Logan Football 2008

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Post by bird78 »


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Post by wrestler87 »

I'm jealous of all the teams with the stud QB's who end up beating us. When do we get one of those? Hind sight is 20/20, but I'd have liked to have seen what our #10 could have done behind our line. Oh well, that is history.
I think the line's strength decides the strength of the team. However, they seem to be the ones with the least "press". Can anyone who sees the team practice on a regular basis give us some info? We always hear, "So-N-So had over 1,000 yds." but never "Johnny had six knock downs, three-five yard blow-off-the-balls and only allowed one tackle from his man type of thing. I don't expect that will ever happen, but just how good are the new guys next year going to be?
The Ironton thing was funny for a while, but it really does detract from the intelligent communication I'm used to reading on Logan threads. Perhaps a boycot of replies to I-town posters should be put into place until we play them!
Sounds radical, but then again it's just my 2 cent's worth. GO CHIEFS!!!

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Post by wowhesfast »

Let me assure you Wrestler87 the oline will very good and has very good "stats" last year.

It's hard to gauge how good a line or linemen is by stats like sacks and tackles allowed or pancakes.

A better way to look at it is by what kind of running back a team has and what his success was. What kind of quarterback a team has and his success rating. For a pocket passer like Angle going, multiple games w/o sacks is quite an accomplishment for a whole offense.

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Post by masterchief_2 »

My bad. Div. 4 you guys couldnt even make in it in d5 anyways. Lets stay on topic before it gets locked. 2008 Chiefs are going to have a better year next year than this year. Better o-line better qb. They only question i have are the db's going to be ready come next season. Losing Wright is going to be a huge blow.

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Post by masterchief_2 »

My bad. Div. 4 you guys couldnt even make in it in d5 anyways. Lets stay on topic before it gets locked. 2008 Chiefs are going to have a better year next year than this year. Better o-line better qb. They only question i have are the db's going to be ready come next season? Losing Wright is going to be a huge blow.

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Post by GAHS7462 »

As long as Desales is in Div 2 alot of teams won't get very far.

John 3:16
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R.I.P. BillSauerField
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Post by R.I.P. BillSauerField »

Wrestler87 wrote:I'm jealous of all the teams with the stud QB's who end up beating us. When do we get one of those? Hind sight is 20/20, but I'd have liked to have seen what our #10 could have done behind our line. Oh well, that is history.
I think the line's strength decides the strength of the team. However, they seem to be the ones with the least "press". Can anyone who sees the team practice on a regular basis give us some info? We always hear, "So-N-So had over 1,000 yds." but never "Johnny had six knock downs, three-five yard blow-off-the-balls and only allowed one tackle from his man type of thing. I don't expect that will ever happen, but just how good are the new guys next year going to be?
The Ironton thing was funny for a while, but it really does detract from the intelligent communication I'm used to reading on Logan threads. Perhaps a boycot of replies to I-town posters should be put into place until we play them!
Sounds radical, but then again it's just my 2 cent's worth. GO CHIEFS!!!

You're right, but that's how it's been, and that's how it's going to be. Reading about linemen getting a block is not that exciting to read about or watch on Sports Center, that's why you never read about or what them. Fullbacks often go unnoticed too, unless they carry the ball, but other than that you never hear about fullbacks making the key block so the RB can score. It's just not exciting.

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Post by Katie Krazy »

very few teams will have the speed we will have at db next year- sigler and mays can fly,and both can return punts -kick-offs

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Post by wrestler87 »

On the Logan Football site there is a clip of Logan/I-town where one of our guys lays a hit which sends I-town tackle sliding in the mud for about 7 yds. If pictures like that were printed (mid-flight no doubt) I think that would be awesome.
It is exciting to those who care, just like it excites one to see a runner reverse the field like Mr. Wright did so many times. I like to watch a trap more than a bomb. Maybe exciting to less people no doubt, but still to some. I guess press and conversation are both ruled by the ratings!lol

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Post by LoganD14Life »

r.i.p your right about d.t....and i also missed adams, he should be outside backer.
but your wrong about neff.
Neff is going to be the hardest worker on the team.
If he is not playing basketball, just to lift, Then obviously he has the right football mentality. you think that because he didnt have some monster hit, or bc he wasnt some hardnosed kid , that he cant play fullback? only 1 of our fullbacks last year were hard nosed,and he didnt even start..he is going to be a monster fullback.
you and top shelf dont know how all things work.
if neff wants to be a fullback, he will be.
next year he will be 220 ish running a 4.8 or possibly a 4.7
Neff will be a standout next year.
I know hard work pays off , neffs hard work will show off next year starting in l8 august.
if hoss plays inside backer, he wont start fullback.

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Post by LoganD14Life »

i gotcha back neffew, keep working hard.
you dont wanna end your senior year like we did.
get your mindset on that first game.

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Post by logan78 »

neff is good but he wont start fullback he just isnt a big hit person hes good but just not a fullback. will be very good at tight end next year

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Post by top shelf »

LoganD14Life wrote:r.i.p your right about d.t....and i also missed adams, he should be outside backer.
but your wrong about neff.
Neff is going to be the hardest worker on the team.
If he is not playing basketball, just to lift, Then obviously he has the right football mentality. you think that because he didnt have some monster hit, or bc he wasnt some hardnosed kid , that he cant play fullback? only 1 of our fullbacks last year were hard nosed,and he didnt even start..he is going to be a monster fullback.
you and top shelf dont know how all things work.
if neff wants to be a fullback, he will be.
next year he will be 220 ish running a 4.8 or possibly a 4.7
Neff will be a standout next year.
I know hard work pays off , neffs hard work will show off next year starting in l8 august.
if hoss plays inside backer, he wont start fullback.

yep we hav no clue :roll: ...he should stay at tight end... should he play fullback it will be like our junior year...gompf starting and coaches realize he isnt a fullback...no doubt he works hard...i question a 4.7...but i just dont see him playing fullback....they should stick with hoss who will be the fullback for 2 years...instead of 1...but then again i dont know anything and neither does the person who played fullback last year :shock:

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Post by noreply66 »

I know last years fullback a little and he was no dummie. 8)

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Post by top shelf »

noreply66 wrote:I know last years fullback a little and he was no dummie. 8)

noreply, what do you think about the situation?

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Post by LoganD14Life »

i guess we will have to see.
it looks like top shelf is a football mastermind.

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Post by LoganD14Life »

you dont see him playing fullback.
how many ppl thought michael angle would go undefeated threw league play?
Neffew...see you tomorrow in 8th period by the squat rack.
while top shelf is talking to his girlfriend the whole period on his cellular

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Post by highonthehill »

I know that Neff reads this. I speak to him everyday in the weight room and he will just take this personal and work that much harder!He expects to add 15 to 20 lbs by next football season which woudl be amazing if he can stay as fast as he is now!He will just read this and work that much harder just to say that he did what people thought he couldn't do!We will find out next August if he is meant for the job or not!Not saying he will be able to do it or not, time will tell on the whole situation!I know RIP knows what he is talking about, but you have to have a little faith that he can do it!I'll talk to him tomorrow and see what he has to say about the whole situation!

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Post by noreply66 »

Sounds like Neff is planning for college.

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Post by 86cavs »

So,what is Logan Schedule for the 2008 season?

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