Minford 2007

Minford Mike
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Post by Minford Mike »

Son of busdriver:

I was not there yesterday but I can tell that the tone of your post is as ridiculous as your remarks. A coach that does want to win! :roll: Give me a break! What coach doesn't want to win? No idea how to coach? lets see....Coach Conley........at least 200 wins, several league titles and coaches of the year's..........Tonight Abby Donahoe changed the complexion of that game.......The five girls on that floor tonight at the end of the game were playing extremely well and fought within 3 several times. Who should have been in SOB? If the so called best players should be in than who were they?..I would like to know. There would have never been shots at the hoop if it wasn't for Donahoe's quick feet and athleticism. Also, those were the best five at that time. So where are you coming from? Again I was not there last night but Coach Conley just doesn't do stuff for no reason. You sound like an irate parent that bashes coaches on here and has absolutely no clue to what you are talking about?Your remarks are foolish and ignorant. If you are going to post make some sense. :shock:

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Lets all stop arguing and get behind the girls. They have lost several games by a narrow margin and are struggling to keep their heads up and their confidence in themselves alive. This is not a time to argue but support. I'm sure the coach and her staff are doing what they believe is right whether or not people agree with the decisions being made..but what is important is young girls..some of which have worked their whole lives for this moment..played all year 'round, not just bball season to be the best they can be..so lets support them..I agree that we should not mistake hustle for defense..two very different things though both are appreciated..I do think that the ball should be in the hands of the team scorers more. Lets use the best of everyone and what each individual can bring to the table..be supportive..and get behind the team and their staff for the rest of the year and lets try to finish the rest of the season well...the past is the past..we can only try and work on the future.

Minford Mike
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Post by Minford Mike »


Have you been to most of the games? I know you have been to more than me. What do you mean by not mistaking hustle for defense? I do not get that? You say lets support the girls but than say something like that? What girls are hustling but not playing defense? can you play defense without hustle? Who do you think should have the ball in there hands more besides the harris girl. Tonight from what I saw Harris (Who I think is their best scorer) had a multitiude of shots and the ball in her hands most of the time! My daughter and I are always behind the girls. If you read my posts I always defend the Girls and Coaches on this forum. We are one their biggest supporters. Some things you said do not make sense to me! :shock:

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Yes I have been to most games..and what I mean by the difference between hustle and defense, if I can explain, is this..some players are all over the court..running around and creating havoc..for lack of a better word..haha..and this is effective and much appreciated..but a defender may not alway look like they are running everywhere trying to dive after balls and such..they are cutting off lanes..going around screens..reading passes..cutting off their players..a lot of hustle players get burnt...there is room for both..but I see a difference in the two..each have their purpose..but just because a player isn't falling all over the floor doesn't mean they are not playing great defense..hope that explains it..I agree with you on most of your posts all the time..but we are wasting way too many possesions without scoring..you have several girls in double digits most games..they need ways to up their productivity..whatever it takes to make that happen..whether to get the ball to them more..or up their shot percentage can be addressed..and others need to maybe make better shot selections to increase their point production..the girls that are great defenders need to work to convert on all their hard work and make it pay for them in points or assists..and I do say this to support them..not to criticize..these are talented girls..each with something to bring..lets just try and help support them and those working with them...but there are several girls on this team that every game come in and try their very best and we need to praise them as well as the ones who come in and give a great few minutes..I don't see anyone on this team or staff thats not giving their all every minute..they deserve our support and probably need it more now than ever..its easy to be a fair weather fan..but this is when our team needs us most...lets be there for them.

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and to clarify one thing Minford Mike..you can't play basketball without hustling.. every minute of every game..I'm just saying lets not dismiss the players that might not be running around everywhere..but still stopping their man or area from scoring..they are working very hard too..and this is about defense..not loose balls where everyone should be on the floor..and I in no way was implying that you weren't behind our team..I know from some of your posts that you are a great supporter and I appreciate that immensely..we need everyone behind our team! :-D

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Post by Minford Mike »


Thanks for the reply. I do support ALL the girls. You mention "several girls come in and hustle and we need to support them". Again I support ALL the girls. Last night if it wasn't for Abby Donahoe that game would have been a double digit game. Not putting down any of the other girls but she was the spark they needed. I think most of the time they all hustle but in games that I have been to the players who played early in the game sometimes did not finish the game due to foul trouble, lack of production, or the players who were out there were playing well together. I have only been to half the games so THE NEXT LEVEL who are girls you would say don't get on floor as much but are still solid defenders? Who else besides the usual need the ball in their hands quite a bit more in order to be more productive? As far as offense, the games that I have been to the girls who need to have the ball in their hands have had it but are just having trouble finishing at the bucket hence the tough close losses. Lastly, the NEXT LEVEL what are your thoughts to my questions?

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Post by Minford Mike »


It's posts like SOB's that are totally whacky. His/Her first post bashing the coach and girls. What a classy person! :roll: The girls from what I saw are on the right track and I feel are ready to play well down the stretch. Go get em Ladies!!!!!!! :-D

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Minford Mike:
First I don't like to mention players names on here due to the fact that they or their parents may see it..and I don't want to make implications that some may not have as good a shot percentage as others, therefore, needing to get the ball to the players that do consistantly score more and have better percentages and shot selections. All that needs to be done is to look at the statistics. The close games that I have been to, one or two of the top scorers have not been in. I understand and am not second guessing anyone's decisons. 5 people can watch 1 game and you will get 5 different opinions as to what needs to be done. There is room at the end for your scorers and your "spark players".. And all I have to say is we are losing these close games..so, just a thought or an idea for change..nothing more..cause frankly..its just an opinion. Its like in your post about players who came in and saved the game or had a few good minutes, but you didn't either mention leading scorers or barely mentioned them..Was their contribution any less?? No, of course not, maybe there are some who are quietly and consistantly getting the job done. Those are your meat and potato players that I will count on everytime and ALSO say 'job well done!' to.. and I also do not feel that our losses are lost at the end of the game, they are lost by turnovers and scoreless possesions that took place throughout the game. I don't want to lay the blame on a play or player at the end..again..just my opinion. and as far as SOB's post..just an angry person who perhaps is venting. I haven't talked to anyone at any game that feels this way. Most just want to get behind the girls and fix whats wrong and get ready for tournament. And you are absolutely correct in saying I saw a huge difference last night and sensing that we are starting on the right track and have some momentum to build on. But as far as I can see we are definately on the same page about enjoying watching these talented young ladies and supporting them and their staff who give countless hours to making them better players and better people!..Lets go Falcons! We are all behind you a 100% :-D

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Post by qualified101 »

sob probably has a child that is a junior or senior that is losing playing time to soph and freshmen.

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You could be right..but this is not a forum for those comments..you don't want to take away from anyone's achievements. No matter the age! This is a team!!! and should be treated as such! We need the best from everyone and are all in this together! And will enjoy success if we all work together! :-D

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Post by Minford Mike »


I wasn't ignoring the contribution of the other players...it was simply a comment about a player that I felt helped the girls get going at the end there. I have been to enough games to know the contributions of all the kids.....I was not trying to purposely leave anybody out. I would never do that. You are right THE NEXT LEVEL about supporting the team 100% because I really feel things are about to take off. Everybody have a happy and safe New Year.

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Minford Mike

I know you weren't intending to leave anyone out :-D ..but I think in times like these, every player needs a pat on the back! I feel we are about to make a turn for the positve and I hope you and everyone supports our team..everyone included!! :-D Have a great New Year and good luck to all! and thanks Minford Mike for all your supportive posts!

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Post by FalconX »

Russell 51 - Minford 46 @ Boyd Co., KY Tournament

MINFORD 6 9 11 20 - 46
RUSSELL 8 13 15 15 - 51

Minford (46) — McManus 7, Martin 6, Justice 3, Spradlin 5, Conrad 10, Harris 11, E.Donahoe 2, A.Donahoe 2.

Russell (51) — Simpson 15, Ferguson 10, Parsley 2, Sparks 1, Holmes 23.

FT: Minford 9-15, Russell 21-36. 3-Pt FG: Minford 5 (McManus, Justice, Spradlin, Harris, Conrad), Russell 0. PF: Minford 20, Russell 13.

Congratulations to Breslyn Harris for being selected to the All-Tournament team!

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Post by falconflyer »

I haven't seen the games except for one but I'll say this:

1. I think Coach Conley is an excellent coach.
2. Minford has a lot of good players.
3. Their record is far worse than I thought that it would be.
Last edited by falconflyer on Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:39 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by big-train »

when you lose the heart an soul of your team,especially your point guard it is tough to recover in 1 year.

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Post by falcon_bball »

big-train: Although last year Kara Cayton scored a lot of points for the lady falcons i dont think losing her should have made much of a difference. Losing her was not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. More girls are getting more shots (they are playing team ball). Also im gonna say im not bashing Kara in any way its just that the point guards this year (Martin and Justice) have different qualities than kara had which Justice makes passes and Martin will drive it to the basket and finish stron and both also can shoot outside but they do it wisely they dont shoot shots from the volleyball line...they get their team involved which spreads the scoring out and they do it very well. Minford dosent need Kara necessarily but one thing that is missed is Kara would step it up when needed. Hopefully one of our girls will take over that part of Kara's roll and then they will be fine!

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Post by bushmaster24 »

I can't believe that the jv counts min.. in playing time. this is not peewee. that jv team should be undefeated if the right players would be on the court. why are players dressing for varsity that are as good as the upper class not seeing time ? not only that but only playing a couple of min. on jv. coch conley is a good coach. just can't see how this is going on out there?? :roll:

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Maybe we all need to sit back be quiet and let Coach Conley coach the girls. The girls are hearing everyone telling them to do the opposite of what the coach is telling them, and they don't know what to do.
As stated previously we need to support our "team" and coach. Coach Conley is trying to do her job but its hard to get the girls to listen if parents are telling them to do something else.. Please show-up and cheer for the girls, no matter who is on the floor..She tries to give everyone a chance and get everyone in the game as much as possible. This may be how the problem will be solved, nothing to do with the jv, I really don't understand how some of you think that's part of the problem. Jv players will get there shot when they are ready. Good Luck Lady Falcons...

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Post by qualified101 »

Hmmmmmmmmmm. :idea:

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Post by falconflyer »

I don't get some of these posts. Conley does not coach the jv team. Despite what I see as underperforming varsity team so far, the two games I saw did not lead me to believe that the freshmen on the bench would improve the varsity. In fact, I think the better question is why have freshmen on the varsity and not play them?. In the long run wouldn't they be better off getting minutes on the jv team and actually playing rather than sitting.

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