2007-2008 SOC 2 predictions

Freshman Team
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Post by falconflyer »

Without seeing any of the teams yet, I can't comment, but I do think the winner will have at least two losses. I also think Minford has the possibility of being real good.

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Can someone please post when some of the other teams in the league open up. Would like to possibly catch some of there season openers. As stated Minford's season open's Sat. 24th. @ Paint Valley.

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Post by falconflyer »

The games that i will be sure to see are the two Minford SW games.

JV Team
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Post by seohiofan »

after seeing the previews i think minford,south webster and oak hill all have a shot: could be interesting

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Post by seohiofan »

i would like to add that from a preview its really hard to tell , but i think the soc2 is full of talented guards this year minford,south webster and oak hill all have some really talented guards i guess thats why i think they all have a shot ,it will come down to who's defense plays best and who's post girls come up with the big rebounds and who gets into foul trouble etc . i didnt post this to offend the guards or players from the other teams i thought other teams had some good ones too ,those are just the ones that stood out to me that night maybe another night one of the other guards off another team will shine so please dont bash me based on an observation from one preview . i was just trying to justify my reasons for thinking those 3 teams will be near the top in no particular order

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Post by falconflyer »

My observation from last year. Minford has a lot more players capable of playing when there is foul trouble.

JV Team
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Post by seohiofan »

yea your probably right but but oak hill had alot of injuries and minford had cayton so who knows ya know

Freshman Team
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Just wondering who was injured when Minford played them, I just don't recall anyone being injured, it was almost spring time when Minford finally played Oaks, and yes Minford had Cayton, and now they don't, you need to let it go, Minford girls are moving on. they have several girls that can handle the point, very well I might add, kara was a shooter, and we need to fill those shoes, I have noticed Minford girls are very un-selfish and that will be there challenge ,is too shoot more, cayton took alot of shots so now Minford will share the ball and spread the scoring out. Trust me, they are up for the challenge.

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Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Kind of hard to get a look at what the Burg had from the previews, since they didn't play.

Does anyone have the Burg's roster for this year and someone mentioned a player that didn't play last year is playing this year. Who is that?

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Post by seohiofan »

THE NEXT LEVEL: since im not from oak hill i couldnt readily answer your question about who was injured so i did a little research and this is a list i have so far : annah ruff torn acl played with it all year but never at 100 percent molly ruff torn acl out allison leonard torn acl out karissa adkins was just recovering from mono that kept her out of the tournament but like i said i have no lyalties to any team just like watching ;i think minford has a good chance of winning the league, only time will tell i think it will be competitve this year

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Post by tigercat1 »

Valley is at Western on Monday, November 19.

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Post by FalconX »

I don't believe anyone's predictions were 100% correct.

The SOC Div II should finish up like this pending the out come on Monday's Webster/Burg matchup.

South Webster/Wheelersburg (13-0, 12-1)
Oak Hill (9-5)
Minford (8-6)
Valley (7-7)
Scioto Northwest/Waverly (3-11)
Portsmouth West (0-14)

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