- GoBUCKS2006
- Waterboy
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:47 pm
How are the OVC teams looking?? Is Fairland really not going to be able to field a team?? Who will be in the running for OVC this year??
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Tue May 02, 2006 12:46 am
SP is always in the mix of the top of the OVC. About Fairland I know that in Little League the past few years Fairland didn't always have a competitive all star team. I think a year or two they didn't even have a team . These kids would be in high school about now. I took it that the girls were plaing ASA. I can't imagine not having a team. Any one ffrom Dragon land have an anser to this?
- SPHSfan101
- Waterboy
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:11 am
I say the PEAKE
I think the PEAKE will have the go at it this year...South Point has lost an awful lot of quality players due to previous coaches and coaching issues.
So I vote for the purple to take it all...they will have the pitching of Sydney Boyle and look out OVC!
So I vote for the purple to take it all...they will have the pitching of Sydney Boyle and look out OVC!
DoN'T yOu WiSh YoUr HiGh ScHoOl CoUlD tOp ThIs?¿?
DoN'T yOu WiSh YoUr HiGh ScHoOl CoUlD tOp ThIs?¿?
uh, excuse me. What quality players has SP lost? Please, list them if you would all knowing one. I've read your posts on here quite a bit, and have noticed you seem to have a problem about SP. SP won the OVC three yrs ago with a group of juniors primarily, in arguably one of the best all around OVC group of teams in a long time. Two yrs ago came in 2nd with now seniors, and last year was rebuilding with freshman and soph. but still did pretty well. Gave Green their only loss on the year and mercied Fairland. This year I agree, it should be Ches's yr to win it, but don't count out the pointers. could be pretty good this year....no matter who comes out and plays. The entire infield is back, with the addition of fresh. Sasha B. who is a pitcher and can stomp the ball. So , how about cheering for your team and quit bashing SP or any other team. GO GIRLS!! play hard and have fun.
Re: I say the PEAKE
SPHSfan101 wrote:I think the PEAKE will have the go at it this year...South Point has lost an awful lot of quality players due to previous coaches and coaching issues.So I vote for the purple to take it all...they will have the pitching of Sydney Boyle and look out OVC!
Not to mention spoiled rotten brats that if they aren't playing where they want to play or getting enough PT that they just take their ball and go home! This is high school not the local playground. Whiners need to stay home they just bring the team down!
And I'm sorry but i can't help myself. If you are a 'SPHSfan', why are u choosing purple. And if you were watching softball this last year you would know, yes Boyle is a good pitcher and a great player all around. Ches is lucky to have her. Great father too and coach. But the little lefty, can't recall her name, carried the Peake against SP and alot of others. She is the real deal.
I think that lefty is Chapman and she is hard to hit from what I have seen. I think it will be between the Pointers and the Peake. The Peake may have more seasoned pitchers but I think the Pointers have the better fielding team. I sure hope the Lien and Duty kids are playing this year. Lien would have started last year as a freshman IMO. Anyway Good Luck to the Pointers and to the rest of the OVC when you're playing someone other than the Pointers! 

- Freshman Team
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Tue May 02, 2006 12:46 am
if any of the SP softball girls are reading this i just want to say its a shame that someone who claims to be a fan of your hometown constantly tries to bring you down. its ridiculous to ridicule ANY high school program, they are just kids...but its even worse when its someone from your own town??? come on, geez. it makes the whole community look bad, but I know that you girls know better than that. SP is full of people who support you girls and wish nothing but the best for you in your 2008 season! so GO POINTERS, listen to your true fans! i know the ones on the team work so hard, even in their spare time, and i know these girls are ready to compete for the OVC this season. Chesapeake is extremely talented to say the least and I know they will be right there on top too! Its good to have more than one good OVC team, it makes it exciting!
anyways, please don't listen to the negative stuff...turn it into something positive! goodluck to all the OVC teams this year
anyways, please don't listen to the negative stuff...turn it into something positive! goodluck to all the OVC teams this year

I think what wemufans, abuck76 and I meant to target was the commnets by SPHSFAN 101 and how this so called fan is always doggin the Point and it's coaching staff. Duty is only a freshman this year and Lien just didn't want to play last spring. I don't think it had anything to do with the coach or other players. My comments were directed to SPHSFAN101 who really isn't a fan at all. With the addition of a coule of freshmen and a few girls who didn't play last year the Pointers will give Chessy and run for the title. I look for the Point to be at the Top of the OVC.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:10 pm
WOW .. this OVC topic got turned into people who hate SP .. terrible, people have to get on a website to talk sh*t when everyone knows no talking goes on at a game.. the same stuff was said last year too .. but NOTTA thang was said at any games people like to use the internet as a protection blanket WAKE UPPP...
- Waterboy
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:10 pm
of course i,
i mean, we can never replace you. No seriously, you know what i think about you fiver.
But, we'll be fine. Pitching will be better this year. Won't have to wear poor old Hannah out every game. She was a real trooper last year going every game for us. She did a great job.And hitting, couple of good sticks coming.and we'll actually have an outfield this year.
The Peake will be the team to beat, but we'll put our cleats on and get after it. Sure do wish you were still playing. Come on over and help when ya can. peace 

SPHSsoftball5 wrote:and im pretty sure that the neice your talking about graduated in 07, correct? hey 76 im good! definietly gonna miss softball this year, hows the team coming together?
Supposed to graduate but I don't think ever followed through with the whole summer school thing! What a waste of talent and a really good brain!

- Freshman Team
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Tue May 02, 2006 12:46 am