GAHS varsity basketball down this year?
Teaching has changed so much in the past 15 years now they are all testing and this is important for all school districts. Like they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks!!!
You make no sense about the tax payer thing. Superblue, 78 and myself are saying that it is the tax payers money that is going to retire rehire and they have no input.
Since you want to talk about doctors how about the same question for you if you had a choice of seeing a dr. that has been around for over 30 years or seeing one that just finished school and is up to date with the lastest in the world of medicine which one would you pick? I know what I would do I would want the lastest and best but that is just me.
Do you plan on oz and the old principals staying 4-ever?
What about my point of growing and making more jobs like they said the red dot would do?
Teaching has changed so much in the past 15 years now they are all testing and this is important for all school districts. Like they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks!!!
You make no sense about the tax payer thing. Superblue, 78 and myself are saying that it is the tax payers money that is going to retire rehire and they have no input.
Since you want to talk about doctors how about the same question for you if you had a choice of seeing a dr. that has been around for over 30 years or seeing one that just finished school and is up to date with the lastest in the world of medicine which one would you pick? I know what I would do I would want the lastest and best but that is just me.
Do you plan on oz and the old principals staying 4-ever?
What about my point of growing and making more jobs like they said the red dot would do?
- pittsburgh
- Waterboy
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:38 am
you are right 4-ever they might not retire which will be a good thing. This is a big problem with the public and that is a big reason why I believe 2 new board members will be elected. JMO
4-ever don't you think it is funny that all they talked about is how the town is down and has no money and we need new jobs and new schools is the start then why isn't the school taking their own advice? I am not trying to start a fight this is just my opinion
4-ever don't you think it is funny that all they talked about is how the town is down and has no money and we need new jobs and new schools is the start then why isn't the school taking their own advice? I am not trying to start a fight this is just my opinion
- Waterboy
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:44 am
I do not care what you think I have always liked the idea of fresh new ideas not the same thing over and over we never have change. JMO but I think I would want the newest ideas working for me not the twenty years ago stuff. If it wasn't for change you would be typing on a old writer not a computer but I guess you like that change.
Enough about the new vs. old how about the jobs not being created or people not being able to move up the ladder? And taking from the retirement system and not putting back? We will see who is right if two board memebers are elected then people must feel the same way I do. It is time for a change!
Enough about the new vs. old how about the jobs not being created or people not being able to move up the ladder? And taking from the retirement system and not putting back? We will see who is right if two board memebers are elected then people must feel the same way I do. It is time for a change!
GAHS is lucky to have a coach willing to work with the youth for that much time. Not sure why, (or if), kids are not going out for basketball. Once heard of an awesome 7th grade team that didn't lose a game all season. By the time they graduated only two remained in the program. The others didn't make grades, got jobs, found drugs, got a girlfriend or just plain didn't want to play anymore, but fortunately there is always a group ready to play. Best of luck OZ.
- GalliaGrad78
- Posts: 3405
- Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:29 pm
You are right 4-ever but we need a change and it has to start somewhere. After the whole building mess that has been in the paper and countlless others it is time to change. I agree, two is not a majority but it might be a fresh start. I am not going to argue with you and the others but I feel when next Tuesday is over the public will have spoke and 2 new members will be on the board. jmo
- SE
- Posts: 2285
- Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:43 pm
"Two board members are not a majority" That's true 4ever, But not all issues pass 5-0.... If the board were to be divided on an issue , then 2 new board members could make a difference............ Time will tell, we need to do what is best for the whole school system..... Don't say one thing and do something else...... I am just afraid the worst is yet to come... Hope I am wrong... 

I am not for sure what is going on in Gallipolis. I am from Jackson. From an outsider looking in you think people from Gallipolis would be happy. You are getting new schools. You have good football and basketball teams (this year was an excepion in football injury bug). Your test scores seem to be higher than many other schools in the area including Jackson. My only suggestion is that someitmes thing aren't as bad as they seem. Jackson wanted change got a new superintendent from the outside, which has lead to a divided board, and divided community. Trust me sometimes the grass is not greener on the other side. You guys absolutely do not want a divided board. It ends up making the whole community look stupid. Take it from J-town. Best of luck this season, and as always look forward to playing you guys this year.
Retires/Rehires save district thousands
After reading all of this on a basketball forum I just had to throw in a fact that I know to be fairly accurate. A Gallipolis school board member told me last year that they had about 5 retires/rehires on the payroll. These teachers are all drawing retirement from the State Teachers Retirement System that they have paid into throughout their long careers. Also, he told me that by not having to pay their regular salaries, retirement, and medical insurance, these teachers were actually saving the Gallipolis City Schools a total that is close to $200,000 per school year. Also, this has become an accepted practice in most Ohio school districts over the past half dozen years or so. I hope this answers some of your doubts and clears the air a little bit.
- Old School Blue Fan
- Waterboy
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:50 pm
This answers no doubts, this is an idiotic practice and the excuse is we are saving money. They no longer pay into that retirement system you speek of after they retire, they just draw out. And if you are going to do it than bring back teachers pay the same as the GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB "administrators" at the same pay rate instead of one far more inflated. By rehiring these people you tell your new teachers from this area who want a job that there are no positions. Saving money is just a short term solution and by not paying there insurance they will eventually fall into a higher bracket of insurance if they keep losing participants, the more they rehire the less they will have on there plan, thus the rate will most definatly move upward. If you want to keep working after you retire than sub like most do. By the way to the best of my knowledge there are only 2 "retire, rehire" teachers right now but there are many more "retire, rehire" administrators. GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB, nothing more glamorous than that. By the way I think you will find out that the total savings for a teacher is about 19,000.00 per year, your quate would suggest about twice that much.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:13 pm
I would like to state the facts (and believe me, I know EVERY fact there is) about the current retire/rehire policy in the Gallipolis City School District, but this is really not the place to do so. I would like to invite each of you to the City School Board candidate forum that is being held at 7:00 pm, Thursday, Nov. 1st at the Gallia County Sr. Citizens Center. 3 of the 4 candidates will be participating: J.R. Sauer, Ryan Smith, and Bobby Cornwell. Each of the 3 candidates were given a list of questions submitted by GAHS students, Gallipolis teachers, and community members. They will be given 2 minutes to give their respective responses. This should be an informative evening for all who attend. Tina Merry, of SUNNY 93 radio will moderate the event.
- Old School Blue Fan
- Waterboy
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:50 pm
Granny Blue, that meeting is a wonderful idea with the exception of pre-screened questions. If these people want to really show that they are willing to listen then they should be willing to answer real live questions from a live audeiance. I hope one of the questions is about "retire, rehire" but I doubt it that is a huge can of worms and this is as good place as any to discuss thus matter.And did you say each of the candidates were already given the questions, if this is true it is pretty easy to prepare answers.IMO
- Waterboy
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:13 pm
Granny blue
Granny Blue...What are the major issues at Gallia Academy and the Gallipolis School District? It would be nice to know!
- Posts: 7056
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