Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by enigmaax »

BelprePride wrote:2 divisions in the hocking and three in every other sport is the best option even if it requires some expansion. But will never happen because the ADs in this league don't have the organizational skills to pull it off. Too bad because it would take our league from good to great.
Actually, there is zero reason to change anything regarding the Hocking. Perfect setup for football points, virtually guaranteeing at least 3 teams make the playoffs every year and a bounce different last year would've had 4 teams in while at least 5 teams were in the hunt the last two weeks of the season. Change for the sake of change is just stupid.

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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by BelprePride »

Enigma ax
I read my post and realized I screwed up,

I meant to say we should leave the divisional alignment alone in football and use 3 geographically aligned divisions to save on travel for all other sports

Aka eaglepappaw. :roll:
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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by BelprePride »

That means we need to add two teams to the Ohio to give them the same playoff points bonanza that the hocking enjoys

Aka eaglepappaw. :roll:
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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by enigmaax »

BelprePride wrote:That means we need to add two teams to the Ohio to give them the same playoff points bonanza that the hocking enjoys
It wouldn't necessarily work the same for the Ohio because of the discrepancies in school sizes. Especially if they were to add, say, Warren.

Since the Hocking is primarily D7, all of the points are the same. There are enough points there and the region makes it such that the automatic points will always have a few teams in the hunt.

In the Ohio, there are/would be D3 teams who don't benefit as much by beating NY, for example, unless NY turns around and beats all the other big schools. For the smaller Ohio schools, getting in at 7-3 is possible because in doing so, they'd have beaten several big schools with wins over other big schools. Going 7-3 as a D3 with 4 or 5 wins against smaller schools isn't going to cut it.

The MVL is set up similarly and they've had a few 7-8 win teams miss the playoffs the last couple years. Crooksville, being a small school in that league benefits the most while the D3 teams playing 6 smaller schools get nothing guaranteed.

The Hocking just has a unique quirk with its alignment.

Irish Dawg
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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by Irish Dawg »

I have posted before, nothing wrong with Hocking division. Good natural rivalries, enrollment within 30 kids of each other. Belpre is where they need to be. Love the comment about not winning anything in the Hocking. Check cross country, track, golf, wrestling, and only soccer program in Hocking.

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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by Raider6309 »

Basically region 25 in football and the district in basketball is the TVC hocking invitational

Mister Bee
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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by Mister Bee »

Can't see Belpre going back for any reason.

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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by Eastern EaglePapaw »

enigmaax wrote:
BelprePride wrote:That means we need to add two teams to the Ohio to give them the same playoff points bonanza that the hocking enjoys
It wouldn't necessarily work the same for the Ohio because of the discrepancies in school sizes. Especially if they were to add, say, Warren.

Since the Hocking is primarily D7, all of the points are the same. There are enough points there and the region makes it such that the automatic points will always have a few teams in the hunt.

In the Ohio, there are/would be D3 teams who don't benefit as much by beating NY, for example, unless NY turns around and beats all the other big schools. For the smaller Ohio schools, getting in at 7-3 is possible because in doing so, they'd have beaten several big schools with wins over other big schools. Going 7-3 as a D3 with 4 or 5 wins against smaller schools isn't going to cut it.

The MVL is set up similarly and they've had a few 7-8 win teams miss the playoffs the last couple years. Crooksville, being a small school in that league benefits the most while the D3 teams playing 6 smaller schools get nothing guaranteed.

The Hocking just has a unique quirk with its alignment.
Seems to me that those OHIO schools would need to be sure to schedule strong non conference games if this were to happen. But , like stated previously, really mo chance of it.

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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by edforshey »

Wahama has 236 enrollment in 9-12, maybe they should be in the Ohio, if anyone was to move.

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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by teach1coach2 »

Keep in mind the enrollment figures given are BOYS only and grades 9-11 from last year (3 grades not 4).

So 3/4 of 236 is 177. Divided by 2 is 88.5. Right in line with the other Hocking schools.

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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by fanofsports »

BelprePride wrote:Was sitting in Napoli's for lunch yesterday minding my own business. Two guys came in wearing belpre coaching jackets. They were discussing what to do about being asked by the TVC to move back up into the Ohio division. Apparently, the powers that be in the conference think if they go to two 8 team divisions it will put an end to people asking to join the league since we would have an even number in both divisions. Makes sense to me. Plus, I would like to see us get back to playing some of our old rivals like Meigs, Vinton County, and Warren. Thoughts?
Had to laugh when I read this... Blatantly obvious that this is bogus and all made up to stir trouble. Schools aren't "asked" by "the TVC" to move from one division to the other. Who are you referring to when you say "the TVC" asked Belpre??? Who are "the powers that be in the conference"??? There is not one supreme power or ruler of the conference who makes decisions, especially ones like these. Any time there is a bylaw added, deleted, or changed, there is a process that it goes through.

As far as Belpre playing old rivals/schools from the Ohio division, some of those games are still taking place:
Football: Warren (jamboree game)
Volleyball: River Valley, Fort Frye, Meigs
Soccer: Alexander
Girls Basketball: Meigs, River Valley, Willliamstown
Boys Basketball: Meigs, Warren, River Valley, Nelsonville, Fort Frye
Softball: River VAlley, Nelsonville, Wellston, Williamstown, Athens
Baseball: River Valley, Nelsonville, Williamstown, Fort Frye

Ground Buick
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Re: Belpre headed back to Ohio division?

Post by Ground Buick »

This is yet another attempt by belprepride and his NY buddies to smear us because we are now successful in the hocking division. If you can't beat them, join them. Best wishes to NY as they try to actually win more than 4 games this year.

BelprePride is the Screen Name Bandit.....BEWARE!

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