Logan Football 2008

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Post by Logangrad »

Let me explain this to you in a way that I wouldnt have to, to my four year old.
I would much rather get the girl (League Title), get a date to the dance (Playoffs) and get shot down rounding third base; than what happened in your case. Not only did you not find a girl, but you didnt get a date to the dance, and ended up looking in the windows of the dance "envious" of the other couples at the dance. SO then you went home and watched Cinemax and played online Poker by yourself. Logan has gone to the dance and been upstaged by the eventual Prom King twice in 7 years. The number one goal at Logan is to get the girl, then get to the dance. SO until your team can even muster the stones to ask the girl, let me know how the World Series of Poker ends up. :lol:
Last edited by Logangrad on Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by qualified101 »

thats the lg i know. lol :-D :-D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by logan78 »

i think its kind of pathetic that a grown man would come onto here and make fun of a bunch of high school students to me that just seems like someone who never had the stones to go out for the team.
i think that sports junkie needs to get a life and stay off of logan threads and we need to get back to talking about logan football 2008 and not who was better than who back before they had fire and walked to school up hill both ways in 6 feet of snow in july and as whats his face would say

NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by LoganD14Life »


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Post by top shelf »

OHbuckeye1 wrote:
LoganD14Life wrote:Your right, we did get beat first round.
and your right, we do get beat first round a lot.
But it wasnt bc we werent good, or that we are only good in our league.
I think we were a better team, they just wanted it a helluva lot more than we did, and they deserved to win.
But if you want to just talk about our playoff sucess, i wanna talk about how successful you have been against logan in Modern times. and how successful your going to be.....riiiiggghhhttt..you havent been, and you wont be. Logan will own ironton for a few more years, and ironton wont win an outright league championship like logan does year in and year out.
I could say at least we were in the playoffs, but the playoffs are only fun if you win.
But we were league champs, we dominated the league, and we played one of our worst games of the season against ironton, and still beat them 54-14.
If i were you, i would become a logan fan next season. bc they are going to be bigger stronger faster = better than this past years team.
your talk is cheap, bc your team cant back your talk up.
Do you actually think Ironton won't be a better team next season returning 8 starters on Offense and 8 on Defense with several others getting major playing time. You Logan guys kill me, modern times :lol:

better ironton team....absolutely.....beat logan...as junkie would say :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cry: :oops: 8) :razz: :? :? :shock: :twisted: :roll: :idea: :idea: :?: ;-) :roll: :roll: :roll: :twisted: :twisted: :!: :twisted: :razz: :mad: :? :shock: :-D :) :( :o :lol: 8) :? :shock: :? 8) :( :oops: :razz: :cry: ;-) :oops: :twisted: :razz: :oops: :cry: :evil: :?: :!: :idea: :arrow:

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Post by LoganD14Life »

there going to need the all 60`s ironton team to compete with logans sqaud next year.

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Post by LoganD14Life »

or was it the 50`s :?:

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Post by R.I.P. BillSauerField »

D1, I think it was 1950-1960 B.C. before junkie or any of us were even born.

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Post by Landstuhl78 »

But guys they were born/live there. So they are allowed to brag about the past. So they are allowed to say 1 and done even though they really no nothing about football and weren't even at the game that we lost. But its their right to claim they no more than dirt they stand on about football. SOOOO in conclusion. based on past events definitely not present because that doesn't make sense. Ironton football will win everything because ironton was gods own specail little town and they will never lose.

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Post by LoganD14Life »

1950 B.C :shock:
thats when Hammurabi was king of Mesopotamia, and created the law.
Dang..You really do learn things in mr.jones ancient world history class.
but what im wondering is..when i read the chapter.
how come they had all that nonsense about Mesopotamia, and nothing about Ironton wining ancient world history state championships..
....?? :shock:

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Post by LoganD14Life »

my bad my bad..
Wrong chapter..
HAMMURABI wasnt the leader at the time..i was wrong..
now that im reading over it...it says..
COACH LUTZ was the leader in 1950 B.C

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Post by Landstuhl78 »

and if you keep reading you find out that he is jesus' great great great great great great grandpa. So there ironton is the dream team every year. They don't just reload. They reload and blow your head off. Thats ironton football BABY WHOA!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D or at least thats what the fans claim. And they base this off the past which makes the most sense if you really really are(dumb) thinking about it. It just doesn't make sense. You know what I just had an epiphany. From now on Im going to base all my decisions on the past. Thinking logically with the cards your dealt in the present just isn't sensible. I feel ya tigerbait and sports junkie. I got your back.

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Post by LoganD14Life »

That may have been in chapter 1, i didnt get to read that bc i didnt get the class until like the 3rd week of school.
But now i think im going to go back and read about it.

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Post by LoganD14Life »

Oh WOW...
there it is..
chapter 1 section 1.

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Post by LoganD14Life »

i always wondered who the old guy with a hat that had an I on it was on the front of the book.

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Post by sports junkie »

Logan, Div. 2 wanna bees :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 0 for the playoffs as usual :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by ohbuckeye2 »

PurplePeopleEater wrote:junkie,

get a life, seriously, do you have nothing better to do? all you do is get on here and talk about how bad YOU think Logan is, and the only people who relate to you about how bad you think Logan is are other people from Ironton and other places that have "Chieftain Envy" as 2old would say....You are just upset about the fact your team has been beaten, will continue to be beaten by a team that you hate. Just because they are better.
soooo... Once Ironton beats Logan, then you will have a right to get on here and spout off about how Ironton is so good. but untill then you have no room to come on here and call us Wannabees. when you "Wannabeat" Logan.

You can say the same thing about a few Logan posters on here also. Always talking about how bad you think the Tigers are. I don't think we will continue to be beaten :lol: as you say. All that Logan has to do is win the next 10 games against the Tigers and you will tie the series up :shock: I forgot I'm not allowed to talk about the past sorry.......

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Post by Logangrad »

You can say the same thing about a few Logan posters on here also. Always talking about how bad you think the Tigers are. I don't think we will continue to be beaten as you say. All that Logan has to do is win the next 10 games against the Tigers and you will tie the series up I forgot I'm not allowed to talk about the past sorry.......

But see you just proved the point, and "THANK YOU!" No one at Logan cares about tieing up the series. They care about winning the game the year they are playing, in this case 2008 and winning a league title. I am pretty sure Coach Amyx doesnt have as one of the goals for 2008 as:
2. Go 10-0
3. Tie up the series with Ironton

Only the dinosaurs in Ironton care about tieing the series. I hope the Logan-Ironton game becomes a great rivalry. it would be good for the league. But like the Logan-Lancaster game; it isnt much of a rivalry when only one team is winning.

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Post by sports junkie »

grad, It's good you want to win the league, because it's the only thing Logan will ever win. If beating small Div.4 schools excites you, good for you ;-) We all know what happens when you play schools your own size, don't we :shock: :shock:

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Post by Landstuhl78 »

Atta boy tigerbait way to make yourself look like you have some logic.

" You won't beat us for the next five years"

"oh yeah well uhh you umm div two wannabees take that."

"wow never heard that one before. We beat you by forty on a bad night"

'' yeah well uhh so what your uhh div 2 wannabees."

I think I have had a better arguement with some kindergardeners here.

Now we all can just wait for your reply back to this one.

div 2 wannabees logan wannabeess :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

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