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Post by Paladin »


I don't talk smack. I talk reality. My reputation is important to me. So my picks record is high & outstanding, since I came on here years ago. Can't get them all right, but with MOST being right, everyone has my PUBLIC record to go by.

Right now, Gallia is a .500 team at best for next year. No playoffs. Everyone laughed, including you with my PRE-SEASON predictions on Gallia & the SEOAL last year. I was right. Again !!

And I'll do everyone again in pre-season for the record. AGAIN !! 8)

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Post by Army »

gahs4ever wrote:He doesnt rile me up anymore 78. Im just here to set him straight and hold him to his mistyped words.

What's funny is, it seems that all these Logan Poster Chest Beaters have to get on everyone elses threads in the SEOAL and play resident expert.

Good luck Blue Devils in your 2008 season :!:

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Post by 2old »

^^ What is really funny is people worried about spelling. You all get the mesage just lioke your team gets the message on Friday nights.
The message for your teams is get better. Improve, work harder. Don't let Logan beat you year after year.

Posters like most people can not handle the truth.

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Post by sports junkie »

2old, we have got you figured out for sure! Tell us Mighty Logan's playoff record this Century :lol:

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Post by noreply66 »

2old Didn't you know that gahs4ever is the teacher on here----but he should go back and look at his own sometimes--but then he would probably say it was a mis-print or he was going too fast. (Mr. Perfect) :lol: :lol:

EDIT: I corrected your spelling too Mr. Numbers

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Post by 2old »

If I was from Gallia I would want to turn this into the typing forum also. Gallia sure can not play football so maybe all the "BLUE" could take up typing and Beat Logan at something.

I realize you do not get it. But until Ironton accomplishes something this century you have no position to worry about Logans playoff success or lack there of. You see the tem you follow is 11-11 in their last 22 games. Really just not very good.

I know and recognize Ironton accomplishments in the last century. However that gives you no standing this century. Your team is done. Logan continues to rise.

I have the good sense to shut up and move on when a team beats Logan. I don't ride Lancaster because they are a D-1 "picking on Logan" i encourage Logan to get better. I would advise you to learn from me. Because until Ironton improves Logan will continue to POUND Ironton every year.

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Post by sports junkie »

2old, Logan is a Div. 2 nothing in football, there record in the playoffs show that. End of story. Div. 2 wanna bees :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by 2old »

As usuaul you miss the whole point. I encourage this weak league to get better. If I was you guys I would want to improve. Not only to help Logan but to possibly qualify for teh playoffs yourself. I know you can't win the league butr just challenging Logan will be good enough to get you guys in the playoffs. Logan improves your team.Otherwise you would just play a bunch of weak teams in the league also to match yoru normal nonconference schedule.

Gallia has lost to Logan 4 straight years and Logan has defeated Gallia 9 of the last 11 years. i don't need to be bored with that tiny bit of success Gallia has had.

You crack me up. As if ironton was not so full of themselves you come on here and attempt to help them. That team is WORSE than Gallia. They are 11-11 in their last 22 games. I am sure Gallia is better than that in the last 22 games. So you go from supporting one mediocre team to another.

The facts remain that LOGAN OWNS the league, Owns Galla and OWNS Ironton. Check your facts and check the score. Also check hpw many minutes the Logan JV's played comnbined against yoru two mughty teams. It would be almost an entire game.

The other point you do not get. If the league was stronger Logan would be more prepared for the playoffs. When Logan Completely dominates the league and loses it should send a message to the league that the league needs to wake up and improve. Be advised I have warned you to get better. I am not sure where the Logan-Gallia game is next year but i will tell you in advance you can leave at halftime.

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Post by 2old »

Keep laughing. It is good for a poster whose team can not win. I believe you are the same guy who said in the expanded SEOAL no one would go UNDEFEATED. I guess you do not know so much. Logan has gone undefeated in the old SEOAL and undefeated in the new SEOAL. No other team has actually put together back to back good years.

Is Logan getting better or or is the rest of the league getting weaker???

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Post by 2old »

If you corrected my post I view that as a subtle threat. That you have POWER over me. That of course is a MISUSE of power. It is typical of a person of your ablilites to LORD over any type of power. It is typical, so typical.

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Post by Paladin »

What abilities ?? Typical of the Gallia Republican Party. 8)

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Post by noreply66 »

If he's going to change one persons spelling or english he should have to do everyones.Just doing it for one person show favortism unless he is picking on you.

Wonder which one it is?

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Post by 91blue14 »


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Post by Army »

gahs4ever wrote:You're just getting more lame, but at least your posts are more readable now. You only had two errors which I corrected for you. You're welcome.

That's a good one :!: :lol:

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Post by 91blue14 »

hope the blue improve they should be slammin weights :arrow:

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Post by 2old »

GAHS aka the editor,

I wish you would go through the volume of posts we have had with each other. You have called me three names for everyone I have called you. Everytime I paint you into a corner(frequently) you resort to name calling.

I might also add I have never edited any of your posts. Sound like anyone you know. Guilty by admission.

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Post by Army »

2old wrote:GAHS,
Keep laughing. It is good for a poster whose team can not win. I believe you are the same guy who said in the expanded SEOAL no one would go UNDEFEATED. I guess you do not know so much. Logan has gone undefeated in the old SEOAL and undefeated in the new SEOAL. No other team has actually put together back to back good years.

Is Logan getting better or or is the rest of the league getting weaker???


What SEOAL Team beat Logan, even if it was a non-league game :?:

Isn't Chillicothe an SEOAL Team too :?:

Must of forgot about poor old Chillicothe putting a spanking on the Chieftians in 2006 huh :?: :-D :shock: :lol: :cry: :lol: :lol:

And the laughs keep on coming :!: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by TrojanXplosion »

Gallia Academy is going to have a very good competitive football team.

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Post by 91blue14 »

we all hope so :arrow: cant ask for much more :!:

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Post by TrojanXplosion »

I have to say, I don't get up that way very much but back in the summer I was driving through Gallipolis and the town is so nice. Some really nice old houses and there was a park that overlooked the mighty Ohio. It was a really nice park and a great town.

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