2old wrote:webb,
You do not know when to keep quiet. i have given you a pass on here because some of the stuff you post is so silly. I guess that pass is over.
You are typical of posters who have no team to post about and think they know something. If VC ever gets good enough to play anyone but Logan's JV's get back to me.
I really usually just cut up the guys and spit out the posters who talk and can not back it up You have now joined that bunch. You pick your sides. You picked the losing whining side. Matters not to me.
I am here for football only. You obviously have Chieftain Envy. i will tell you what i have told many posters. When you see my screen name DO NOT READ my post if you can not take.
The honest answer is you have not done your research and have gone off half cocked.
I notice when posters like yourself run out of words they like to call people names. I think it must have something to do with an unhappy childhood.
Wow, my "pass from 2Old" is over. Am I suppose to be intimidated or what.

Listen, I've passed bigger problem than you while taking a dump. So if you think your mindless rebuttal are going to serve to intimidate me, you are wrong.
I get on here to congratulate the 9-2 Chieftains on a great season and suddenly I suffer from your "Chieftain Envy thing." Again, 2Old....READ my post....I'm speaking positively about The Logan Chieftains.
By the way, what research should I have done to congratulate the Logan Chieftains? That makes absolutely no sense.
2old, as much I respect your passion for Logan Chieftain football, the world is a dumber place after reading your mindless babble.
Go drink your prune juice, take a nap, and hopefully not come off as the mean, bitter, pot-stirrer you seem to enjoy. I'll be rooting for you little guy.