GAHS varsity basketball down this year?

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Post by Bassmaster »

I think if you want to play basketball you play no matter what :!: If not you can sit in the stands and complain or sit at home and excercise your thumbs :!: ;-)

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Post by blue country »

these kids will play and have said so. I asked them and they said yes except for 1 or 2 of them. Oz is a great coach but the game is getting by him, I played for Oz so I will go to the grave supporting him and all coaches in any sport at Gahs. This sr. group under Niday was unbeaten in jr. high and played up tempo but they were taller and faster now the other teams have grown and caught up. The sr. group was unbeaten in fball also in jr. high and now are 2-5 so maybe it's not all coaching the effort has to be put in to succeed. Hard work will get you far.

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Osborne has earned state-wide respect

Post by Offsides »

For Fasteach and other posters I just have to jump in here and express my thoughts on Coach Jim Osborne.-He will be starting his 39th year here soon as head basketball coach.-If any of you want to bash him, I would suggst that you talk with any high school basketball coach from across Ohio and listen to what they have to say about him. This applies to retired coaches and those who are currently active. Oz has his detractors, just like Woody Hayes, Vince Lombardi, Bear Bryant, Dean Smith, Adolph Rupp, and even Thad Matta, now at Ohio State. All of these coaches were great people, but they also had their share of disgruntled players and fans who simply did not like their coaching methods. This is just human nature. Thousands appreciate them, dozens do not like them for various reasons. But anyone who bashes Oz is definitely in the minority.

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Post by seohhoops »

Just wonder if we polled the top 7 players from each year the last 15 years if the majority would still support Oz? Just food for thought.

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last post

Post by fasteach »

let me be clear because i do not think anyone should be upset. i said i did not like oz. is he a good coach.. hurts to say it but yeh. did at least most of his players like? yeh. was he successful that goes without saying. what i said was i didn't like him and i understand why kids wouldn't want to play for him. but at the same time you only have 1 senior season. i don't even live in gallipolis anymore but i'm blue devil to the core. where is john eackerd (sp)when you need him.

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John Ecker?

Post by jottings »

You must mean Johnny Ecker, former GAHS grid and baseball coach in the late 60s and early 70s. He passed away three or four years ago.

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bye johnny

Post by fasteach »

i am sorry to hear that. he was a great coach hey what did a 5 year old know? :cry:

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Post by superblue »

How many regional finals???????? State Qualifiers?????????? He hasn't missed a state final in 38 seasons..... as a spectator.........LOL :lol:

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Post by friday_nite_fan »

superblue wrote:He hasn't missed a state final in 38 seasons..... as a spectator.........LOL :lol:

That's pretty darn funny right there.

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Post by g w mclintock »

Coach Oz is a good one and I'll say the same thing I said to the disgruntled Eastern Eagle fans about Coach Howie Caldwell.

"If you don't want him, he could find another coaching job in 10 minutes. There are lots of schools that would take him in a heartbeat."

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Post by superblue »

Hey 4ever, I knew my last post would get a reaction from you...... :lol: Only problem is that you have a 4ever scale for greatness and I use The Superblue scale for greatness....... You know how I feel about the situation, we discussed it all the time on JJ........ I will admit that he has had a successful career at GAHS..... But I have a problem with the level of greatness bestowed on him...... Am I in the minority ???? You say Yes, I say No....... :lol: :lol: Sometime change is GOOD........

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Change is good?

Post by jottings »

Superblue...You say sometimes change is good? You mean if we have change, we'll go back to being the doormat of the SEOAL every year? That's what it was for 11 years before Oz took over the program.

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Post by GAHS7462 »

I can't believe these boys won't play. They will regret it in later years. I know I didn't play for OZ but wish I had. If you watch basketball at Gallia Academy the last few years you would see that they do run more when the opportunity is there.

But, as fighting falcon said it a me,me, all about me anymore attitude from players and parents. Just watch the parents in the stands and see when they cheer or yell,its only when little Johnny did something.
It really seems to be more with the boys sports at Gallia Academy.\

Thats why I said the girls will win a state title long before the boys ever get close. And the girls are real close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its called DEDICATION!!!!!!!!!team,team, not me,me,me!!!

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Post by superblue »

Can't answer most of your Questions 4ever...... Fact is you see things one way and I see things 100% different... Many people agree with you and the same number would probably agree with me....... That we probably can agree on....... :lol: One final question.... if things are so great within the GAHS basketball program... Why no support from the majority of the blue devil fans????? I have been to games when the gym is not even half full....... Now that is sad.. :cry:

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Post by GAHS7462 »

Its the same with football why are the stands not full. Its because alot of people don't come to games anymore because they no longer have a family member playing. So WHY go.

Wait till they move the field out to the new school (when it happens)and they will lose most of the people that walk to the games now. Sad to say BUT it will happen.

If OZ has a winning season and is playing for championship the gym will be full. Same for the football team. they'll fill the bleachers.

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Post by rat »

North Gallia always had plenty of players for each sport.

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Post by FurBurger13 »

Just spoke with the direct source, looks like all are going to play except Thompson...

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Post by Who9Dey » are exactly right.. I remember a long time ago when the SEOAL took on the OVC in a all star game at South Point...In the Locker room, Jon Clay from Jackson and several others were excited to get the chance to play for OZ....I remember them telling me after the game...I had the honor of playing for him, and still to this day have asked him things on a professional level because i repect his opinion. Grass isnt always greener on the other side, and if those players dont want to play or if only one then dont. Noone is going to beg you.. you will regret it and thats that. You learn more than Basketball from OZ when you play for him. I have heard some of the names that people want to replace him with and that would be like trading in Favre for Charlie frye... that would not be a wise choice unless the Board is already calling charlie up...but we know that doesnt happen. :shock:

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Post by GalliaGrad78 »

GAHS7462 wrote:Its the same with football why are the stands not full. Its because alot of people don't come to games anymore because they no longer have a family member playing. So WHY go.

Wait till they move the field out to the new school (when it happens)and they will lose most of the people that walk to the games now. Sad to say BUT it will happen.

If OZ has a winning season and is playing for championship the gym will be full. Same for the football team. they'll fill the bleachers.

I know that I am only one person, but I don't have kids playing ball, I just enjoy coming to the games.
I didn't play sports at GAHS, but it wasn't because of the coaching. I think Oz is a great coach, I just don't really agree with retiring, and still working. It's no wonder that jobs are so hard to find anymore, no one actually retires. It is happening everywhere, doulble dipping on the pension and working also.....Not right.

If Thompson doesn't want to play, so be it. Maybe he will wrestle? lol

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Post by BBallin fool »

78 you dog me early in the year !!!And YOU did not play any sports at GA :?: So your 1 thats hides behind the key board :lol: IMO OZ is a good coach !!!Times has changed !!! IMO his best team was the Price & Noe Era!!! Alot of good players Jamie Lane, Harrison, E, Ect!!! And I have seen OZ take a team with no stars and win some games!!! But its time for a change new blood !!!IMO time to move on !!!! :arrow: I remember Duke Burlson "sp" OZ did turn GA basketball around!!! but its just like the school board they need new blood !!! "VOTE "
Last edited by BBallin fool on Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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