Midwest Baseball Academy Clinic At Athens High School
Midwest Baseball Academy Clinic At Athens High School
Athens High School is going to host Midwest Baseball Academy Clinic on the last two Sunday's in January, The last three Sunday's in February, and the 1st Sunday in March. The coaching staff will include Jeff Bradford of Warren, Vaughn Griggsby and Jason Ervin of Alexander, Brent Chadwell, Athens American Legion Coach and Fred Gibson, Chris Stewart, Chris Hewitt and Chuck Robinson of Athens. Instruction will last one hour each Sunday with five sessions held each day. Pitching and hitting lessons will be offered and the cost is $98 for one or the other. It is possible to schedule both and the cost would be $196. The clinic is for players in grades 1-12, but is primarily geared towards 4th-8th grades. You can register at Midwestbaseballacademy.com
- g w mclintock
- All State
- Posts: 1042
- Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 2:14 pm
I just got the fliers concerning the the Midwest Baseball Academy Clinic. I will be distributing them to area middle schools and elementaries. Anyone who has a player of that age group that does not get a flier, please contact me at [email protected] and I'll see that you get the information. We will also be giving hitting instruction to 9th-12th graders. Coach Bradford of Warren will be the primary coach with the hitters. Anyone who has had to play his teams know how well he teaches the skill.
- g w mclintock
- All State
- Posts: 1042
- Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 2:14 pm
Re: Midwest Baseball Academy Clinic At Athens High School
We just finished our first annual baseball clinic at Athens High School. We had 145 players at the camp that met six Sunday's. We heard nothing but good comments about the camp. The staff of Jeff Bradford, Chris Stewart, Chris Hewitt, Brent Chadwell, Jason Ervin, Vaughn Grigsby, Larry Bean, and Chris Hendricks was outstanding. They made my job as camp administrator a walk in the park.