberius was elected 36th pope of the Early Church. During this time the dispute between Arius and Athanasius was at its height, and after vacillating earlier, Liberius vindicated himself as a champion of Nicene orthodoxy.
1291 Scottish medieval Franciscan philosopher John Duns Scotus, 25, was ordained. He believed in "divine will" rather than "divine intellect," and founded a scholastic system called Scotism. In the Catholic Church he is known as "the Subtle Doctor."
1844 Birth of Julius Wellhausen, the German biblical scholar who, in his 1878 "History of Israel," first advanced the JEDP Hypothesis, claiming that the Pentateuch (i.e., the first five O.T. books) was a compilation of four earlier, literary sources.
1881 The Revised Version (EV or ERV) of the New Testament was first published in England. The Old Testament was completed in 1885. In 1905 the American Standard Version (ASV) ÀÀ based on the textual foundation of the ERV ÀÀ was published in the U.S.
1947 The Conservative Baptist Association of America (CBAA) was formally established at Atlantic City, NJ, as a breakaway movement from within the American Baptist Convention.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on May 18:
1692 Joseph Butler Wantage Berkshire, theologian
1711 Ruggiero G Boscovich [Rudzer J Boskovic], Italian astronomer
1744 Joseph Beer Bohemia clarinetist/composer (5th clarinet flap)
1759 Charles Duquesnoy composer
1788 Hugh Clapperton Annan Scotland, African explorer
1797 Frederik Augustus II King of Saxon (1836-54)
1798 Ethan Allen Hitchcock Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1870
1815 Thomas Stanhope Bocock representative (Confederacy), died in 1891
1817 James William Denver Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1892
1819 Julius Hopp composer
1830 Karl Goldmark Keszthely Hungary, composer (Sakuhtala)
1836 Isidor Vorobchievici composer
1836 Wilhelm Steinitz Austria, world chess champion (1866-94)
1850 Oliver Heaviside physicist predicted existence of ionosphere
1854 Bernard Zweers Dutch composer (To My Fatherland)
1862 Freiherr Albert von Schrenk-Notzing German para-psychologist
1864 Jan P Veth Bayern, Dutch painter/etcher/lithographer/art historian
1865 William Heinemann England, publisher (Chemical Instrumental)
1868 Nicholas II Aleksandrovitsj last tsar of Russia (1894-1917)
1869 Ruprecht crown prince of Bavaria/general-fieldmarshall
1871 Franiska zu Reventlow writer
1872 Bertrand Russell England, mathematician/philosopher (Nobel 1950)
1875 Guido Alberto Fano composer
1881 Georgi Atanasov composer
1882 Eduardo Fabini composer
1883 Walter Gropius Berlin Germany, architect (founded Bauhaus school of design)
1885 Eurico Gaspar Dutra President of Brazil (1945-50)
1886 Ole Windingstad composer
1887 Ernst Wiechert writer
1889 G Gunnarson writer
1891 Rudolf Carnap philosopher (German Logical Positivist)
1892 Ezio Pinza Rome Italy, bass (New York Metropolitan-South Pacific)
1896 Walter Fitzgerald Keyhan Devonport England
1897 Frank Capra Palermo Sicily Italy, movie director (It's a Wonderful Life, Arsenic & Old Lace)
1897 Jack Raine London England, actor (Quartet)
1898 Juan J Domenchina Spanish poet/interpreter (sombra desterrada)
19-- Gail Strickland Birmingham AL, actress (Alice West-Insiders)
19-- Steven David Delong rocker (Sweet F.A.-Stick To Your Guns)
1900 Sarah Miriam Peale US, portrait painter (General Lafayette-1825)
1901 Harry Robert Wilson composer
1901 Henri-Pierre Sauguet Bordeaux France, composer (La Chotte)
1901 Vincent du Vigneaud US biochemist
1902 [Robert] Meredith Willson Mason City IA, composer (Music Man)
1903 George E Stone Lodz Poland, actor (Viva Villa, Last Mile)
1904 Jacob K Javits (Senator-R-NY)
1905 Eric Zeisl composer
1905 Hedley Verity cricketer (terrific slow lefty for England pre-WWII)
1907 Clifford Curzon London England, pianist (MacFarren Gold Medal)
1907 Robley D Evans nuclear physicist
1909 Fred Perry Stockport England, tennis star/commentator (Wimbledon 1934-36)
1910 Arthur van Schendel Dutch art historian
1911 Big Joe Turner Kansas City MO, blues singer (Corrine Corrina, Shake Rattle & Roll)
1911 Lord Hartwell
1911 Sigrid Gurie Brooklyn NY, actor (Algiers, Sofia, Refugee)
1912 Georg von Opel German auto manufacturer

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1530 German reformer Martin Luther wrote in a letter: 'God's friendship is a bigger comfort than that of the whole world.'
1690 Death of John Eliot, 86, colonial missionary to the American Indians of Maryland. Eliot arrived in America from England in 1631; by 1663 he had translated the entire Bible into the Algonquin Indian language.
1754 Columbia University in New York City was chartered as King's College, under sponsorship of the Episcopal Church. The institution adopted its present name in 1896.
1878 William R. Featherstone died at the age of 32. A Canadian Methodist who spent his life in Montreal, it was Featherstone who authored the hymn, "My Jesus, I Love Thee."
1937 Following a lifelong call to establish a worldwide evangelistic ministry to children, missions pioneer Jesse Overholtzer, 59, founded Child Evangelism Fellowship, in Chicago.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1536 The General Assembly of Geneva, Switzerland officially embraced Protestantism by accepting the evangelical faith of the Swiss reformers.
1739 Methodist hymnwriter Charles Wesley, 31, on the first anniversary of his religious conversion, penned the hymn, "O For a Thousand Tongues."
1740 English revivalist George Whitefield wrote in a letter regarding Jesus' character; 'He was God and man in one person, that God and man might be happy together again.'
1864 Belgian missionary priest Father Damien, 24, was ordained on the Island of Hawaii. Born Joseph de Veuster, the Picpus Father began a work among the lepers on the island of Molokai in 1873. Contracting the disease in 1884, Father Damien succumbed to it five years later.
1944 German Lutheran theologian and Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in a letter from prison: 'God alone protects; otherwise there is nothing

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
339 Death of Eusebius, 74, Father of early church history. He attended the Council of Nicea in A.D. 325, and his "Historia Ecclesiastica" contains an abundance of detail on the first three centuries of the Early Church found nowhere else in ancient literature.
1431 French heroine Joan of Arc, 19, a prisoner of the English, was burned at the stake for heresy. (She was later canonized in 1920 by Benedict XV.)
1819 Anglican bishop Reginald Heber, 36, penned the words to the missionary hymn, "From Greenland's Icy Mountains."
1934 The two-day Barmen Synod ended in Germany. The resulting Barmen Declaration affirmed that the German Confessing Church recognized Jesus Christ to be the only authoritative voice of God, in clear contrast to all other (i.e., Nazi) powers representing divine revelation.
1968 Death of Martin Noth, 66, German Old Testament scholar. Noth was the first authority to note that 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings contain virtually no mention of the classic prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos and Hosea.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1943,American forces secured the Aleutian island of Attu from the Japanese during World War II.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1578 Italian archaeologist Antonio Bosio became the first man in modern times to rediscover the Christian catacombs in Rome. Researchers (e.g., Giovanni B. de Rossi) who followed him dubbed Bosio "the Columbus of the Catacombs."
1638 Colonial clergyman Thomas Hooker, 51, first arrived at the site of New Haven, CT, having migrated there with his church members who repudiated the autocratic rule of Puritanism in Boston. Hooker (the founder of Connecticut) believed Boston had become corrupt, and that church authority should rest in the people's consent.
1769 Anglican clergyman and hymnwriter John Newton wrote in a letter: 'He fulfills His promise in making our strength equal to our day; and every new trial gives us new proof how happy it is to be enabled to put our trust in Him.'
1821 The first Catholic cathedral in the U.S. ÀÀ the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary was dedicated in Baltimore.
1942 German warplanes bombed Canterbury, England, causing severe damage to the Canterbury Cathedral (seat of Anglicanism), in retaliation for Britain's assault on Cologne, Germany.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1793 Birth of Henry Francis Lyte, Scottish clergyman who wrote the hymns 'Abide with Me' and 'Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken.'
1922 Birth of Ray Knighton, who in 1954 founded the Medical Assistance Program (MAP International) in Chicago.
1930 Missionary-linguist Frank C. Laubach wrote in a letter: 'I must talk about God, or I cannot keep Him in my mind. I must give Him away in order to have Him.'
1953 The Christian Aid Mission (CIM) was chartered in Washington, DC by founder Bob Finley.
1978 The Evangelical Free Baptist Church was incorporated in DuPage County, Illinois, having withdrawn from the Southern Baptist Convention following a doctrinal dispute.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1536 Ten Articles of Religion were published by the English clergy, in support of Henry VIII's Declaration of Supremacy. The Anglican Church had begun defining its doctrinal distinctions, after breaking with Roman Catholicism.
1810 Birth of German composer Robert A. Schumann, who composed the sacred tune CANONBURY, to which is commonly sung the hymn, 'Lord Speak to Me That I May Speak.'
1942 Unevangelized Fields Mission (UFM) was incorporated in Philadelphia. Today this interdenominational mission agency works in a dozen countries in Latin America, Europe and Africa.
1973 The American Society of Missiology was founded in St. Louis. The ecumenical organization seeks to stimulate an academic interest in Christian missions, and publishes the journal 'Missiology: An International Review.'
1978 Through the voice of its president Spencer W. Kimball, the Mormon Church reversed a 148-year- long policy of spiritual discrimination against African-American leadership within the denomination.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
0597 Death of St. Columba (born 521), pioneer missionary to Scotland. From the Isle of Iona, Columba evangelized the mainland of Scotland and Northumbria.
1549 In England, Parliament established a uniformity of religious services and the first Book of Common Prayer, as Anglicanism became the newly established national faith.
1732 Englishman James Oglethorpe received a royal charter to form the American colony of Georgia. It was to be a place of refuge for sectarian Protestant believers, persecuted in England.
1784 In the first step toward formal organization of the Roman Catholic Church in the U.S., Father John Carroll was appointed superior of the American missions by Pius VI.
1834 English Baptist missionary pioneer William Carey died at 73. Having translated portions of Scripture into as many as 25 languages, he is known by some today as the 'father of modern missions.'

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on June 13:
323 -BC- Alexander the Great dies of fever at Babylon
1886 King Ludwig II of Bavaria drowns
1946 Edward Bowes radio host (Major Bowes Amateur Hour), dies at 71
1961 Ben Jones Missouri, horse trainer (Citation, Whirlaway), dies at 79
1962 Sir Eugene Goossens composer, dies at 69
1972 Clyde McPhatter singer of the drifters, dies of a heart attack
1977 Tom C Clark former Supreme Court Justice, dies in NY at 77
1979 Darla Hood actress (Little Rascals), dies
1982 King Khalid of Saudi Arabia, dies at 69
1986 Benny Goodman the clarinet playing King of Swing, dies in NY at 77
1987 Geraldine Page actress (Blue & Gray), dies at 62

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

1965 Kinks arrive in NYC beginning their 1st US tour
1967 Barbra Striesand: A Happening in Central Park performed
1967 China becomes world's 4th thermonuclear (H-bomb) power
1971 C U Cesco discovers asteroid #2399 Terradas
1972 5 arrested for burglarizing Democratic Party HQ at Watergate
1972 Looking Glass releases "Brandy"
1974 Felix Aguilar Observatory discovers asteroids #2997 & #3083
1975 Voters in Northern Mariana Is approve commonwealth status with US
1976 ABA (Nets, Pacers, Nuggets & Spurs) merges into the NBA
1978 Ron Guidry sets Yankee record with 18 strike-outs
1980 C Shoemaker discovers asteroid #2586 Matson
1982 Pres Reagan 1st UN Gen Assembly address ("evil empire" speech)
1982 President Galtieri resigns after leading Argentina to defeat
1985 18th Space Shuttle Mission (51-G)-Discovery 5 launched
1986 Chief Justice Warren Earl Burger resigns Antonin Scalia nominated
1988 Bruce Springsteen seperates from Juliette Phillips
1988 Microsoft releases MS DOS 4.0
1988 The Givens' Family reports Mike Tyson beats his wife Robin Givens
1988 Women sentenced to 90 years in 1st product tampering murder case
1989 US beats Guatemala 2-1, in 3rd round of 1990 world soccer cup
1991 Country entertainer Minnie Pearl suffers a stroke at 78
1994 1994 World Cup soccer match begins

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1464 Pius II led a brief 'crusade' into Italy, against the Turks. However, he soon became ill and died, before the rest of his allies arrived. Soon after, the three-centuries-old 'crusades mentality' among European Christians came to an end.
1781 The first Baptist church established in Kentucky was organized at Elizabethtown. (Kentucky was first visited by Baptist missionaries in 1772 when Squire Boone, brother of explorer Daniel Boone, began exploring the eastern Kentucky regions.)
1819 Birth of Samuel Longfellow, an American clergyman who composed the words to the hymn, 'Father, Give Thy Benediction.'
1830 Birth of Elizabeth Cecilia Clephane, an orphaned Scottish poet who penned two of the most haunting hymns in the English language: 'Beneath the Cross of Jesus' and 'The Ninety and Nine.'
1906 Birth of Gordon Lindsay, missions pioneer. In 1948 Lindsay and he wife Freda founded Christ for the Nations, an interdenominational foreign missions support agency.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
0325 The month-long Council of Nicea closed. Known as the first ecumenical council in the history of the Church, it formulated the Nicene Creed and established the method for calculating Easter.
1566 Birth of James VI of Scotland. Upon the death of Elizabeth I in 1603, he ascended the English throne as James I. He is best remembered for authorizing the publication known today as the 'King James Version' (KJV) of the Bible.
1910 In Spokane, Washington, under sponsorship of the Spokane Ministerial Association and the YMCA, Father's Day was observed for the first time.
1977 Paul VI canonized John Nepomucene Neumann, the first American-born male saint. As fourth Bishop of the Philadelphia Diocese, Neumann is remembered for developing the parochial school system.
1987 The Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law requiring public schools to teach creationism if they taught evolutionism. The court ruled that the state law violated the First Amendment.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on June 20:

1674 Nicholas Rowe England, poet laureate (Jane Shore, Tamerlane)
1819 Jacques Offenbach Cologne, French composer (Tales of Hoffmann)
1868 Helen Miller Shepard philanthropist/established Hall of Fame
1894 George Delacorte NYC, philanthropist/publisher (Dell Books)
1899 Helen Traubel St Louis, Missouri, soprano (or 6/16/1903)
1899 Jean Moulin hero of the French Resistance during WW II
19-- Alisan Porter actress (Tess Holland-Perfect Strangers)
19-- Amir Derakh rocker (Jailhouse-Alive in a Mad World)
19-- Chuck Wagner Nashville Tn, actor (Automan)
19-- Jimmy Chalfant rocker (Kix-Hot Wire)
19-- Larry Riley Memphis Tn, actor (Harry-Stir Crazy)
19-- Paul Kreppel Kingston NY, actor (Sonny-It's a Living)
1903 Glenna Collett Vare RI, Natl Am Golf champ (1922, 25, 28-30, 35)
1906 Bob Howard Newton Mass, singer/pianist (Sing it Again)
1907 Lillian Hellman playwright (Toys in the Attic, Little Foxes)
1909 Errol Flynn actor (Captain Blood, Robin Hood, Against All Flags)
1911 Gail Patrick Birmingham Ala, actress (My Man Godfrey, Love Crazy)
1919 Bruce Gordon London England, actor (Frank Nitti-Untouchables)
1920 DeForest Kelley Atlanta Ga, actor (Dr Leonard McCoy-Star Trek)
1924 Audie Murphy Kingston Tx, WWII hero/actor (Destry, Joe Butterfly)
1924 Chet Atkins Luttrell Tenn, guitarist (Me & My Guitar)
1928 Jean-Marie Le-Pen France, leader National Front party
1928 Martin Landau actor (Mission Impossible, Space 1999, Tucker)
1931 Arne Nordheim Larvik Norway, conductor/composer (Aftonland)
1931 Olympia Dukakis actress (Moonstruck)
1933 Brett Halsey Santa Ana Calif, actress (Paul-Follow the Sun)
1933 Danny Aiello NYC, actor (Moonstruck, Radio Days)
1933 Jean Boiteux France, 400m freestyle swimmer (Olympic-gold-1952)
1934 Rossana Podesta Tripoli Lybia, actress (Hercules, Ulysses)
1942 Brian Wilson Inglewood Calif, singer (Beachboys-In My Room)
1945 Anne Murray Nova Scotia, Canada, singer (Snow Bird)
1945 James F Buchli New Rockford ND, USMC/astr (STS 51C, 61A, 29, 48)
1945 John McCook Ventura Cal, actor (Codename: Firefox, Bold & Beautiful)
1946 Andr‚ Watts Nuremberg Germany, concert pianist (Oberon)
1947 Candy Clark actress (Man Who Fell to Earth, Q, American Graffiti)
1950 Lionel Richie singer (Commodores, Hello, Penny Lover)
1952 John Goodman actor (Roseanne, Everyone's All American)
1953 Brian Duffy Boston Mass, Major USAF/astronaut (STS 45)
1953 Cyndi Lauper Brooklyn, singer (Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Vibes)
1955 Michael Anthony rocker (Van Halen-Jump, 1984)
1957 Butch Patrick Inglewood Calif, actor (Real McCoys, Eddie-Munsters)
1960 John Taylor rocker (Duran Duran-Girls on Film)
1960 Michael Corbett Collingwood NJ, actor (David-Young & Restless)
1961 Karin Enke German DR, speed skater (Olympic-gold-1980, 84)

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on June 20:
1837 King William IV of England, dies
1947 Benjamin `Buggsy' Siegel gangster, shot dead in Beverly Hills Cal
1963 Gordon Jones actor (Mike the Cop-Abbott & Costello), dies at 52
1963 Joseph Self murderer, executed; last Wash state execution in 25 yrs
1963 Ralph Sanford actor (Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp), dies at 64
1965 Ira Louvin country singer (Louvin Brothers), dies at 41
1966 Georges LemaÅ’tre originator of "big bang" theory, dies at 71
1977 Abner Biberman actor (Imhook-Kodiak), dies at 68
1984 Estelle Winwood actress (Miracle on 34th Street), dies at 99
1984 Sunny Johnson actress, dies of cerebral hemorrhage at 30
1986 Tim Herbert comedian (Dagmar's Canteen), dies at 71
1990 Ina Balin actress, dies at 52, of pulmonary hypertension in Conn

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