Waverly vs. Westfall is here

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Post by Champ »

I was thinking nearly the same thing...DO NOT complain about the location!...You could be among the other 97% of the high school teams that ARE NOT playing this week!

Waverly has earned every bit of where they are now unlike the other 97%. So why punish them for that.

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Post by art_vandelay »

gahs4ever: I made that comment without realizing Westfall was that much closer to Ashville than Waverly. I knew they were closer, but not 30 minutes closer...hence the EDIT saying Athens would've been best for this game all things considered.

As for Teays Valley being a dump compared to Jackson's Alumni Stadium, what high school field in southeastern Ohio isn't (other than Valley and Oak Hill)?? LOL...that's like comparing your everday average-looking girl to Jessica Alba.

In the end, too much is probably being made about this. I'd been cheering for Waverly regardless of where this one was played, but now will be able to do it in person. Good luck Tigers!*

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Post by noreply66 »

Watch the replay of this game this morning on the Zanesville channel.If Waverly stay with them the first half they should win. New Lex shut them down in the second half. The game wasn't really as bad is the score.

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Post by mstangmom »

Everyone I tlked to accused me of lying about the game being at TV, when they realized I was serious they couldn't believe it either. NO ONE from Westfall expected this at all. and I am not bragging or anything like that but you can actually get from westfall to TV in less than 20 min. half the team live right on the line of the districts and could get there in 5 from their house.
I really figured on Jackson or penden to be honest but was also hoping if we didn't get either of them that it would b in Chilly somewhere. and if we got chilly I thought with all the upgrades made that Unioto would have been great.

As for Baise he was forced out of westfall last year, what a Joke he couldn't even make it a year at westfall.

TV is not a bad stadium though plenty of seating for the HOME side not as good on the visitor side though but better than most high schools.
They will charge for parking also they did last year for the ACC playoff game that was there. there was a joke acc just played on that field a few weeks prior. at least when westfall played on it it was week one.

It could be a lot worse too, St. claresville/LH is playing at zanesville. don't know it yuo guys know much about that field but the visitor side felt like it was gonna colapse last year and traffic was horrible getting in and out of there.

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Post by hogfarmer »

[quote="noreply66"]Watch the replay of this game this morning on the Zanesville channel.If Waverly stay with them the first half they should win. New Lex shut them down in the second half. The game wasn't really as bad is the score.[/quote]

Um....sure it wasn't. I was there, it was worse than the score. Westfall was 6 or 7 scores better than New Lex. Westfall shut it down at halftime. Hats off to New Lex for not quitting though. That game could have been 56-0 had Westfall kept its foot on the gas.

This is the one everyone has been waiting for. I'm sure Waverly will bill this as them being given the short end, and I would probably agree with that to an extent. But at the same time, where this game is played doesn't matter. The match ups are what matters. Enough speed to kill a Rolling Stone on the field this Saturday night. My oh my, I just can't wait for this one.

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Post by mstangmom »

Westfall didn't shut down the second half they just didn't run up the score. there were some others that played the second half that did not the first half. they punted more in the second half rather than going for it.
they still stopped New Lex from scoring inside the red zone several times.

Watch the replay again look for the changes and you will see. #77 was not out there much n the second half but 62 was in his place, there are other too. Gose has been playing D almost every play for us on D but he was in and out.
Keller played with class and did not run up the score on New Lex.

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Post by bman618 »

Westfall let up. Simple as that. Give credit to NL for moving the ball, but Westfall was rotating some people. It was cold, they were up 28-0 and had the game won. Now, hopefully they'll keep the foot on the pedal against Waverly for four quarters because that is going to be a tough ballgame.

Anyway, Scott Keller is never going to run up the score on someone.

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Post by 72Xcurl »

bman618 wrote:Westfall let up. Simple as that. Give credit to NL for moving the ball, but Westfall was rotating some people. It was cold, they were up 28-0 and had the game won. Now, hopefully they'll keep the foot on the pedal against Waverly for four quarters because that is going to be a tough ballgame.

Anyway, Scott Keller is never going to run up the score on someone.

Except Huntington.........

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Post by mikepike »

I would have rather seen this game at Jackson, but it's at Teays Valley, so nothing we can do about it now (although I heard a reason the game wasn't scheduled at Jackson was because Westfall wasn't played on field turf, so it wouldn't be fair to them. True or not????) I'm going to the game regardless.

Waverly played very well against Union Local. They were in serious trouble after Union went up 14-0, and then 21-7. The score right before halftime saved their collective butts.

Two of Waverly's running backs left the game with injuries, Malone and Rowland. Don't know the status of either. As long as Walls has time to throw, this game will be a toss-up. He is the real deal. Don't know who to cheer for, or against as the case would be. Just want to see a good game.

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Post by smurray »

Both of these teams, schools, and fans deserved better than this.
Yes, Waverly has to travel farther but like I said, that is not the major issue.

Regional Semi-finals in this area for basketball are played at the CONVO in Athens. For that matter the Districts are played there - that's like week ten in football.

The venue stinks, is not adequate and is a slap in the face to both these schools. That being said I'm done with it - just get their at noon if you want a seat.

The players & coaches don't really care, they just want to play football. They will prepare this week and be ready to rumble come Saturday night.

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Post by bman618 »

curl, Keller had his starters out of the game by the second offensive series of the second half against Huntington. Should he had them out midway through the second quarter when it was 42-0? He has to prepare his players for the playoffs and it actually does come down to Huntington in this case making stops. You could've easily added another 14-21 points to that final score by keeping the starters in, and that would've been conservative running plays.

As for the venue. It is a good venue and a nice facility. The question seems to be location and size.

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Post by Remember_The_Name »

danicalifornia wrote:Westfall 27
Waverly 10

Thats pretty accurate, i think westfall wins this one easily

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Post by smurray »

Sorry guys, I lied about being done with it. Actually I just found this article. I GUESS WE AREN'T TOO CRAZY AFTER ALL

http://www.chillicothegazette.com/apps/ ... /711050301

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Post by falconflyer »

Good luck Waverly

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Post by bman618 »

Westfall 28 Waverly 14

Good luck Westfall.

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Post by hogfarmer »

[b]Except Huntington.........[/b]

Low blow and probably coming from someone who didn't see the game at all. I was there and as a Huntington supporter I actually thought they were trying not to score, especially late in the game. No way Scott would do that to his alma mater and family. Just a stupid, ill informed, and ignorant statement to make. They could have scored in triple digits that night had he wanted.

Liked how Scott said he agreed this was a bad decision on location. This game shouldn't have been anywhere either of those two teams have already played. So I really don't get how Waverly fans can be so disappointed that the game isn't at Jackson. Waverly played at Jackson already. So it's ok for you to want to play the game where you've already played, but not now since the game is being played where Westfall has already played?

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Post by mstangmom »

Told you it was a shock to all of us here. Everyone around here beleives waverly got the shaft and deserves more reapect than that.

As for the huntington game 72Xcurl Keller put i the JV and they kept scoring against Huntingtons varsity that is also when huntington scored. AFTER the huntington scor they put in their JV, anyways when our JV kept scoring he put in the frosh. That is when the scoring stopped. He did not run up that score he did everything he could to prvent it. at most our JV would score one sometime two time aganst a varsity squad he never figured they would go more than that,

Remember_The_Name I qouldn't go as far to say easily on this one, this is going to ba a battle for us. even if we get ahead, waverly can catch up they proved that last weeek with UL and against Pick north. we will need to be full battle strength the entire game and never let up.

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I seen everyone saying Jackson and Pedan stadium, but I really thought this game would be played in Hilsboro. Its a great place for a playoff game.

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Post by bug ii »

Just a few thoughts about all of the complaining. Contrary to popular belief, Bise had nothing to do with the location of this game. Second, tigers2010, if you wanted to sit on the home side, you should have beaten the burg, then you would have. 72x, if COACH KELLER had run the score up against huntington he would have scored a hundred points. I saw more dives on that night in October than I saw all summer long at the city pool! And last, the MUSTANGS don't care where we play, we will play you anywhere!!! MUSTANGS by 2 TD'S!!!

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Post by mstangmom »

A couple years ago we played Ironton in round 2 at Jackson, Great facility. We felt it was a little unfair because Ironton had already played there before but we were just happy to still be playing. good news then was both teams still had to travel.
I remember that I read somehwere that there was a comment on they didn't pck Jackson because westfall has not played on turf. that is true we have not this year, the only time we ever have was the Ironton playoff game. I cannot name a school around here without going to columbus or down 23 to lucusville that does have turf. you figure ther are 4 schools in pickaway county, 2 in fayette, 8 in ross, thats 14 schools and there is no turf.
If I remember right when we played Ironton the boys took one day of practice and went up to columbus to Capital to practice on turf to see what it was like.

OZZIE circleville got hillsboro on friday night

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