Wrestler87 wrote:I'm jealous of all the teams with the stud QB's who end up beating us. When do we get one of those? Hind sight is 20/20, but I'd have liked to have seen what our #10 could have done behind our line. Oh well, that is history.
I think the line's strength decides the strength of the team. However, they seem to be the ones with the least "press". Can anyone who sees the team practice on a regular basis give us some info? We always hear, "So-N-So had over 1,000 yds." but never "Johnny had six knock downs, three-five yard blow-off-the-balls and only allowed one tackle from his man type of thing. I don't expect that will ever happen, but just how good are the new guys next year going to be?
The Ironton thing was funny for a while, but it really does detract from the intelligent communication I'm used to reading on Logan threads. Perhaps a boycot of replies to I-town posters should be put into place until we play them!
Sounds radical, but then again it's just my 2 cent's worth. GO CHIEFS!!!
You're right, but that's how it's been, and that's how it's going to be. Reading about linemen getting a block is not that exciting to read about or watch on Sports Center, that's why you never read about or what them. Fullbacks often go unnoticed too, unless they carry the ball, but other than that you never hear about fullbacks making the key block so the RB can score. It's just not exciting.