Logan Basketball 2007-2008
11/30.....at St. Charles................7:30
Logan wins 74 to 72--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 17-Moritz 8-Wright 18-Abram 2-Mays 13-Potter 2-Adams 4-Poindexter 6-Colliton 4--JV lost 52 to 27
12/01.....Bloom Carroll................7:30
Logan falls to Bloom Carroll 48 to 47--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 11-Wright 6-Abram 2-Mays 13-Dietz 2-Adams 10-Colliton 3--Rebounds-P.Angle 5-Wright 5--Assits Abrams 4-Wright 2-Adams 2--Steals--P.Angle 3-Mays 2----JV top Bloom Carroll-58 to 36---scoring for Logan--Rutter 12-Robinson 11-King 10-Guess 6-Redmond 5-Barrell 4-McCort 4-Crawford 4-Dietz 1-Scheader 1-Robinson had 16 rebounds--as per LDN
Logan falls 71 to 61--scoring for logan--P. Angle 27-Moritz 2-Wright 13-Abram 2-Mays 9-Potter 2- Adams 4-Colliton 2--Rebounds--Wright 5-Adams 4-Assists-Wright 2-Abrams 2-Steals- Adams 5- Wright 3- Mays 2---JVs also go down 51 to 39--Scoring for Logan--Guess 15- Rutter 15-Robinson 2-McCort 2-King 2-Dietz 2--Rebounds-Dietz 6-Guess 4-Steals Guess 2-Assists 2--as per LDN
Logan wins 89 to 53--scoring for Logan--P.Angle 16-Moritz 9-Wright 12-Abram 2-King 2-Mays 17-Potter 4-Dietz 6-Adams 12-Poindexter 6-Colliton 3--Rebounds-P.Angle10-Wright 8-Poindtexter 8-Potter 6-Assists--Wright 7-Moritz 5-Angle 2-Abram 2-Mays 2--Steals-P.Angle 5-Mays 4- Wright 2-Abram 2-----JV won 64-39--scoring for Logan--King 14-Rutter 10-Robinson 10-Guess 8- McCort 8-Crawfors 4-Murphy 3-Schrader 3-Barrell 2-Dietz 2-Rebounds--Crawford 9-Guess 5-Assist Dietz 2-Steals Robinson 4---as per LDN
12/08.....Fairfield Union................7:30
Logan wins 51-40--Scoring for Logan-P. Angle 11-Moritz 3-Wright 8-Mays 11-Potter 5-Dietz 4-Adams 7-Poindexter 3-Rebounds- Wright 9-Adams 9-Angle 8-Assists Angle 3-Wright 3-Moritz 2-Steals- Wright 4-Mays 3-Adams 3-Angle 2--JV win 39-31--Scoring for Logan--Diets 10-Rutter 7-Guess 5-Murphy 4-Robinson 4-Schrader 3- King 3- Crawford 2-Barrell 1--Rebounds-Dietz 8-King 6-Robinson 5- Guess 5-Assists--Robinson 3-King 3--as per LDN
12/17.....at Newark......................7:30
Logan goes down 63 to 41--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 6-Moritz 2-Wright 12-King 2-Mays 8-Potter 2-Adams 6-Poindexter 3-Rebounds-Wright 6-Adams 4-Assists-Wright 3-P.Angle 2-Moritz 2-Steals- P.Angle 5-Wright 4-Adams 2---JV fall 42-35-scoring for Logan-Rutter 11-King 11-Robinson 6- Dietz 5-Barrell 2-Rebounds-King 11-Rutter 7- as per LDN
12/21......at Zanesville..................7:30
Logan goes down 93 to 36--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 5-Wright 3-King 6- Mays 5- Dietz 2-Adams 2- Poindexter 8-Colliton 5--Rebounds--P. Angle 7-Dietz 6-King 5-Assists Wright 2- Steals-Wright 2-Mays 2----JV fall 45 to 28--scoring--Guess 8- Dietz 5-Murphy 4-Barrell 3- Rutter 2-Robinson 2-McCort 2- King 2-Rebs Crawford 4-Blocks King 2-Assists Rutter 2-Steals Guess, Dietz, Robinson, 2---------------------------------as per LDN
12/28........at Marietta...................7:30pm
Logan wins 75-71--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 24-Wright 21-Abram 2-Adams 16- Poindexter 2-Mays 7-Colliton 2-Rebounds--Wright 14-Assits Abram 5-Steals P.Angle 2- Logan's JV wins 55-40--scoring for Logan--Murphy 10-Rutter 10- Barrell 10-Guess 7-Dietz 6- Schrader 4-Robinson 4- Crawford 2-King 2--Rebs-King 6-Murphy 4-Dietz 4-Assists-Rutter,Dietz,Robinson,Guess, Barrell all had 2-Steals-King 5-Guess 5- as per LDN
01/04.........at Chillicothe...............7:30pm
Logan falls 76 to 41--scoring for Logan--P.Angle 6-Wright 8-Mays 7-Potter 4-Dietz 1-Adams 7-Poindexter 5-Colliton 3-Rebs--Poindexter 7-Angle 5-Assists-Angle 2-Wright 2-Abram 2-Steals--Wright 2-Abrams 2-Poindexter 2--as per LDN--JV lost 65 to 62 in 2ots
01/05.........New Lex.......................7:30pm
Logan wins 81 46--Scoring for Logan--P. Angle 12-Moritz 7- Wright 16-King 2-Mays 6-Dietz 9-Adams 7- Poindexter 10-Colliton 12--Rebs-Adams 7-Angle 6-Wright 5-Colliton5-Assists-Abrams 3-Adams 3-Wright 2- Mays 2- Potter 2-Steals- Wright 4-Poindexter 2-Jv win in OT--69 63--scoring for Logan-Guess 19-Rutter 18-Scharder 10-Robinson 10-King 9-Crawford 3-Rebs-King-7-Blocks Dietz 7-Steals- Guess 5-Assist Diets 3 as per LDN
Logan wins 80 to 34--Scoring for Logan--P.Angle 12-Moritz 8-Wright 13-King 5-Mays 4-Potter 6- Dietz 4-Poindexter 15-Colliton 2--Rebs--Dietz 9-Poindexter 8-Wright 6-Adams 6-Abrams 5-Colliton 5-Assists--Wright 6-Abrams 3-Mays 2-Dietz 2-Steals-Angle 6- Wright 5- Moritz 3-Abram 2---Jv win 57 to 33--Scoring for Logan--Rutter 13-King 12-Schrader 9-Dietz 8-Robinson 7-Barrell 4-Guess 2-Murphy 2- as per LDN
Logan wins 87 to 59--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 32-Moritz 3-Wright 11-Abram 5-King 3-Mays 12-Potter 2-Dirtz 2-Adams 4-Poindexter 10-Colliton 3--Rebs- Angle 7-Wright 6-Abrams 5--Assists-Abrams 6-Wright 3-Adams 2-Poindexter 2-Steals-Angle 4-Wright 3-Abrams 3-Mays 2---JV wins 60-46-scoring for Logan--Rutter 21-Guess 11-Robinson 10-King 9-Barrell 5-Dietz 4-Rebs-Robinson,Dietz 6-Blocks Dietz 3-Assist Robinson 4-Steals-Rutter 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 64 to 49-scoring for Logan-P.Angle 13-Moritz 5-Abram 2-Mays 14-Potter 2- Adams 14-Poindexter 12-Colliton 2--Rebs-- Angle 11-Poindexter 10-Adams 7-Wright 5-Assist--Angle 4-Wright 3-Adams 3-Moritz 2-Mays 2--Steals--Angle 3-Wright 2---JV wins 41 to 28--scoring for Logan--Rutter 16-Robinson 8-Dietz 5-Barrell,Guess, King 4-Rebs--Robinson 7--steals Robinson 2-Schrader 2-as per LDN-
Logan falls by one-58 to 57--scoring for Logan-P.Angle 13-Wright 13-Mays 4-Dietz 6-Adams 9-Poindexter 12--Rebounds--Poindexter 8-Angle 8-Adams 6--Assist--Wright 3-Angle 2-Adams 2--Steals--Angle 2---JVs win 54 to 53 scoring for Logan--Rutter 17-Schrader 12-Guess 11-King 8-Dietz 4- Murphy 2--Rebounds-Guess 6- King 6-Blocks Diets 4-Assists Kings 3-Steals Rutter 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 68 to 59--Scoring for Logan--P. Angle 10-Wright 25-Mays 6-Dietz 2-Adams 10-Poindexter 6-Colliton 9--Rbounds--Wright 8-Adams 7-P.Angle 6-Assists--Mays 4-Wright 3-Abrams 3--Steals-P.Angle 4-Adams 2--JVs win 50 to 47-Scoring for Logan-Rutter 16-Dietz 10-Guess 9-King 8-Schrader,Colliton 3- Murphy 1-Rebounds Dietz 10-Blocks Dietz 2-Assists Dietz 3-Schrader 3-Steals -Rutter and Guess 2 as per LDN
Logan goes down 58 to 49--scoring for Logan-P.Angle 2-Moritz 5-Wright 5-Dietz 8-Adams 15-Poindexter 9-Colliton 5--Rebounds-P.Angle 7-Assists Wright 7- Adams 2-Steals Wright 3-JVs win 43 to 41-Scoring for Logan--King 13-Rutter 8-Schrader 5-Guess,Murphy,Dietz 4-Barrell 3-Colliton 2-as per LDN
Logan wins 71 to 53--Scoring for Logan-P.Angle 5-M.Angle 11-Wright 5-Abrams 2-King 2-Mays 10-Potter 11-Dietz 4-Adams 7-Poindexter 14--Rebounds-Poindexter 13-P.Angle 10-Wright 10-Potter 5-Assists-Moritz-3-Wright 3-P.Angle 2-Potter 2- Adams 2--Steals-eight players had one--Jvs win--46 to 45---Scoring for Logan--King 22- Dietz 6-Rutter 5-Guess, Robinson 4-Schrader 3-Colliton 2--as per LDN
Logan wins 58 to 41--Scoring for Logan--P. Angle 12-Moritz 2-Wright 15-Mays 7-Potter 4-Dietz 2-Adams 14-Poindexter 2--Rebounds--Wright 5-Adams 5--Assists-Wright 3-Poindexter 3-P.Angle 2-Abrams 2-Adams 2--Steals--P.Angle 2-Mays 2---JVs fall 48 to 45--Scoring for Logan--King 12-Murphy 8-Robinson 8-Rutter 6-Schrader 5-Guess 4-Diets 2-as per LDN
Logan Freshman
Lost to Warren-45 to 40---lost to Gallia--30-27---beat St. Charles--40-31--beat Bloom Carroll--39 to 31
Logan beats Athens 42-40--scoring for Logan--Rutter 12-Montgomery 11-Mathes 11-Cassady 6- Teal 2--
Logan wins over Fairfield Union 34- 30--scoring for Logan--Rutter 16- Cassady 8-Montgomery 6-Jurgensmier 4-as per LDN
Logan beats Marietta 53 to 43--scoring for Logan-Cassady 22-Rutter 18-Montgomery 6- Mathes 3- Cavinee 2- Teal 2-
Logan beats Jackson 44 to 30
Logan wins 74 to 72--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 17-Moritz 8-Wright 18-Abram 2-Mays 13-Potter 2-Adams 4-Poindexter 6-Colliton 4--JV lost 52 to 27
12/01.....Bloom Carroll................7:30
Logan falls to Bloom Carroll 48 to 47--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 11-Wright 6-Abram 2-Mays 13-Dietz 2-Adams 10-Colliton 3--Rebounds-P.Angle 5-Wright 5--Assits Abrams 4-Wright 2-Adams 2--Steals--P.Angle 3-Mays 2----JV top Bloom Carroll-58 to 36---scoring for Logan--Rutter 12-Robinson 11-King 10-Guess 6-Redmond 5-Barrell 4-McCort 4-Crawford 4-Dietz 1-Scheader 1-Robinson had 16 rebounds--as per LDN
Logan falls 71 to 61--scoring for logan--P. Angle 27-Moritz 2-Wright 13-Abram 2-Mays 9-Potter 2- Adams 4-Colliton 2--Rebounds--Wright 5-Adams 4-Assists-Wright 2-Abrams 2-Steals- Adams 5- Wright 3- Mays 2---JVs also go down 51 to 39--Scoring for Logan--Guess 15- Rutter 15-Robinson 2-McCort 2-King 2-Dietz 2--Rebounds-Dietz 6-Guess 4-Steals Guess 2-Assists 2--as per LDN
Logan wins 89 to 53--scoring for Logan--P.Angle 16-Moritz 9-Wright 12-Abram 2-King 2-Mays 17-Potter 4-Dietz 6-Adams 12-Poindexter 6-Colliton 3--Rebounds-P.Angle10-Wright 8-Poindtexter 8-Potter 6-Assists--Wright 7-Moritz 5-Angle 2-Abram 2-Mays 2--Steals-P.Angle 5-Mays 4- Wright 2-Abram 2-----JV won 64-39--scoring for Logan--King 14-Rutter 10-Robinson 10-Guess 8- McCort 8-Crawfors 4-Murphy 3-Schrader 3-Barrell 2-Dietz 2-Rebounds--Crawford 9-Guess 5-Assist Dietz 2-Steals Robinson 4---as per LDN
12/08.....Fairfield Union................7:30
Logan wins 51-40--Scoring for Logan-P. Angle 11-Moritz 3-Wright 8-Mays 11-Potter 5-Dietz 4-Adams 7-Poindexter 3-Rebounds- Wright 9-Adams 9-Angle 8-Assists Angle 3-Wright 3-Moritz 2-Steals- Wright 4-Mays 3-Adams 3-Angle 2--JV win 39-31--Scoring for Logan--Diets 10-Rutter 7-Guess 5-Murphy 4-Robinson 4-Schrader 3- King 3- Crawford 2-Barrell 1--Rebounds-Dietz 8-King 6-Robinson 5- Guess 5-Assists--Robinson 3-King 3--as per LDN
12/17.....at Newark......................7:30
Logan goes down 63 to 41--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 6-Moritz 2-Wright 12-King 2-Mays 8-Potter 2-Adams 6-Poindexter 3-Rebounds-Wright 6-Adams 4-Assists-Wright 3-P.Angle 2-Moritz 2-Steals- P.Angle 5-Wright 4-Adams 2---JV fall 42-35-scoring for Logan-Rutter 11-King 11-Robinson 6- Dietz 5-Barrell 2-Rebounds-King 11-Rutter 7- as per LDN
12/21......at Zanesville..................7:30
Logan goes down 93 to 36--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 5-Wright 3-King 6- Mays 5- Dietz 2-Adams 2- Poindexter 8-Colliton 5--Rebounds--P. Angle 7-Dietz 6-King 5-Assists Wright 2- Steals-Wright 2-Mays 2----JV fall 45 to 28--scoring--Guess 8- Dietz 5-Murphy 4-Barrell 3- Rutter 2-Robinson 2-McCort 2- King 2-Rebs Crawford 4-Blocks King 2-Assists Rutter 2-Steals Guess, Dietz, Robinson, 2---------------------------------as per LDN
12/28........at Marietta...................7:30pm
Logan wins 75-71--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 24-Wright 21-Abram 2-Adams 16- Poindexter 2-Mays 7-Colliton 2-Rebounds--Wright 14-Assits Abram 5-Steals P.Angle 2- Logan's JV wins 55-40--scoring for Logan--Murphy 10-Rutter 10- Barrell 10-Guess 7-Dietz 6- Schrader 4-Robinson 4- Crawford 2-King 2--Rebs-King 6-Murphy 4-Dietz 4-Assists-Rutter,Dietz,Robinson,Guess, Barrell all had 2-Steals-King 5-Guess 5- as per LDN
01/04.........at Chillicothe...............7:30pm
Logan falls 76 to 41--scoring for Logan--P.Angle 6-Wright 8-Mays 7-Potter 4-Dietz 1-Adams 7-Poindexter 5-Colliton 3-Rebs--Poindexter 7-Angle 5-Assists-Angle 2-Wright 2-Abram 2-Steals--Wright 2-Abrams 2-Poindexter 2--as per LDN--JV lost 65 to 62 in 2ots
01/05.........New Lex.......................7:30pm
Logan wins 81 46--Scoring for Logan--P. Angle 12-Moritz 7- Wright 16-King 2-Mays 6-Dietz 9-Adams 7- Poindexter 10-Colliton 12--Rebs-Adams 7-Angle 6-Wright 5-Colliton5-Assists-Abrams 3-Adams 3-Wright 2- Mays 2- Potter 2-Steals- Wright 4-Poindexter 2-Jv win in OT--69 63--scoring for Logan-Guess 19-Rutter 18-Scharder 10-Robinson 10-King 9-Crawford 3-Rebs-King-7-Blocks Dietz 7-Steals- Guess 5-Assist Diets 3 as per LDN
Logan wins 80 to 34--Scoring for Logan--P.Angle 12-Moritz 8-Wright 13-King 5-Mays 4-Potter 6- Dietz 4-Poindexter 15-Colliton 2--Rebs--Dietz 9-Poindexter 8-Wright 6-Adams 6-Abrams 5-Colliton 5-Assists--Wright 6-Abrams 3-Mays 2-Dietz 2-Steals-Angle 6- Wright 5- Moritz 3-Abram 2---Jv win 57 to 33--Scoring for Logan--Rutter 13-King 12-Schrader 9-Dietz 8-Robinson 7-Barrell 4-Guess 2-Murphy 2- as per LDN
Logan wins 87 to 59--scoring for Logan--P. Angle 32-Moritz 3-Wright 11-Abram 5-King 3-Mays 12-Potter 2-Dirtz 2-Adams 4-Poindexter 10-Colliton 3--Rebs- Angle 7-Wright 6-Abrams 5--Assists-Abrams 6-Wright 3-Adams 2-Poindexter 2-Steals-Angle 4-Wright 3-Abrams 3-Mays 2---JV wins 60-46-scoring for Logan--Rutter 21-Guess 11-Robinson 10-King 9-Barrell 5-Dietz 4-Rebs-Robinson,Dietz 6-Blocks Dietz 3-Assist Robinson 4-Steals-Rutter 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 64 to 49-scoring for Logan-P.Angle 13-Moritz 5-Abram 2-Mays 14-Potter 2- Adams 14-Poindexter 12-Colliton 2--Rebs-- Angle 11-Poindexter 10-Adams 7-Wright 5-Assist--Angle 4-Wright 3-Adams 3-Moritz 2-Mays 2--Steals--Angle 3-Wright 2---JV wins 41 to 28--scoring for Logan--Rutter 16-Robinson 8-Dietz 5-Barrell,Guess, King 4-Rebs--Robinson 7--steals Robinson 2-Schrader 2-as per LDN-
Logan falls by one-58 to 57--scoring for Logan-P.Angle 13-Wright 13-Mays 4-Dietz 6-Adams 9-Poindexter 12--Rebounds--Poindexter 8-Angle 8-Adams 6--Assist--Wright 3-Angle 2-Adams 2--Steals--Angle 2---JVs win 54 to 53 scoring for Logan--Rutter 17-Schrader 12-Guess 11-King 8-Dietz 4- Murphy 2--Rebounds-Guess 6- King 6-Blocks Diets 4-Assists Kings 3-Steals Rutter 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 68 to 59--Scoring for Logan--P. Angle 10-Wright 25-Mays 6-Dietz 2-Adams 10-Poindexter 6-Colliton 9--Rbounds--Wright 8-Adams 7-P.Angle 6-Assists--Mays 4-Wright 3-Abrams 3--Steals-P.Angle 4-Adams 2--JVs win 50 to 47-Scoring for Logan-Rutter 16-Dietz 10-Guess 9-King 8-Schrader,Colliton 3- Murphy 1-Rebounds Dietz 10-Blocks Dietz 2-Assists Dietz 3-Schrader 3-Steals -Rutter and Guess 2 as per LDN
Logan goes down 58 to 49--scoring for Logan-P.Angle 2-Moritz 5-Wright 5-Dietz 8-Adams 15-Poindexter 9-Colliton 5--Rebounds-P.Angle 7-Assists Wright 7- Adams 2-Steals Wright 3-JVs win 43 to 41-Scoring for Logan--King 13-Rutter 8-Schrader 5-Guess,Murphy,Dietz 4-Barrell 3-Colliton 2-as per LDN
Logan wins 71 to 53--Scoring for Logan-P.Angle 5-M.Angle 11-Wright 5-Abrams 2-King 2-Mays 10-Potter 11-Dietz 4-Adams 7-Poindexter 14--Rebounds-Poindexter 13-P.Angle 10-Wright 10-Potter 5-Assists-Moritz-3-Wright 3-P.Angle 2-Potter 2- Adams 2--Steals-eight players had one--Jvs win--46 to 45---Scoring for Logan--King 22- Dietz 6-Rutter 5-Guess, Robinson 4-Schrader 3-Colliton 2--as per LDN
Logan wins 58 to 41--Scoring for Logan--P. Angle 12-Moritz 2-Wright 15-Mays 7-Potter 4-Dietz 2-Adams 14-Poindexter 2--Rebounds--Wright 5-Adams 5--Assists-Wright 3-Poindexter 3-P.Angle 2-Abrams 2-Adams 2--Steals--P.Angle 2-Mays 2---JVs fall 48 to 45--Scoring for Logan--King 12-Murphy 8-Robinson 8-Rutter 6-Schrader 5-Guess 4-Diets 2-as per LDN
Logan Freshman
Lost to Warren-45 to 40---lost to Gallia--30-27---beat St. Charles--40-31--beat Bloom Carroll--39 to 31
Logan beats Athens 42-40--scoring for Logan--Rutter 12-Montgomery 11-Mathes 11-Cassady 6- Teal 2--
Logan wins over Fairfield Union 34- 30--scoring for Logan--Rutter 16- Cassady 8-Montgomery 6-Jurgensmier 4-as per LDN
Logan beats Marietta 53 to 43--scoring for Logan-Cassady 22-Rutter 18-Montgomery 6- Mathes 3- Cavinee 2- Teal 2-
Logan beats Jackson 44 to 30
Last edited by noreply66 on Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:07 pm, edited 27 times in total.
BC played better BASKETBALL ... LHS had the better athletes but Coach Petty, his team of "no names" played better "basketball" ... BC controlled the tempo of the game hence the 48-47 score ... I had seen Bloom Carroll play and lose big in the their opener vs Worthington Christian, BIG improvement from that game TEAM wise for the Bulldogs ... Coach Petty may not have the horses but he knows how to "coach the game" ... on the Logan side of the court ? ... looks like we are relying on athletic ability alone to get the job done ... some scribbles on my napkins as I watched the game include " out of control" - 4 charges against LHS ... a "1 on 1 offensive attack" , all individual ... defensively? "all about getting the steal" - "overplaying the passing lanes. hands" - "no real defense" again relying on the athletic ability of the kid(s) not fundamentals ... with ALL of that said - Logan should have picked up the "W" in this one BUT again with ALL of that said THAT is why we didn't ...
... 3 more home games in a row ... Warren/Athens this week ... with the "havoc" type of game that Athens is trying to run this year (like Logan) neither team will have anyone left on the floor at games end LOL could be a 3 on 3 game when all is said and done
... last home game in the 2007 portion of the schedule will be vs Fairfield Union 12/11 ... then a tough stretch of away contests at Newark, at Zanesville, at Marietta, at Chillicothe ...

... 3 more home games in a row ... Warren/Athens this week ... with the "havoc" type of game that Athens is trying to run this year (like Logan) neither team will have anyone left on the floor at games end LOL could be a 3 on 3 game when all is said and done

- R.I.P. BillSauerField
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 87
- Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:56 pm
Katie Krazy wrote:i am sorry Logan B-ball i really want you guys to do well but i just dont see it in the cards... i see a 5 win team at best.... the team has less talent than it did last year because of the less of neff (Bossman), wallace and pompey and we all know the great season we had last year. so i am seeing the same or less wins than last year..........
Maybe there is a bigger picture to why the Chiefs can not win games with such talent. Having Wright, Wallace, Angle, Mays, Neff (Bossman), and others and we still only win 5 games........... come on, maybe we need to start looking at coaching rather than the players because at the end of the day it all comes down to coaching..........
What does everyone else think??????????
I haven't been on here for a while but...
You know what I KNOW? I KNOW this team could care less about those three. What did Wallace ever do to help the team? Exactly.
Neff was a loss, but he didn't want to play, so we don't want him to. You think the players are like, "Oh we don't have Neff!! What are we going to do!!?" NO they're not!
And Pomp, we miss his hilariousness, but we've moved on too.
Last year, we had a junior, 2 sophomores, and 2 freshman on the court at times with only the junior and a sophomore with previous varsity experience..that's difficult for ANY team.
Don't bash the coaches either. You have NO idea what they do for this team.
Not that your opinion matters anyways, just wanted to let you know you are completely wrong.
Katie Krazy
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:35 pm Post subject:
yea !F! !U! the team that logan barely beat for one of our five wins last year...... all i am saying is that untill i see otherwise i am looking for logan to be 0-3.......... i sure do hope that lucas wright will step up and take control of his team and make the best of his senior year......good luck to him and the rest of the team this season
Your crystal ball was wrong young grasshopper.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:22 pm
Logan vs. Athens (the next target)
On the 3 games that Logan has played the first of course was the best game seen in the past several years. Total team commitment to the win. All players contributed to the win. Let's hope we see that style of game the rest of the season. There was good player rotation to keep fresh legs on the floor as "loganlocos" said. If we can get that type of play back, I know that Logan can defeat any opponent in the SEOAL. As for the last two games Logan seemed to be running as individuals instead of TEAM ball, and I think that if we want to win more than five games then we need to get back to the basics. Logan was not running any plays during the Warren game. They just would let the guards run around and try to get open, no post play. I think that will change though. Myers will get that changed. He puts a lot of time and effort into his coaching. Some people don't give him the respect he deserves. Pat Angle has the smoothest shot that I have ever seen. Keep it up Pat. 

- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2006 2:22 pm
- LoganD14Life
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 137
- Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:51 pm
... LoganD14Life ... Canal and the 7 footer Mullins beat FU last night 62-46 ... Tuesday will be a very interesting game to watch - which teams' "style" can control the tempo of the game ? is the big question ... as YOU know - the Purple wants to push up the tempo ...get off the 80+ shots per outing, pressure the ball, work out of transition all evening while the FU boyz want to see a game in the 40's at the end - deliberate, half court brand of hoops ... I went to CW last night to watch CW vs FU ... the big boy Mullins dictated the play in the first 2 quarters of play BUT in the 2nd half FU took care of bidness in the half court coming away with a 26-24 advantage on the score board ... FU is well coached ... they have good athletes that will give it up for the entire game ... the winner of this one will have dictated the tempo of the game ... should be fun to watch from the cheap seats ...

- LoganD14Life
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 137
- Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:51 pm